2025-2026 University of Wyoming Catalog
Department of Chemistry
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403 Physical Sciences Building,
(307) 766-4363
FAX: (307) 766-2807
Web site: www.uwyo.edu/chemistry
Department Head: Brian Leonard
DAVID T. ANDERSON, B.S. George Washington University 1987; Ph.D. Dartmouth College 1993; Professor of Chemistry 2012, 2000.
FRANCO BASILE, B.S. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire 1986; Ph.D. Purdue University 1992; Professor of Chemistry 2018, 2003.
DEBASHIS DUTTA, B.S. Tech Indian Institute of Technology 1998; Ph.D. University of Notre Dame 2003; Professor of Chemistry 2017, 2006.
JOHN O. HOBERG, B.A. Jamestown College 1984; Ph.D. Montana State University 1990; Professor of Chemistry 2020, 2004.
TERESA LEHMANN DELLA VOLPE, B.S. Universidad Central de Venezuela 1987; Ph.D. University of Minnesota 1997; Professor of Chemistry 2021, 2008.
BRIAN M. LEONARD, B.S. University of Nebraska at Kearney 2003; Ph.D. Texas A&M 2008; Professor of Chemistry 2022, 2016, 2010.
JING ZHOU, B.S. Xiamen University 1997; Ph.D. University of South Carolina 2004; Professor of Chemistry 2021, 2007.
Associate Professors:
CALEB M. HILL, B.S. Jacksonville State University 2009; Ph.D. University of Alabama 2014; Assistant Professor of Chemistry 2022, 2016.
ELLIOTT HULLEY, B.S. Ursinus College 2005; Ph.D. Cornell University 2011; Associate Professor of Chemistry 2020, 2014.
Assistant Professors:
XUESONG LI, B.S. China University of Geosciences, Beijing 2008; Ph.D. University of Bordeaux 2016; Ph.D. University of Liege 2016; Assistant Professor of Chemistry 2023.
LAURA RITA DE SOUSA OLIVEIRA, B.S. New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology 2010; Ph.D. University of California, Riverside 2017; Assistant Professor of Chemistry 2020.
TAK SUYAMA, B.S. Oregon State University 2004; PhD University of California, San Diego 2009; Assistant Professor of Chemistry 2024
Research Faculty:
NAVAMONEY ARULSAMY, B.S. Madurai-Kamaraj University, India 1982; M.Sc. 1986; Ph.D. University of Hyderabad, India 1991; Senior Research Scientist 2013, 2005.
ALEXANDER GORONCY, B.S. University of Bremen; Ph.D. University of South Carolina; Research Scientist 2015.
Adjunct Professors:
YURI DAHNOVSKY, Ph.D. Institute of Chemical Physics, Moscow 1983; Adjunct Professor of Chemistry 2001.
KRISTIN DI BONA, B.S. The University of Alabama 2008; Ph.D. The University of Alabama 2014; Adjunct Professor of Chemistry 2022
MAOHONG FAN, Ph.D. Osaka University 2003; Professor in SER and CEAS; Adjunct Professor of Chemistry 2009.
ROBIN D. ROGERS, B.S. The University of Alabama 1978; Ph.D. University of Alabama 1982, Adjunct Professor of Chemistry 2022.
Associate Lecturer:
GINKA S. KUBELKA, M.S. University of Wuerzburg, Germany 2010; Ph.D. University of Wyoming 2015. Associate Lecturer of Chemistry 2022, 2016.
KUI CHEN, B.Sc. Xiamen University 1997; Ph.D. University of South Carolina 2004; Associate Lecturer of Chemistry 2019.
Assistant Lecturers:
INDRAJIT BANDYOPADHYAY, B.S. Scottish Church College, University of Calcutta 2011; M.S. Scottish Church College, University of Calcutta 2013; Ph.D. Arizona State University 2019; Assistant Lecturer of Chemistry 2023, 2019.
Professors Emeritus:
Vernon Archer, Keith T. Carron, Robert Corcoran, Anthony Guzzo, Suzanne Harris, Robert Hurtubise, David Jaeger, E.G. Meyer, Bruce A. Parkinson, Dean M. Roddick, Edward Clennan.
Senior Lecturer Emeritus:
Patricia A. Goodson
Chemistry is one of the fundamental physical sciences dealing with the structure and properties of matter, along with changes that matter undergoes. Chemistry’s scope encompasses all substances, living and non-living. Its study and practice include (1) the theoretical and experimental aspects of chemical bonding and structure using computational, spectroscopic, and diffraction techniques; (2) the laboratory synthesis from simple starting materials of desirable compounds in the inorganic, organic and biological classes; and (3) the total analysis of complex mixtures using modern spectroscopic and electrochemical methods. Since we live in a material world, applications of chemical knowledge influence most areas of human endeavor: scientific, economic, political and social. Many of the advances in the areas of new materials, medicines, biotechnology, food production, new energy sources and semiconductor technology associated with the “computer revolution” are based on chemistry and chemical principles. Some understanding of these chemical principles should be part of every educated person’s knowledge.
Because of the broad scope of this discipline, the Department of Chemistry offers a variety of courses and programs. These programs meet the needs of students planning professional careers in chemistry and those wishing to major in chemistry for other objectives. In particular, chemistry is a traditional pre-professional major for students interested in medicine and dentistry. Specific courses are offered to serve other major areas and as part of University Studies and A&S core requirements.
Students who have taken an AP examination and have received a score of 4 or 5 may receive credit for CHEM 1020 and CHEM 1030 .
Undergraduate Minor
A minor is offered in the Department of Chemistry. Further information may be found at the web site www.uwyo.edu/chemistry.
Graduate Study
The Department of Chemistry offers programs leading to the degrees of master of science and doctor of philosophy chemistry. The master’s degree is offered mainly under Plan A with Plan B reserved for special circumstances.
The department also participates in the preparation of students for the degrees of master of science in natural science and master of science in teaching (M.S.T.), which are designed to improve the competence of those engaged in science teaching.
Program Specific Admission Requirements
In addition to the minimum requirements set forth in this Catalog, the Department of Chemistry requires that a student have taken the following undergraduate courses: one year of general chemistry; one semester/quarter of quantitative analysis; one year of organic chemistry plus laboratory; one year of physical chemistry plus laboratory; one year of physics; and mathematics through multivariable calculus. As appropriate, one or more of these course requirements may be waived at the discretion of the department.
The University of Wyoming Chemistry Department is accredited by the American Chemical Society (ACS).
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