The Trustees of the University of Wyoming
Kermit Brown |
Chairman |
Michelle Sullivan |
Vice Chairman |
Laura Schmid-Pizzato |
Treasurer |
Brad Bonner |
Secretary |
Appointed/Reappointed |
Expires |
2015/2021 |
John McKinley |
Cheyenne |
2027 |
2015/2021 |
Michelle Sullivan |
Sheridan |
2027 |
Jackson |
2027 |
2017/2023 |
Kermit Brown |
Laramie |
2029 |
2017/2023 |
David Fall |
Gillette |
2029 |
2018/2023 |
Rock Springs |
2029 |
2023 |
Jim Mathis |
Wheatland |
2029 |
2019/2025 |
Newcastle |
2031 |
2019/2025 |
Cody |
2031 |
2025 |
Tom Walters |
Casper |
2031 |
2025 |
Paul Ulrich |
Pinedale |
2031 |
2025 |
Mike Greear |
Worland |
2031 |
Ex Officio Members
Mark Gordon |
Governor of Wyoming |
Edward Seidel |
President of the University of Wyoming |
Kameron Murfitt |
President of the Associated Students of the University of Wyoming |
Megan Degenfelder |
State Superintendent of Public Instruction |
Ben Moritz |
Executive Director, Wyoming Community College Commissio |
President’s Cabinet
Ed Seidel |
President |
Scott J. Turpen |
Interim Provost |
Mike Smith |
Vice President for Governmental Affairs and Community Enagement |
Bill Mai |
Vice President, Campus Operations |
Alexander Kean |
Vice President, Budget and Finance |
Jen Chavez |
Interim Vice President and Chief Information Officer |
John Stark |
Vice President for Institutional Advancement and President/CEO, UW Foundation |
Parag Chitnis |
Vice President/Professor, Research and Economic Development |
Nycole Courtney |
Interim Vice President for Student Affairs |
Tom Burman |
Athletic Director |
Tara Evans |
Vice President & General Counsel |
Chad Baldwin |
Associate Vice President, Communications adn Marketing |
Bob Link |
Associate Vice President of Human Resources |
Kyle Moore |
Vice Provost, Enrollment Management |
Adam Comeau |
Staff Senate President |
Tara Evans |
Vice President and General Counsel |
Ray Fertig |
Chair of Faculty Senate |
Kelsey Kyne |
Chief of Staff to the President |
RoseMarie London |
Executive Director and Deputy Secretary UW Board of Trustees |
Academic Officers
Michelle Hilaire |
Vice Provost of Undergraduate Education, Academic Affairs |
David Bagley |
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, Academic Affairs |
Jim Ahern |
Vice Provost of Graduate Education, Academic Affairs |
Kyle Moore |
Vice Provost of Enrollment Management, Academic Affairs |
Isadora Helfgott |
Vice Provost for Global Engagement, Academic Affairs |
Sean Blackburn |
AVP and Dean of Students |
Matt Griswold |
Vice Provost of Online and Continuing Education, Academic Affairs |
Brandon McElroy |
Vice Provost of Access and Engagement, Academic Affairs |
Administrative Officers:
Josh Holland |
Chief, Campus Police |
Shelley Dodd |
Director, Admissions |
Richard Miller |
Director, Academic, Career, Exploratory Services |
April Heaney |
Director, LeaRN Programs |
Lane Buchanan |
University Registrar, Office of the Registrar |
Pilar Flores |
Director, Student Educational Opportunity |
Anna Terfehr |
Director, Scholarships and Financial Aid |
Wendi Vanlandingham |
Director, Transfer Relations |
Pat Moran |
Director, Campus Recreation |
Eric Webb |
Associate Vice President of Business Enterprises |
Megan Belville |
Director, University Counseling Center |
College/School Officers
Kelly Crane |
Dean, College of Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Natural Resources |
Scott Seville |
Senior Associate Dean |
Christine Wade |
Associate Dean and Director, Academic and Student Programs |
Mandy Marney |
Associate Dean and Director, UW Extension |
Eric Webster |
Associate Dean, Agricultural Experiment Station |
Benjamin Rashford |
Head, Agricultural and Applied Economics |
Bledar Bisha |
Head, Animal Science |
Jill Keith |
Head, Family and Consumer Sciences |
Mark Gomelsky |
Director, Microbiology Program |
Andrew Kniss |
Head, Plant Sciences |
Tim Collier |
Head, Ecosystem Science and Management |
Jonathan Fox |
Head, Veterinary Sciences |
Alexandra Brower |
Director, Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory |
Jonathan Prather |
Director, Life Sciences |
Amy Navratil |
Head, Zoology and Physiology |
Brent Ewers |
Head, Botany |
Randall Violett |
Associate Director, Ranch Management and Agricultural Leadership |
Dan Wall |
Chair, Molecular Biology |
J. Scott Turpen |
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences |
Carolyn Pepper |
Associate Dean |
Susan Aronstein |
Associate Dean |
Adrienne Freng |
Interim Dean/Professor |
Eric Wodahl |
Associate Dean |
Melissa Murphy |
Head, Anthropology |
Doug Russell |
Head, Visual Art |
Justin Stewart |
Head, Communication and Journalism |
Molly McCully Brown |
Director, Creative Writing Program |
Jamie Snyder |
Head, Criminal Justice and Sociology |
Stephen Dillion |
Director, School of Culture, Gender, and Social Justice |
Kelly Kinney |
Head, English |
Jeffrey Means |
Head, History |
Joy Landeira |
Head, Modern and Classical Languages |
Ben Markley |
Head, Music |
Robert Colter |
Head, Philosophy and Religious Studies |
Stephanie Anderson |
Department Head/Professor, School of Politics, Public Affairs, and International Studies |
Sean McCrea |
Head, Psychology |
Christie Zimmerman |
Head, Theatre and Dance |
Scott Beaulier |
Dean, College of Business |
Ronn Smith |
Senior Associate Dean |
Ben Cook |
Senior Assistant Dean |
Anne Alexander |
Assistant Dean |
Mitchell Oler |
Chair, Accounting and Finance |
Alexandre Skiba |
Chair, Economics |
Todd Cherry |
Director, Economics Graduate Programs |
Todd Cherry |
Director, Economics Graduate Programs |
Ben Cook |
Director, MBA Program |
Linda Price |
Director, Marketing Ph.D. Program |
Jenna M. Shim |
John P. “Jack” Ellbogen Dean, College of Education |
Peter William Moran |
Associate Dean, Graduate Programs |
Alan R. Buss |
Assistant Dean for Assessment, Data, and Accreditation |
Mark Perkins |
Assistant Dean for Student Success |
Christi Thompson |
Director, School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy & Design |
Courtney Ann McKim |
Director, School of Teacher Education |
Scott A. Cahmberlin |
Assistant Dean for Assessment, Data, and Accreditation |
Colby Gull |
Director, Wyoming School/ University Partnership |
Brooke Fergon |
Principal, UW Lab School |
Cameron Wright |
Dean, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences |
David Bagley |
Associate Dean |
Daniel Dale |
Associate Dean |
David Mukai |
Associate Dean |
Saman Aryana |
Head, Chemical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering |
Brian Leonard |
Head, Chemistry |
Anthony Denzer |
Head, Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management |
Bryan Shader |
Head, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
Vamegh Rasouli |
Head, Energy and Petroleum Engineering |
Mark Clementz |
Head Geology and Geophysics |
Jason Williford |
Head, Mathematics and Statistics |
Ray Fertig |
Head, Mechanical Engineerings |
Jinke Tang |
Head, Physics and Astron |
Patrick Hardigan |
Dean, College of Health Sciences |
Sherrill J. Smith |
Dean, Fay W. Whitney School of Nursing |
Kem Krueger |
Dean, School of Pharmacy |
Mark Guiberson |
Director, Division of Communication Disorders |
Qin “Arthur Zhu |
Director, Division of Kinesiology and Health |
Valerie Thompson-Ebanks |
Director, Division of Social Work |
Todd Guth |
Director, WWAMI Medical Education |
Brian Veauthier |
Director, UW Family Medicine Residency Program at Casper |
Evan Norby |
Director, UW Family Medicine Residency Program at Cheyenne |
Michelle Jarman |
Executive Director, Wyoming Institute for Disabilities (WIND) |
Craig Vaske |
Manager, Health Sciences Advising |
Peter Parolin |
Dean, Honors College |
Breezy Taggart |
Associate Dean |
Julie Hill |
Dean, College of Law |
Alan Romero |
Associate Dean |
Brent L Pickett |
Dean/Professor, UW-Casper |
Jim Ahern |
Dean/Vice Provost, School of Graduate Education |
Cassandra Kvenild |
Dean, University Libraries |
John Koprowski |
Dean/Wyo Excellence Chair, Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources |
Vacant |
Assoc Dean/Spicer Wyo Excellence Chair |
Other Academic Officers
Sreejayan Nair |
Director, Biomedical Sciences |
Melanie Murphy |
Director, Program in Ecology and Evolution |
Andrew Parsekian |
Director, Hydrologic Sciences |
Daniel Levy |
Director, Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences |
Kara Pratt |
Director, Neuroscience |
Holly Krutka |
Executive Director, School of Energy Resources |
Lt Col John D. Sieps, Commander |
Head, U.S. Air Force ROTC |
LTC Paul W. Hanson, Commander |
Head, U.S. Army ROTC |
Janel Seeley |
Director, John P. Ellbogen Center for Teaching and Learning |
Paul Flesher |
Director/Professor, American Heritage Center |
Margaret (Beth) McMillan |
Director, Research Scientist, Sr, Wyoming Geographic Information Science Center |
For a complete list of all faculty and staff and their contact information, please see the UW Campus Directory or the UW Web site at