Aadland, David |
Economics |
Professor |
Abass, Hazim |
Energy & Petroleum Engineering |
Professor of Practice |
Adelt, Ulrich |
Culture Gender & Social Justice |
Professor |
Adidharma, Hertanto |
Chemical & Biomedical Engineering |
Professor |
Ahern, James |
School of Graduate Education Deans/VPs Office |
Vice Provost/Dean/Professor, Graduate Education |
Aiken, Nevin |
Politics Public Affairs & International Studies |
Assoc Professor |
Albers, Heidi |
Economics |
Professor/Wyo Excellence Chair |
Alexander, Anne |
College of Business Deans Office |
Asst Dean/Lecturer, Sr ETT |
Alexander, Brenda |
Animal Science |
Professor |
Alexander, Klinton |
College of Law |
Professor |
Alexander, Melissa |
College of Law |
Professor |
Alexandrova, Ekaterina |
Modern & Classical Languages |
Assoc Professor |
Alvarado, Vladimir |
Chemical & Biomedical Engineering |
Professor |
Anderson, Carolyn |
English |
Assoc Professor |
Anderson, David |
Chemistry |
Professor |
Anderson, Stephanie |
Politics Public Affairs & International Studies |
Department Head/Professor |
Anton, David |
Mathematics & Statistics |
Lecturer,Sr |
Aragon, Cecelia |
Theatre & Dance |
Professor |
Armajo, Amber |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Armstrong, Melanie |
Haub School of Environment & Natural Resources |
Assoc Professor |
Aryana, Saman |
Chemical & Biomedical Engineering |
Department Head/Professor |
Auer, Melanie |
School of Nursing |
Lecturer,Asst |
Baldwin, Nikki |
School of Teacher Education |
Lecturer,Sr |
Bandyopadhyay, Indrajit |
Chemistry |
Lecturer,Asst |
Bangoura, Berit |
Veterinary Science |
Assoc Professor |
Banic, Amy |
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science |
Assoc Professor |
Banks, Jason |
Theatre & Dance |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Barker, Michael |
Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management |
Professor |
Barrans, Richard |
Physics & Astronomy |
Lecturer,Asst |
Basile, Francisco |
Chemistry |
Professor |
Bastian, Chris |
Agriculture & Applied Economics |
Professor |
Beach, Megan |
School of Nursing |
Lecturer,Asst |
Beaulier, Scott |
College of Business Deans Office |
Dean/Professor |
Beck, Jeffrey |
Ecosystem Science & Management |
Professor |
Beiermann, Clint |
Plant Sciences |
Asst Professor |
Bell, Jennifer |
Ecosystem Science & Management |
Asst Professor |
Ben-David, Merav |
Zoology & Physiology |
Professor |
Benham-Deal, Tami |
Provosts Office |
Senior Vice Provost/Professor |
Bennett, Drew |
Haub School of Environment & Natural Resources |
Professor of Practice |
Berg, Christina |
School of Pharmacy |
Clinical Asst Professor |
Bergstraesser, Paul |
English |
Lecturer,Sr ETT |
Bevilacqua, Tiera |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Bhattarai, Surendra |
Plant Sciences |
Asst Professor |
Bialostok, Steven |
School of Teacher Education |
Professor |
Billington, Corey |
Management & Marketing |
Professor of Practice |
Bingham, Beau |
Communication & Journalism |
Lecturer,Sr |
Bird, Michele |
Mathematics & Statistics |
Lecturer,Asst |
Bisha, Bledar |
Animal Science |
Department Head/Assoc Prof |
Bjorkenwall, Ruth |
Politics Public Affairs & International Studies |
Lecturer,Assoc ETT |
Blackler, Adam |
History |
Assoc Professor |
Blakely, Michelle |
School of Pharmacy |
Assoc Professor |
Bliss, Joshua |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Bobinmyer Hornecker, Jaime |
School of Pharmacy |
Clinical Professor |
Bock, Jarrod |
Psychology |
Lecturer,Asst |
Bogard, Theresa |
Music |
Professor |
Boggs, Shirley |
School of Nursing |
Lecturer,Asst |
Bonnet, Larissa |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Boothby, Thomas |
Molecular Biology |
Assoc Professor |
Bourque, Margaret |
Haub School of Environment & Natural Resources |
Lecturer,Sr |
Bower, Lani |
Veterinary Science |
Clinical Asst Professor |
Bowman, Grant |
Molecular Biology |
Assoc Professor |
Brackman, Dixie |
School of Teacher Education |
Lecturer,Asst |
Brant, Jonathan |
Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management |
Professor |
Bridgeman, Jacquelyn |
College of Law |
Professor |
Brock, Cynthia |
School of Teacher Education |
Professor/Wyo Excellence Chair |
Brock, Kelsey |
Plant Sciences |
Asst Professor |
Brotherton, Michael |
Physics & Astronomy |
Professor |
Brown, Aaron |
School of Pharmacy |
Clinical Asst Professor |
Brown, Antoinette |
School of Pharmacy |
Lecturer,Sr |
Brown, Emily |
Academic & Student Programs |
Lecturer,Asst |
Browne, Jennifer |
School of Nursing |
Lecturer,Asst |
Bruns, Danielle |
Kinesiology & Health |
Assoc Professor |
Brushwood, David |
School of Pharmacy |
Lecturer |
Buchholz, Stacy |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Sr |
Bukovsky, Melissa |
Haub School of Environment & Natural Resources |
Assoc Professor |
Bushman, Jared |
School of Pharmacy |
Assoc Professor |
Calkins, Kaijsa |
Libraries Education & Research Services |
Asst Dean/Librarian, Assoc |
Carling, Matthew |
Zoology & Physiology |
Assoc Professor |
Carlisle, Ashley |
Visual Arts |
Professor |
Carlson, Courtney |
Haub School of Environment & Natural Resources |
Lecturer,Asst |
Carrico, Catherine |
Psychology |
Clinical Associate Professor |
Carron, Rebecca |
School of Nursing |
Assoc Professor |
Cawley, Robert |
Politics Public Affairs & International Studies |
Professor |
Cesarz, Patrick |
Mathematics & Statistics |
Lecturer,Asst |
Chalcraft, Jenna |
Family & Consumer Sciences |
Lecturer,Asst |
Chamberlin, Michelle |
Mathematics & Statistics |
Assoc Professor |
Chapman, Billie |
Social Work |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Chavez, Jennifer |
Enterprise Infrastructure |
Interim Vice President/CIO |
Cheadle, Michael |
Geology & Geophysics |
Professor |
Checa-Garcia, Irene |
Modern & Classical Languages |
Assoc Professor |
Chen, Ji-Jhong |
Plant Sciences |
Asst Professor |
Chen, Kui |
Chemistry |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Chen, Po |
Geology & Geophysics |
Assoc Professor |
Chen, Yi-Ling |
Politics Public Affairs & International Studies |
Assoc Professor |
Cherrington, Brian |
Zoology & Physiology |
Assoc Professor |
Cherry, Todd |
Economics |
Professor |
Chichester, Kellie |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Chien, TeYu |
Physics & Astronomy |
Professor |
Chitnis, Parag |
VP for Research & Economic Development Office |
Vice President/Professor, Research & Economic Development |
Choi, Nicole |
Accounting & Finance |
Assoc Professor |
Christianson, David |
Ecosystem Science & Management |
Assoc Professor |
Clapp, Joshua |
Psychology |
Assoc Professor |
Clapp, Tara |
Psychology |
Lecturer,Sr |
Clark, Heidi |
Communication Disorders |
Clinical Asst Professor |
Clements, Nathan |
Mathematics & Statistics |
Lecturer,Sr |
Clementz, Mark |
Geology & Geophysics |
Department Head/Professor |
Coddington, Kipp |
College of Law |
Professor of Practice |
Collier, Timothy |
Ecosystem Science & Management |
Department Head/Assoc Prof |
Collins, Sarah |
Zoology & Physiology |
Assoc Professor |
Colter, Robert |
Philosophy & Religious Studies |
Dept Head/Lecturer, Sr |
Considine, Timothy |
Economics |
Professor |
Cook, Melissa |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Couch, Julianne |
English |
Lecturer,Asst |
Coupal, Roger |
Agriculture & Applied Economics |
Professor |
Cousins, Jody |
Family Medicine Residency Programs Cheyenne |
Clinical Asst Professor |
Cover, Danielle |
College of Law |
Professor |
Covin, Jeffrey |
Management & Marketing |
Professor/Wyo Excellence Chair |
Crait, Jamie |
Botany |
Instructional Professor,Asst |
Crane, Kelly |
College of Agriculture, Life Sciences & Natural Resources Deans Office |
Dean/Extension Educator, Sr |
Crane, Nicholas |
Politics Public Affairs & International Studies |
Assoc Professor |
Cruz, Charlie |
School of Pharmacy |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Currano, Ellen |
Botany |
Professor |
Cutts, Bethany |
Social Work |
Lecturer,Asst |
Da Costa Santos, Hugo |
UW Casper |
Lecturer,Asst |
Dahnovsky, Yuri |
Physics & Astronomy |
Professor |
Daniels, Juliet |
UW Extension |
Ext Educator,Sr ETT |
De Lozier, Laura |
Modern & Classical Languages |
Lecturer,Sr |
De Young, Kyle |
Psychology |
Professor |
DeDiego, Amanda |
Counseling Leadership Advocacy & Design |
Assoc Professor |
Decker, Bridget |
Molecular Biology |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Dejam, Morteza |
Energy & Petroleum Engineering |
Assoc Professor |
Delaney, James |
College of Law |
Professor |
Denzer, Anthony |
Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management |
Department Head/Professor |
Des Armier, David |
Counseling Leadership Advocacy & Design |
Lecturer,Asst |
Dillon, Michael |
Zoology & Physiology |
Professor |
Domenech, Concepcio |
Modern & Classical Languages |
Professor |
Dougherty, Amanda |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Douglas, Craig |
Mathematics & Statistics |
Professor |
Doxtater, Jed |
School of Pharmacy |
Assoc Clinical Professor/Program Dir |
Doyle, Kellynne |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Drummond, Kent |
English |
Professor |
Duan, Dongliang |
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science |
Assoc Professor |
Dunning, Kelly |
Haub School of Environment & Natural Resources |
Assoc Professor |
Dutta, Debashis |
Chemistry |
Professor |
Dziedzic, Charli |
School of Teacher Education |
Lecturer,Asst |
Eckersley, Tracy |
Visual Arts |
Lecturer,Asst |
Edson, Michael |
English |
Assoc Professor |
Edwards, Jeffrey |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Sr |
Eggert, James |
Family Medicine Residency Programs Cheyenne |
Clinical Asst Professor |
Eisenmann, Nancy |
School of Nursing |
Clinical Asst Professor |
Eldridge, Landon |
Animal Science |
Lecturer,Asst |
Erikson, Robert |
Engineering & Physical Sciences Deans Office |
Lecturer,Sr ETT |
Erlandson, Erik |
Music |
Lecturer,Asst |
Escalante, Chelsea |
Modern & Classical Languages |
Assoc Professor |
Etzkorn, Timothy |
LeaRN Programs |
Lecturer,Asst |
Ewers, Brent |
Botany |
Department Head/Director/Professor |
Fadial, John |
Music |
Professor |
Fall, Tyler |
Philosophy & Religious Studies |
Lecturer,Sr |
Fan, Maohong |
Chemical & Biomedical Engineering |
Professor |
Faulkner, Jennifer |
Agriculture & Applied Economics |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Favazzo, Cady |
LeaRN Programs |
Lecturer,Asst |
Fay, David |
Molecular Biology |
Professor |
Feldman, Stephen |
College of Law |
Professor |
Ferre-Pikal, Eva |
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science |
Assoc Professor |
Fertig, Ray |
Mechanical Engineering |
Department Head/Professor |
Festa, Mackenzie |
Accounting & Finance |
Assoc Professor |
Fetsco, Daniel |
Criminal Justice & Sociology |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Fine, Peter |
Visual Arts |
Assoc Professor |
Finnoff, David |
Economics |
Professor/Wyo Excellence Chair |
Flagg, Will |
Music |
Lecturer,Asst |
Fleenor, Sara |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Assoc |
Forzan, Maria |
Veterinary Science |
Assoc Professor |
Fowler, Jerry |
College of Law |
Assoc Professor |
Fox, Jonathan |
Veterinary Science |
Department Head/Professor |
French, Jeffrey |
Atmospheric Science |
Department Head/Assoc Prof |
Freng, Adrienne |
College of Arts & Sciences Deans Office |
Interim Dean/Professor |
Freng, Scott |
Psychology |
Lecturer,Sr ETT |
Frome, Casey |
Management & Marketing |
Lecturer,Asst |
Fry, Kimberly |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Furniss, Tucker |
Ecosystem Science & Management |
Asst Professor |
Furtado, Frederico |
Mathematics & Statistics |
Assoc Professor |
Gaechter, Lacey |
Kinesiology & Health |
Lecturer,Asst |
Gamboa, Ruben |
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science |
Professor |
Garcia, Teresa |
Communication Disorders |
Clinical Professor |
Garner, Andrew |
Politics Public Affairs & International Studies |
Professor |
Garrison, Jean |
Politics Public Affairs & International Studies |
Professor |
Gasvoda, Gretchen |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Gatlin, Jesse |
Molecular Biology |
Professor |
Geerts, Bart |
Atmospheric Science |
Professor |
Gellis, Brandon |
Visual Arts |
Assoc Professor |
Geringer, Jennifer |
School of Teacher Education |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Germain, Sara |
Botany |
Asst Professor |
Gernant, Allison |
LeaRN Programs |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Getz, Makayla |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Ghezzi, Sara |
Haub School of Environment & Natural Resources |
Assistant Professor of Practice |
Gigley, Jason |
Molecular Biology |
Professor |
Gilis, Jeffrey |
Family & Consumer Sciences |
Lecturer,Asst |
Gilman-Kehrer, Esther |
School of Nursing |
Clinical Associate Professor |
Ginting, Victor |
Mathematics & Statistics |
Professor |
Girones Llop, Enrique |
MBA & Professional Graduate Programs |
Assistant Professor of Practice |
Godby, Robert |
Economics |
Assoc Professor |
Goheen, Jacob |
Zoology & Physiology |
Professor |
Goheen-Smith, Sandra |
Kinesiology & Health |
Lecturer,Asst |
Gomelsky, Mark |
Molecular Biology |
Professor |
Goodwin, Phillip |
English |
Lecturer,Asst |
Gorton, Karen |
School of Nursing |
Assoc Dean/Assoc Professor |
Goual, Lamia |
Energy & Petroleum Engineering |
Professor |
Graf, Kristin |
Family Medicine Residency Programs Cheyenne |
Clinical Asst Professor |
Grana, Dario |
Geology & Geophysics |
Professor |
Grau, Constance |
Family Medicine Residency Programs Casper |
Clinical Asst Professor |
Gray, Matthew |
Psychology |
Professor |
Gregory, Paul |
Criminal Justice & Sociology |
Lecturer,Asst |
Griffith, Michael |
Music |
Professor |
Grogan, Kelly |
Agriculture & Applied Economics |
Assoc Professor |
Gunderson, James |
Accounting & Finance |
Lecturer,Asst |
Gustafson, Kimberly |
School of Teacher Education |
Lecturer,Sr ETT |
Hagy, Alyson |
English |
Professor |
Hammontree, Ian |
Chemical & Biomedical Engineering |
Lecturer,Asst |
Hansen, Kristiana |
Agriculture & Applied Economics |
Assoc Professor |
Haque, Md Ahsanul |
Mathematics & Statistics |
Lecturer,Asst |
Hardigan, Patrick |
Provosts Office |
Dean |
Harmon, Jennifer |
Family & Consumer Sciences |
Assoc Professor |
Harris, Donna |
Plant Sciences |
Asst Professor |
Hart, Ann |
School of Nursing |
Professor |
Hartsky, Esther |
Communication Disorders |
Lecturer,Asst |
Hartung, Cynthia |
Psychology |
Professor |
Haver, Emily |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Hayman, Vicki |
UW Extension |
Ext Educator,Sr ETT |
He, Guanglong |
School of Pharmacy |
Assoc Professor |
Heessel, Adam |
Family Medicine Residency Programs Casper |
Clinical Asst Professor |
Heim, John |
Counseling Leadership Advocacy & Design |
Lecturer,Asst |
Heinz, Petra |
VP of Global Engagement |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Heinz, Stefan |
Mathematics & Statistics |
Professor |
Helfgott, Isadora |
VP of Global Engagement |
Vice Provost/Assoc Professor, Global Engagement |
Henderson, Leticia |
Agriculture & Applied Economics |
Lecturer,Asst |
Henkel, Scott |
English |
Assoc Professor/Wyo Excellence Chair |
Herdt, Jascha |
Culture Gender & Social Justice |
Lecturer,Asst |
Hester, Beth |
Theatre & Dance |
Lecturer,Asst |
Hewlett, Jedidiah |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Hewlett, John |
Agriculture & Applied Economics |
Extension Educator,Sr |
Hickman, Barbara |
Counseling Leadership Advocacy & Design |
Assoc Professor |
Hilaire, Michelle |
Provosts Office |
Vice Provost/Clinical Professor |
Hill, Caleb |
Chemistry |
Assoc Professor |
Hill, Julie |
College of Law Deans Office |
Dean/Professor |
Hill, Robert |
School of Teacher Education |
Professor of Practice |
Hime, Christine |
Academic & Student Programs |
Assoc Dean/Assoc Professor |
Hitchcock, John |
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science |
Professor |
Hix, Harvey |
Philosophy & Religious Studies |
Professor |
Hoberg, John |
Chemistry |
Professor |
Hochard, Jacob |
Haub School of Environment & Natural Resources |
Assoc Professor |
Hoffman, Donna |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Holbrook, Joseph |
Haub School of Environment & Natural Resources |
Assoc Professor |
Houseal, Anne |
School of Teacher Education |
Professor |
Hovhannisyan, Vardges |
Agriculture & Applied Economics |
Assoc Professor |
Hsu, Chia-Fang |
Communication & Journalism |
Professor |
Hufford, Kristina |
Ecosystem Science & Management |
Assoc Professor |
Hulley, Elliott |
Chemistry |
Assoc Professor |
Hutson, Shelby |
LeaRN Programs |
Lecturer,Asst |
Ingwerson-Niemann, Jennifer |
Animal Science |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Irick, Erin |
Family & Consumer Sciences |
Assoc Professor |
Irisarri, Gonzalo |
Ecosystem Science & Management |
Asst Professor |
Jabbour, Randa |
Plant Sciences |
Assoc Professor |
Jackson, Darrell |
College of Law |
Professor |
Jacobs, Gideon |
Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management |
Professor |
Jacobsen, Joddee |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Jain, Dhawal |
Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management |
Lecturer,Asst |
James, Alexander |
Economics |
Assoc Professor |
Janus, Thorsten |
Economics |
Assoc Professor |
Jenks, Maria |
Management & Marketing |
Lecturer,Asst |
John, Barbara |
Geology & Geophysics |
Professor |
Johnson, Catherine |
LeaRN Programs |
Lecturer,Asst |
Johnson, Evan |
Kinesiology & Health |
Assoc Professor |
Johnson, Samara |
Visual Arts |
Lecturer,Asst |
Jones Ritten, Chian |
Agriculture & Applied Economics |
Assoc Professor |
Julian, McKenna |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Kambutu, John |
School of Teacher Education |
Professor |
Kaszuba, John |
Geology & Geophysics |
Professor |
Katzmann, Jason |
UW Casper |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Keely, Jeffrey |
Engineering & Physical Sciences Deans Office |
Lecturer,Asst |
Keith, Jill |
Family & Consumer Sciences |
Department Head/Assoc Prof |
Kelleners, Thijs |
Ecosystem Science & Management |
Professor |
Keller, Mary |
Philosophy & Religious Studies |
Lecturer,Sr |
Kelley, Windy |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Kelly, Alexandra |
History |
Assoc Professor |
Kern, Ben |
Kinesiology & Health |
Assoc Professor |
Kihn, Paula |
School of Nursing |
Lecturer,Assoc |
King, Francesca |
LeaRN Programs |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Kinney, Kelly |
English |
Department Head/Assoc Prof |
Kirsch Russell, Caroline |
Family Medicine Residency Programs Casper |
Clinical Associate Professor |
Kitchen, Richard |
School of Teacher Education |
Professor/Wyo Excellence Chair |
Kjorstad, Tyler |
Economics |
Lecturer,Asst |
Klages, Ricki |
Visual Arts |
Professor |
Klauk, Erin |
Science Institute |
Lecturer,Asst |
Knapp, Corrine |
Haub School of Environment & Natural Resources |
Assoc Professor |
Knievel, Michael |
English |
Assoc Professor |
Kniss, Andrew |
Plant Sciences |
Department Head/Professor |
Knox, Christina |
Mathematics & Statistics |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Koprowski, John |
Haub School of Environment & Natural Resources |
Professor/Dean/Wyo Excellence Chair |
Kost, Brenda |
Social Work |
Lecturer,Asst |
Kotthoff, Lars |
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science |
Assoc Professor |
Krause, Jennifer |
Counseling Leadership Advocacy & Design |
Lecturer,Asst |
Kreiser, Jennifer |
Accounting & Finance |
Lecturer,Sr |
Kreiser, Patrick |
Management & Marketing |
Professor |
Krieger, Samantha |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator, Senior/4-H Program Leader |
Krist, Amy |
Zoology & Physiology |
Assoc Professor |
Krszjzaniek, Eric |
Management & Marketing |
Lecturer,Asst |
Krueger, Breanna |
Communication Disorders |
Assoc Professor |
Krueger, Janelle |
School of Pharmacy |
Clinical Associate Professor |
Krueger, Kem |
School of Pharmacy |
Dean/Assoc Professor |
Ksaibati, Khaled |
Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management |
Professor |
Kubelka, Ginka |
Chemistry |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Kuznetsova, Maria |
Psychology |
Lecturer,Sr |
LaRose, Jacqueline |
Veterinary Science |
Clinical Asst Professor |
Laegreid, Renee |
History |
Professor |
Lair, Ashley |
School of Nursing |
Lecturer,Asst |
Lake, Scott |
Animal Science |
Professor |
Landeira, Joy |
Modern & Classical Languages |
Department Head/Professor |
Langer, Pamela |
Molecular Biology |
Assoc Professor |
Langevin, Jennifer |
School of Nursing |
Lecturer,Asst |
Laughlin, Daniel |
Botany |
Professor |
Layer, Jacob |
Kinesiology & Health |
Lecturer,Asst |
Leach, Mark |
Management & Marketing |
Professor/Mendicino Chair |
Lear, Janet |
School of Teacher Education |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Lee, Jihyun |
Counseling Leadership Advocacy & Design |
Assoc Professor |
Lee, Long |
Mathematics & Statistics |
Professor |
Lee, Sarah |
Family & Consumer Sciences |
Lecturer,Asst |
Lehmann, Teresa |
Chemistry |
Professor |
Leonard, Brian |
Chemistry |
Department Head/Professor |
Leonard, Bryan |
Haub School of Environment & Natural Resources |
Assoc Professor |
Leotti, Sandra |
Social Work |
Assoc Professor |
Levy, Daniel |
Molecular Biology |
Professor |
Li, Li |
Communication & Journalism |
Assoc Professor |
Li, Shanshan |
Wyoming Geographic Information Science Center |
Lecturer,Asst |
Li, Yun |
Zoology & Physiology |
Assoc Professor |
Li-Oakey, Katie |
Chemical & Biomedical Engineering |
Professor |
Lindstrom, Grant |
Management & Marketing |
Assoc Professor |
Linn, Becky |
School of Pharmacy |
Clinical Assoc Prof/Pharm Prac |
Litynski, Brenna |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Liu, Rongsong |
Mathematics & Statistics |
Professor |
Livingston, Greg |
Management & Marketing |
Lecturer,Asst |
Lockhart, Landee |
Theatre & Dance |
Lecturer,Asst |
Lockwood, Jeffrey |
Philosophy & Religious Studies |
Professor |
Looby, Alison |
Psychology |
Professor |
Lopez, Robyn |
Culture Gender & Social Justice |
Lecturer,Asst |
Ludden, Paul |
Animal Science |
Assoc Professor |
Lunzer, Peyton |
LeaRN Programs |
Lecturer,Asst |
Lyford, Mark |
Botany |
Lecturer,Sr |
Lynch, Liana Boggs |
Botany |
Instructional Professor,Asst |
Macy, Marisa |
School of Teacher Education |
Professor |
Macy, Shelley |
Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management |
Lecturer,Asst |
Mahapatra, Neely |
Social Work |
Assoc Professor |
Mahvan, Tracy |
School of Pharmacy |
Assoc Professor |
Mallick, Subhashis |
Geology & Geophysics |
Professor |
Malm, Ronald |
Family Medicine Residency Programs Cheyenne |
Clinical Associate Professor |
Markley, Benjamin |
Music |
Department Head/Professor |
Marks, Clifford |
English |
Assoc Professor |
Markus, James |
Libraries Resource Discovery & Management |
Asst Dean/Librarian, Assoc |
Marney, Amanda |
UW Extension |
Assoc Dean/Director/Ext. Educator, Senior |
Marshall, Chance |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Sr |
Martin, Mary |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Sr |
Mason, Charles |
Economics |
Professor |
Maurer, William |
Family Medicine Residency Programs Casper |
Clinical Asst Professor |
McAllister, Tyrrell |
Mathematics & Statistics |
Assoc Professor |
McBride, Rosemary |
School of Teacher Education |
Lecturer,Asst |
McCracken-Flesher, Caroline |
English |
Professor/Director, Center for Global Studies |
McCrea, Sean |
Psychology |
Department Head/Professor |
McCulley, Zachary |
Theatre & Dance |
Lecturer,Asst |
McElroy, Brandon |
Geology & Geophysics |
Vice Provost/Professor, Access & Engagement |
McElwain, Alyssa |
Family & Consumer Sciences |
Assoc Professor |
McGee, Blake |
Music |
Professor |
McGee, Nancy |
School of Nursing |
Clinical Associate Professor |
McInroy, John |
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science |
Professor |
McKamey, Andrew |
Accounting & Finance |
Lecturer,Asst |
McKenzie, Bryce |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
McKibbin, Christine |
Psychology |
Professor |
McKim, Courtney |
Counseling Leadership Advocacy & Design |
Professor |
McLane, Lauren |
College of Law |
Professor |
McLeod, Donald |
Agriculture & Applied Economics |
Professor |
Mealor, Brian |
R&E Center Sheridan |
Director/Professor |
Means, Jeffrey |
History |
Department Head/Assoc Prof |
Merkle, Bethann |
Zoology & Physiology |
Assistant Professor of Practice |
Merkle, Jerod |
Zoology & Physiology |
Assoc Professor |
Michalak, Rudiger |
Physics & Astronomy |
Lecturer,Sr |
Miles, Noah |
Modern & Classical Languages |
Lecturer,Asst |
Miller, Jeffrey |
Ellbogen Center for Teaching & Learning |
Lecturer,Sr ETT |
Miller, Scott |
Ecosystem Science & Management |
Professor |
Miller, Steven |
Botany |
Professor |
Minckley, Thomas |
Geology & Geophysics |
Professor |
Minear, Meredith |
Psychology |
Assoc Professor |
Minton, Elizabeth |
Management & Marketing |
Assoc Professor |
Mocsary, George |
College of Law |
Professor |
Monteith, Kevin |
Haub School of Environment & Natural Resources |
Professor/Wyo Excellence Chair |
Montgomery, Dagan |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Moore, Elizabeth |
Plant Sciences |
Lecturer,Asst |
Moorhouse, G. |
Mathematics & Statistics |
Professor |
Morgan, Michael |
Counseling Leadership Advocacy & Design |
Assoc Professor |
Morse-Brady, Jesse |
School of Nursing |
Clinical Asst Professor |
Most, Micah |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Mouland, Dennis |
Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Mukai, David |
Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management |
Assoc Professor |
Muknahallipatna, Suresh |
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science |
Professor |
Murphy, Melanie |
Ecosystem Science & Management |
Professor |
Murphy, Melissa |
Anthropology |
Department Head/Professor |
Murphy, Shane |
Atmospheric Science |
Professor |
Myers, Adam |
Physics & Astronomy |
Professor |
Myran, Leena |
School of Pharmacy |
Clinical Associate Professor |
Nagy, Kristi |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Nair, Sreejayan |
School of Pharmacy |
Professor |
Naughton, Jonathan |
Mechanical Engineering |
Professor |
Navratil, Amy |
Zoology & Physiology |
Department Head/Assoc Prof |
Nejadmalayeri, Ali |
Accounting & Finance |
Professor |
Newbold, Stephen |
Economics |
Assoc Professor |
Ng, Kam Weng |
Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management |
Professor |
Ngo Ntomp, Rachel |
College of Law |
Assistant Professor |
Nganga, Lydiah |
School of Teacher Education |
Professor |
Nichols, Lindsey |
Counseling Leadership Advocacy & Design |
Assoc Professor |
Nigh, Eric |
Politics Public Affairs & International Studies |
Lecturer,Asst |
Nippgen, Fabian |
Ecosystem Science & Management |
Assoc Professor |
Niu, Zhuang |
Mathematics & Statistics |
Professor |
Noble, Kent |
Management & Marketing |
Lecturer,Asst |
Norby, Evan |
Family Medicine Residency Programs Cheyenne |
Clinical Asst Professor/Program Dir |
North, Christopher |
Botany |
Instructional Professor,Assoc |
Northrop, Katherine |
English |
Assoc Professor |
Norton, Urszula |
Plant Sciences |
Professor |
Novogrodsky, Noah |
College of Law |
Professor |
Nowell, Stella |
School of Teacher Education |
Lecturer,Asst |
Noya Salgueiro, Adriana |
Modern & Classical Languages |
Lecturer,Asst |
O’Brien, John |
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science |
Assoc Professor |
O’Toole, Evan |
Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management |
Lecturer,Asst |
Oakey, John |
Chemical & Biomedical Engineering |
Professor |
Obert, Julia |
English |
Professor |
Ohara, Noriaki |
Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management |
Assoc Professor |
Oiler, Pamela |
Family Medicine Residency Programs Cheyenne |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Okpodu, Camellia |
Botany |
Professor |
Oland, Sharon |
Family Medicine Residency Programs Casper |
Clinical Associate Professor |
Oler, Mitchell |
Accounting & Finance |
Assoc Professor |
Olsen, Sara |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Oneto, Stephanie |
Management & Marketing |
Assoc Professor |
Owings, Glenn |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Sr |
Pacheco, Ray |
Social Work |
Lecturer,Asst |
Paige, Virginia |
Ecosystem Science & Management |
Professor |
Papke, Jessica |
School of Pharmacy |
Clinical Asst Professor |
Park, Eunsook |
Molecular Biology |
Asst Professor |
Parolin, Peter |
Honors College |
Dean/Assoc Professor, Honors College |
Parsekian, Andrew |
Geology & Geophysics |
Assoc Professor |
Pascual, David |
Veterinary Science |
Professor/Wyo Excellence Chair |
Patton, Tracey |
English |
Professor |
Pearson, Zoe |
Politics Public Affairs & International Studies |
Assoc Professor |
Peavler, Deborah |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Peck, Ann |
Engineering & Physical Sciences Deans Office |
Lecturer,Sr ETT |
Peil, Dawnette |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Pence, Sarah |
School of Pharmacy |
Lecturer,Asst |
Pepino, Ronald |
Physics & Astronomy |
Lecturer,Asst |
Perkins, Mark |
Counseling Leadership Advocacy & Design |
Asst Dean/Asst Professor |
Perry, Abby |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Assoc |
Perry, Shar |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Persche, Erin |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Petersen, Douglas |
Communication Disorders |
Professor |
Peterson, Christian |
Management & Marketing |
Professor |
Pexton, Valerie |
English |
Lecturer,Sr ETT |
Pfeiffer, Randolph |
Chemical & Biomedical Engineering |
Assistant Professor of Practice |
Phillips, McKensie |
Animal Science |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Pickett, Brent |
UW Casper |
Dean/Professor |
Pierce, Michael |
Physics & Astronomy |
Assoc Professor |
Pignataro, Margarita |
Culture Gender & Social Justice |
Lecturer,Asst |
Pikal, Jon |
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science |
Assoc Professor |
Pinello, Jennifer |
Molecular Biology |
Asst Professor |
Piri, Mohammad |
Energy & Petroleum Engineering |
Professor/Wyo Excellence Chair |
Playton, Dona |
College of Law |
Professor |
Prather, Jonathan |
Life Sciences |
Director/Professor |
Pratt, Kara |
Zoology & Physiology |
Assoc Professor |
Price Schultz, Cynthia |
Communication & Journalism |
Assoc Professor |
Price, Linda |
Management & Marketing |
Professor |
Prince, Nicholas |
Management & Marketing |
Assoc Professor |
Proctor, J’Laine |
School of Nursing |
Clinical Associate Professor |
Pru, James |
Animal Science |
Professor & Rochelle Chair |
Rabiei, Minou |
Energy & Petroleum Engineering |
Assoc Professor |
Radosevich, Daniel |
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science |
Lecturer,Asst |
Radosevich, Daniel |
WWAMI Medical Education Program |
Clinical Asst Professor |
Rasco, Barbara |
Animal Science |
Professor |
Rashford, Benjamin |
Agriculture & Applied Economics |
Department Head/Assoc Prof |
Rasouli, Vamegh |
Energy & Petroleum Engineering |
Department Head/Professor |
Reasoner, Erica |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Reed, SamanthaJo |
School of Nursing |
Clinical Asst Professor |
Rettler, Bradley |
Philosophy & Religious Studies |
Assoc Professor |
Rettler, Lindsay |
Philosophy & Religious Studies |
Lecturer,Asst |
Reynolds, Todd |
School of Teacher Education |
Assoc Professor |
Ricks, Meagan |
Haub School of Environment & Natural Resources |
Lecturer,Asst |
Riebe, Clifford |
Geology & Geophysics |
Professor |
Riedl, David |
LeaRN Programs |
Lecturer,Asst |
Righetti, Tara |
SER/College of Law |
Professor |
Riley, Makala |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Riske, Ellie |
College of Agriculture, Life Sciences & Natural Resources Deans Office |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Roberts, Amy |
School of Teacher Education |
Assoc Professor |
Robinson, Timothy |
Mathematics & Statistics |
Professor |
Robison, Jason |
College of Law |
Professor |
Robison, Tiger |
Music |
Assoc Professor |
Rodgers, Cheryl |
School of Nursing |
Lecturer,Asst |
Romero, Alan |
College of Law Deans Office |
Associate Dean/Professor |
Root-Elledge, Sandra |
Wyoming Institute for Disabilities WIND |
Lecturer,Sr |
Rothfuss, Christopher |
Honors College |
Assistant Professor of Practice |
Rush, Leslie |
School of Teacher Education |
Professor/Wyo Excellence Chair |
Russel, Bailey |
Visual Arts |
Lecturer,Sr |
Russell, Douglas |
Visual Arts |
Department Head/Professor |
Russo, Joseph |
School of Teacher Education |
Lecturer,Asst |
Rux, Abigail |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Assoc |
Sailor, Rachel |
Visual Arts |
Professor |
Salama, Lavinia |
School of Pharmacy |
Clinical Asst Professor |
Sandoval, Corri |
Communication Disorders |
Clinical Associate Professor |
Santee, Tanya |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Saraji, Soheil |
Energy & Petroleum Engineering |
Assoc Professor |
Scasta, J. Derek |
R&E Center Laramie |
Director/Assoc Professor |
Schamp, Ryan |
Residence Life Resident Education |
Assoc Dean of Students, Director of Residence Life |
Schmitt, Emily |
Kinesiology & Health |
Assoc Professor |
Schneider, Shannon |
School of Nursing |
Lecturer,Asst |
Schoborg, Todd |
Molecular Biology |
Asst Professor |
Schreiber, Caryn |
College of Law |
Assistant Professor |
Schroer, Joseph |
School of Teacher Education |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Schuhmann, Robert |
Politics Public Affairs & International Studies |
Professor |
Scull, Winfield |
Counseling Leadership Advocacy & Design |
Assoc Professor |
Sebade, Brian |
Ecosystem Science & Management |
Lecturer,Asst |
Seitz, Thomas |
Politics Public Affairs & International Studies |
Assoc Professor |
Sermon, Shannon |
Communication & Journalism |
Lecturer,Asst |
Shader, Bryan |
Mathematics & Statistics |
Professor |
Shadwell, Shelby |
Visual Arts |
Professor |
Shaw, Scott |
Ecosystem Science & Management |
Professor |
Shim, Jenna |
College of Education Deans Office |
Dean/Professor |
Shinker, Jacqueline |
Geology & Geophysics |
Professor |
Shoemaker, Lauren |
Botany |
Asst Professor |
Shogren, Jason |
Economics |
Professor |
Shuman, Bryan |
Geology & Geophysics |
Professor/Wyo Excellence Chair |
Siceloff, Alisa |
Kinesiology & Health |
Lecturer,Asst |
Sieger, Crystal |
Music |
Assoc Professor |
Sikirica, Amanda |
Criminal Justice & Sociology |
Lecturer,Asst |
Simonton, Angela |
Kinesiology & Health |
Lecturer,Asst |
Sims, Kenneth |
Geology & Geophysics |
Professor |
Singh, Reshmi |
School of Pharmacy |
Assoc Professor |
Skiba, Alexandre |
Economics |
Dept Chair/Assoc Prof |
Small, Nancy |
English |
Assoc Professor |
Smith, Amy |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Smith, Dagmara |
UW Casper |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Smith, Derek |
Kinesiology & Health |
Assoc Professor |
Smith, Marci |
Kinesiology & Health |
Lecturer,Sr |
Smith, Michael |
College of Law |
Professor |
Smith, Sherrill |
School of Nursing |
Dean/Director/Professor |
Snyder, Jamie |
Criminal Justice & Sociology |
Department Head/Assoc Prof |
Sohier, Benedicte |
Modern & Classical Languages |
Lecturer,Sr |
Sorensen, Bret |
College of Education Deans Office |
Lecturer,Asst |
Sorensen, Trevor |
Accounting & Finance |
Assoc Professor |
Sorg, Hailey |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Sprout Ahrenholtz, Treva |
Family & Consumer Sciences |
Lecturer,Sr ETT |
Stam, Barton |
UW Extension |
Ext Educator,Sr ETT |
Stanco, Tina |
Family Medicine Residency Programs Casper |
Clinical Asst Professor |
Steele, Rebecca |
Modern & Classical Languages |
Assoc Professor |
Steinkraus, Holly |
Molecular Biology |
Instructional Teaching Lab Coord |
Steinman, Bernard |
Family & Consumer Sciences |
Assoc Professor |
Stevens, Anne |
Psychology |
Clinical Asst Professor |
Stewart, Joyce |
English |
Lecturer,Sr ETT |
Stewart, Justin |
Communication & Journalism |
Dept Head/Lecturer, Sr |
Stewart, Margaret |
Communication & Journalism |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Stewart, Whitney |
Animal Science |
Assoc Professor |
Stidolph, Candace |
School of Nursing |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Stoellinger, Michael |
Mechanical Engineering |
Assoc Professor |
Stoellinger, Temple |
Haub School of Environment & Natural Resources |
Assoc Dean/Assoc Professor/Wyo Excellence Chair |
Stoesz, Erin |
Physics & Astronomy |
Lecturer,Asst |
Stordahl, Marian |
VP of Global Engagement |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Strang, Matthew |
Family Medicine Residency Programs Cheyenne |
Clinical Asst Professor |
Strube, Kari |
Mechanical Engineering |
Lecturer,Asst |
Studyvin, Jared |
Mathematics & Statistics |
Lecturer,Asst |
Sun, Qian-Quan |
Zoology & Physiology |
Professor |
Surovell, Todd |
Anthropology |
Professor |
Swinyer, Emily |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Tabler, Jennifer |
Criminal Justice & Sociology |
Assoc Professor |
Taggart, Gabel |
Politics Public Affairs & International Studies |
Assoc Professor |
Taggart, Vriean |
Honors College |
Asst Dean/Instructional Professor, Asst |
Tang, Jinke |
Physics & Astronomy |
Department Head/Professor |
Tank, David |
Botany |
Professor |
Tanner Eisenhauer, Jennifer |
Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management |
Professor |
Tarwater, Corey |
Zoology & Physiology |
Assoc Professor |
Tedmon-Jones, Scott |
Theatre & Dance |
Assoc Professor |
Teule-Finley, Florence |
UW Casper |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Theobald, Neil |
College of Education Deans Office |
Executive Professor |
Thiel, Chase |
Management & Marketing |
Professor |
Thomas, Jenifer |
School of Nursing |
Professor |
Thompson, Jason |
English |
Assoc Professor |
Thompson, Jennifer |
Plant Sciences |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Thompson, Rod |
School of Teacher Education |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Thrasher, Tabitha |
Family Medicine Residency Programs Casper |
Clinical Asst Professor |
Thunstrom, Linda |
Economics |
Assoc Professor |
Tian, Jifa |
Physics & Astronomy |
Assoc Professor |
Todd, Mary |
School of Teacher Education |
Lecturer,Asst |
Tolo, Khama-Bassili |
Modern & Classical Languages |
Assoc Professor |
Toohey, Jason |
Anthropology |
Assoc Professor |
Treick, Philip |
Accounting & Finance |
Lecturer,Asst |
Turpen, Jennifer |
Music |
Lecturer,Sr |
Turpen, John |
Provosts Office |
Interim Provost/Professor |
Turpin, Amy |
School of Nursing |
Lecturer,Asst |
Uding, Clair |
Criminal Justice & Sociology |
Assoc Professor |
Van Diepen, Linda |
Ecosystem Science & Management |
Assoc Professor |
Van ‘t Veld, Klaas |
Economics |
Assoc Professor |
VanderPloeg, Dan |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Vanderborgh, Beth |
Music |
Professor |
Vanderstichel, Raphael |
Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory |
Assoc Professor |
Vandiver, Jeremy |
School of Pharmacy |
Clinical Associate Professor |
Vardiman, Jeremiah |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Sr |
Vencill, Christine |
Social Work |
Lecturer,Asst |
Vercoe, Richard |
Haub School of Environment & Natural Resources |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Violett, Randall |
College of Agriculture, Life Sciences, & Natural Resources Dean’s Office |
Assoc Director/Lecturer, Asst |
Wagner, Catherine |
Botany |
Assoc Professor |
Walker, Cameron |
WWAMI Medical Education Program |
Clinical Associate Professor |
Walker, Ian |
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science |
Department Head/Professor |
Wall, Daniel |
Molecular Biology |
Chair/Professor |
Wallhead, Tristan |
Kinesiology & Health |
Professor/Asst Director |
Wang, Liping |
Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management |
Assoc Professor |
Wang, Wenyong |
Physics & Astronomy |
Assoc Professor |
Ward, James |
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science |
Lecturer,Sr |
Warren, Christina |
School of Nursing |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Watson, Rachel |
Kinesiology & Health |
Lecturer,Sr |
Watts, Laura |
Family Medicine Residency Programs Cheyenne |
Clinical Asst Professor |
Wawrousek, Karen |
Chemical & Biomedical Engineering |
Assoc Professor |
Webster, Eric |
Agricultural Experiment Station |
Assoc Dean/Director/Professor |
Weinig, Cynthia |
Botany |
Professor/Wyo Excellence Chair |
Weiss-Lehman, Christopher |
Botany |
Asst Professor |
Wheelock, Andrew |
Music |
Assoc Professor |
Whitman, Sarah |
School of Nursing |
Lecturer,Asst |
Wilkowski, Benjamin |
Psychology |
Professor |
Willford, John |
WWAMI Medical Education Program |
Clinical Assoc Professor/Asst Dir |
Williams, David |
Botany |
Professor |
Williams-Woodward, Jean |
Plant Sciences |
Associate Professor of Practice |
Williford, Jason |
Mathematics & Statistics |
Department Head/Professor |
Willingham, Kassandra |
Molecular Biology |
Lecturer,Asst |
Wilson, Hannah |
Agriculture & Applied Economics |
Lecturer,Asst |
Wiseman, Cedar |
Mathematics & Statistics |
Lecturer,Asst |
Wofford, Teresa |
Wyoming Institute for Disabilities WIND |
Lecturer,Assoc |
Wood, Mary |
UW Extension |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Woods, Tonja |
School of Pharmacy |
Clinical Professor |
Woodward, Richard |
Plant Sciences |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Wright, Cameron |
Engineering & Physical Sciences Deans Office |
Dean/Professor |
Wulff, Shaun |
Mathematics & Statistics |
Professor |
Xu, Chen |
Wyoming Geographic Information Science Center |
Assoc Professor |
Yang, Xuhao |
Visual Arts |
Instructor |
Yeung, Man-Chung |
Mathematics & Statistics |
Assoc Professor |
Young, Hannah |
Communication Disorders |
Clinical Asst Professor |
Zhai, Haibo |
Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management |
Professor/Cline Chair |
Zhang, Chengyi |
Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management |
Assoc Professor |
Zhang, Yan |
Modern & Classical Languages |
Lecturer,Sr |
Zhang, Ye |
Geology & Geophysics |
Professor |
Zheng, Kenneth |
Accounting & Finance |
Assoc Professor |
Zhou, Jing |
Chemistry |
Professor |
Zhu, Jianting |
Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management |
Professor |
Zhu, Qin |
Kinesiology & Health |
Professor |
Zibrak, Arielle |
English |
Professor |
Ziegler, Robert |
Agriculture & Applied Economics |
Extension Educator,Asst |
Zimmerman, Christie |
Theatre & Dance |
Department Head/Professor |