Additional Requirements
Since the chemistry required in the first two years of all programs is the same, students interested in pursuing a chemistry major can elect any program initially. Discussions with a departmental adviser will allow students to choose the most appropriate major for their career objectives. In general, students planning graduate work in chemistry should elect one of the B.S. programs.
The Bachelor of Arts program (B.A.) has a more liberal content with additional electives. It would support careers in business, law and advanced study in areas needing a strong chemistry background such as toxicology or forensic science
The B.A is designed to provide a solid foundation in chemistry for those pursuing careers that would benefit from chemical expertise.
The B.A. is suitable for students in the College of Education who wish to obtain a degree, and may also be appropriate for some premedical tracks.
Students must obtain a grade of C- or higher in each of the chemistry, physics or math courses specifically required for their degree.
The department offers both, B.A. and B.S. degree programs. The B.A. degree includes a minimum of 33 hours of chemistry.