Oct 17, 2024  
2023-2024 University of Wyoming Catalog 
2023-2024 University of Wyoming Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Law

178C Law Building
Klint Alexander, Dean
(307)766-6416 FAX: (307)766-6417
Web site: www.uwyo.edu/law


KLINT ALEXANDER, B.A. Yale University 1991; Ph.D./M.Phil. Cambridge University 1997; J.D. University of Virginia 1999; Dean & Professor of Law 2015.

MELISSA ALEXANDER, B.A. Yale University 1996; J.D. University of Virginia 1999; Professor of Law 2019, 2015.

JACQUELYN BRIDGEMAN, B.A. Stanford University 1996; J.D. University of Chicago 1999; Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor of Law 2008, 2002.

DANIELLE R. COVER, B.A. University of Maryland 1994; J.D. Tulane University School of Law 1997; Professor of Law 2020, 2014; Director of Legal Services Clinic.

JAMES M. DELANEY, B.A. University of Washington 1985; J.D. Gonzaga University School of Law 1992; LL.M. in Taxation, University of Florida 1997; Professor of Law 2013.

STEPHEN M. FELDMAN, B.A. Hamilton College 1977; J.D. University of Oregon 1982; J.S.M. Stanford University 1986; Jerry W. Housel/ Carl F. Arnold Distinguished Professor of Law 2002.

DARRELL D. JACKSON, B.A. College of William and Mary 1987; J.D. George Mason University School of Law 1990; Ph.D. University of Colorado School of Education 2011; Professor of Law 2018, 2013.

SAM KALEN, B.A. Clark University 1980; J.D. Washington University 1984; Professor of Law 2014, 2009.

GEORGE MOCSARY, B.E. The Cooper Union School of Engineering 1995; MBA University of Rochester 1995; J.D. Fordham University School of Law 2009; Professor of Law 2019. 

NOAH B. NOVOGRODSKY, B.A. Swarthmore College 1992; J.D. Yale Law School 1997; Professor of Law 2013, 2009.

TARA RIGHETTI, B.A. University of Colorado Boulder 2005; J.D. 2007; Professor of Law 2020, 2014.

JASON ROBISON, B.S. University of Utah 2003; J.D. University of Oregon 2006; LL.M. Harvard Law School 2009; S.J.D. 2013; Professor of Law 2019, 2015.

ALAN ROMERO, B.A. Brigham Young University 1990; J.D. Harvard University 1993; Professor of Law 2007, 2003.

MICHAEL R. SMITH, B.S. Florida State University 1982; J.D. University of Florida 1985; Professor of Law 2006.

Associate Professors:

LAUREN MCLANE, B.S. Radford University 2002; J.D. Seattle University School of Law 2008; Associate Professor of Law 2021, 2018.

DONA PLAYTON, B.S. University of Wyoming 1989; J.D. University of Wyoming 1993; Associate Professor of Law 2002, 2018; Director, Family and Child Legal Advocacy Clinic.

Assistant Professors:

JERRY FOWLER, B.A. Princeton University 1983; J.D. Stanford University 1990; Assistant Professor of Law 2019; Director, International Human Rights Clinic.

Academic Professionals:

TAWNYA PLUMB, B.A. University of Wyoming 1996; M.L.I.S. University of Texas at Austin 1998; Electronic Services and Law Librarian 2023, 2004.

Professors Emeritus

Debra L. Donahue, Harvey Gelb, Timothy Kearley, Jerry R. Parkinson, Dee Pridgen, Joel Selig, Elaine A. Welle

The College of Law was founded in 1920. The goal of the college is to provide a sound and thorough education in the law that will prepare the student to practice law in accordance with the highest standards of professional competence and responsibility. The emphasis in instruction is on analysis and understanding of legal principles and the development of skills necessary to the practice of the profession. The course of study will prepare a graduate to practice in any jurisdiction which has adopted the Anglo-American system of law.

The curriculum of the College of Law consists of three years of study within the college. Required courses necessary to basic legal knowledge make up the first two semesters of study, while courses in the final four semesters are largely elective. Students become eligible to receive the Juris Doctor ( J.D.) degree upon successful completion of 90 semester credit hours of law courses with a grade point average of at least 2.000.

The college acts as a law center for Wyoming. It serves lawyers, judges, and government by a program of continuing legal education for attorneys and others interested in significant legal developments, by research projects aimed at improving state law, and by publishing the Wyoming Law Review.


The college is approved by the American Bar Association and its graduates are eligible for admission to the bar in every state. A student planning to practice in a particular state should check its rules for admission to the bar.

The college is also a member of the Association of American Law Schools. Membership is conditioned upon the maintenance of an adequate teaching staff and library, the offering of a sound educational program and adherence to prescribed standards for the admission and graduation of students.

Prelegal Curriculum

There is no prescribed or required set of courses for prelegal work. A student must usually have a B.A. or B.S. degree before beginning the professional study of law. There are no restrictions on the field in which the degree is earned.

The objective of prelegal study should be to acquire knowledge and skills useful in the study and practice of law. College study should prepare the student for law school by developing language comprehension and use, understanding of political, economic, social and cultural institutions, and the ability to think logically and creatively. Courses promoting these objectives are included in the basic requirements for most undergraduate degrees. The choice of a major should be determined by the student’s academic interest and professional objective in law.

Valuable background may be acquired through the study of English, history, philosophy, economics, political science, psychology, sociology, business administration, mathematics and the natural sciences.

For additional information, see the College of Law web site, (www.uwyo.edu/law).

Admission Requirements and Procedures

Admission to the professional curriculum in law is granted by the admissions committee of the College of Law. The College of Law restricts the number of entering students to a class size consistent with its facilities and its educational objectives. In evaluating an application, the committee considers the applicant’s undergraduate college scholastic record and score on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT).

Other criteria relevant to the probability of success in the study and practice of law will also be considered.

  1. Prior to beginning work in the College of Law, applicants must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university, unless they have requested and been granted following exception:
    1. An applicant who needs not more than 6 semester hours of college credit to qualify for a bachelor’s degree may be admitted in exceptional cases to law school if the committee determines that the applicant has sufficient education and preparation for the study of law; has an outstanding undergraduate scholastic record; and has an approved program signed by the appropriate undergraduate official indicating that the remaining requirements for the bachelor’s degree may be met by summer school attendance or by other means that will not interfere with the study of law.
  2. Every applicant must take the Law School Admission Test. Information about the test, the dates on which it is given, where/how it is taken, sample questions and an application form, may be obtained from Law School Admission Council, Box 2000, Newtown, PA 18940, by phone at (215) 968-1001, online at www.lsac.org.
  3. Every applicant must register and pay the associated fees with the Law School Admission Council Credential Assembly Service. CAS registration may be done through the LSAC website (www.lsac.org). The CAS will prepare a report that is transferred to the college where the applicant has applied.
  4. Every applicant must complete the electronic University of Wyoming College of Law Application through LSAC between October 15 and April 30. Applications received by December 15 will be considered for early admission.
  5. Every applicant must pay the College of Law $50 Applicatoin Fee located at: https://secure.touchnet.net/C27222_ustores/web/store_main.jsp?STOREID=14&SINGLESTORE=true
  6. If admitted, official transcripts sent directly to the College of Law from each college attended must be on file in the Admissions Office at least 30 days before the student’s registration date.

Application Deadline

An initial entering class will be selected from completed applications on file on April 30. Students who submit an application by December 15 will be considered for early admission. An application is complete only when the college has received the LSAT score, and transcripts included in the CAS report, applications, and all supporting documents provided by the applicant.

Admission With Advanced Standing

Transfer students are admitted only when the College of Law facilities and curriculum permit. A transfer student may transfer a minimum of 30 credits, and up to the number of credits the student could have earned had the student completed their first year at the University of Wyoming College of Law. Transfer credit will be given only for courses in which the student earned a grade of C or higher. If addmitted, the applicants admitted must satisfy the requirements for graduation established by the College of Law, including such other requirements as may be imposed as a condition of admission. Students interested in transferring should contact the College of Law for information concerning application procedures.

Academic Regulations

The Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree is awarded by the College of Law faculty to candidates who meet the following requirements:

Curriculum is subject to change at the College of Law Faculties discretion, which may cause the annually updated university catalog to be out of date.  For students matriculating in or after the fall 2013 semester, each student must successfully complete (grade of “D-” or better for courses taken at this school, grade of “C” or better for courses taken elsewhere) 90 credit hours (required for graduation) of law coursework in accordance with the official curriculum as adopted by the College of Law faculty. At least 59 of these credits must be completed at the University of Wyoming College of Law. Courses taken for S/U grades count toward the hours required for the J.D. degree only if the course is offered for the S/U grade only. Regardless of the matriculation date, students must complete at least 76 credit hours through graded (A-F) courses.

The course of study must be completed no earlier than 24 months (2 years) and not later than 84 months (7 years) after a student has commenced law study. No student shall be permitted to enroll at any time in coursework that, if successfully completed, would exceed 20 percent (18 hours) of the total coursework required for graduation.

Second and third year students may take up to six of 90 hours required for graduation in non-law school graduate level courses (online courses will not be approved) and apply them toward their law degree. Students must receive a letter grade of B or better for these non-law courses to count toward graduation requirements. Additionally, these courses will transfer in with a satisfactory grade of ‘S’ and will not impact their law school GPA. Students who wish to enroll in a non-law course on this basis must secure the prior approval of the course professor and the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs at the College of Law. Approval will be based on the student’s submission of a Non-Law Grad Course Request form with a brief written statement explaining how the proposed coursework relates to and enhances the student’s legal education. Students should be aware that non-law courses completed on this basis will not count toward the 76 hours that students must complete in graded courses as a requirement for graduation. The non-law coursework will instead be counted as credits the law students are permitted to take on an S/U basis.

The College of Law automatically approves up to 9 hours of any joint degree core courses with the corresponding prefix to their joint degree (i.e. MBAM, POLS, ENR) that meet the grade requirement, of a letter grade of B or better, to transfer in toward their law degree. However, if a student drops their dual degree, any non-law courses are subject to review and approval based on the criteria in the previous paragraph.  Additionally if courses are needed outside of these respective prefixes, these will be approved on a case by case basis.  Those students enrolled in a joint degree program may take up to 9 hours required for graduation in non-law school graduate level courses (online courses will not be approved) and apply them toward their law degree. Students in a joint degree program who use 9 non-law credit hours toward their J.D. degree may reduce their required number of graded credits from 76 to 73 so that they can participate in other S/U offerings at the College of Law. To receive law school credit for the non-law course, a student will be required to earn a grade of B or better in the non-law course. The grade will not count, however, toward the student’s law school GPA. The course will be counted as a “satisfactory” grade for purposes of the student’s law school GPA. Joint degree students should be aware that non-law courses completed on this basis will not count toward the 73 hours that joint degree students must complete in graded courses as a requirement for graduation. The non-law coursework will instead be counted as credits the law students are permitted to take on an S/U basis.

To graduate, all students must earn a cumulative grade point average of 2.000 for all courses taken at the College of Law. If a course is repeated, both grades shall be included in computing the average. The student, except in exceptional circumstances, must have a baccalaureate degree. Candidates who meet these requirements are eligible for graduation at the end of any semester.

Academic Standing

The following requirements apply to any coursework at the College of Law. Courses that law students may complete outside of the College of Law do not count in calculation of the required College of Law grade point average (GPA).

In the first year, a student who fails to make a 1.800 GPA after the first semester, or fails to make a 1.900 cumulative GPA overall in the first year’s work, shall be excluded from the College of Law. A student who at any time fails to make a passing grade in two of the courses for which the student is registered in any semester shall be excluded from the College of Law. 

A student who enters the second year with a GPA lower than 2.000 but at 1.900 or above, or who fails to maintain a 2.000 cumulative GPA after the first year, shall be placed on academic probation. A student on academic probation who does not attain an overall grade point average of 2.000 within one semester shall be excluded.

A student excluded from the College of Law may petition the faculty for readmission. The faculty may, in its discretion, readmit the student upon receipt of satisfactory evidence of extenuating circumstances or marked improvement in grades and study habits. Readmission may be subject to conditions, including, but not limited to, the repeating of any or all courses, as the faculty may decide. If a student’s petition for reinstatement is denied, the student must wait nine months before petitioning again for readmission. Also, all students are limited to two petitions for readmission. The entire faculty will automatically hear and consider a student’s initial petition. In the event of a second petition for readmission, a committee selected by the Dean will hear and consider the petition. The committee will present a report and recommendation to the faculty for adoption. Denial of a second petition is final.

Advanced Writing Requirement

As a condition of graduation, all students must complete an upper-level writing requirement consisting of a research paper of a minimum length of 5,000 words, exclusive of footnotes. All students must follow a designated standard citation form. Students must submit a detailed outline of the paper to the supervising professor, then must rewrite the paper at least once after the professor reviews the first draft. With the professor’s approval, the student can meet the advanced writing requirement in any law school elective course, including a seminar, as long as the above requirements are met. The supervising professor must certify that the writing requirement has been fulfilled.

All student articles written for law review, whether published or unpublished, must have a supervising faculty member and otherwise meet all other provisions of the College of Law Advanced Writing Requirement. A student may also fulfill the requirement through an independent study or by writing a case note or comment for the law review, under the supervision of a professor. It cannot be satisfied through participation in a clinic.

Attendance Requirement

Students must attend at least 75 percent of regularly scheduled classes in each required course. A professor in a required course may impose an attendance requirement of greater than 75 percent if the policy is announced in writing on the first day the class meets.

In elective courses, students must attend at least 75 percent of regularly scheduled classes unless the professor announces a different policy in writing on the first day the class meets. Any alternative policy must comply with the American Bar Association (ABA) requirement of regular and punctual attendance.

A student who fails to meet the minimum class attendance requirement in any class will be dropped from the course and receive a grade of F, unless extenuating circumstances are present, in which case the student shall receive a grade of W. A professor may impose sanctions for students who have met the minimum class attendance requirement but in other respects have violated specified attendance guidelines, if the professor announces the guidelines and possible sanctions in writing on the first day the class meets.

The following table indicates the number of classes a student must attend under the 75 percent rule in a two hour or three hour course, depending on the number of class meetings. Students must verify with the professor the number of classes required in a one or four hour course.

The ABA requires attendance at 75 percent of all scheduled class times.

3-Credit Course (meeting three times a week for 55 minutes each):

Class Meetings                   Must Attend

40                                      30

41                                      31

42                                      32

2-Credit Course (meeting twice a week for 55 minutes each) or a 3-Credit Course (meeting twice a week for 80 minutes each):

Class Meetings                   Must Attend

26                                      20

27                                      20

28                                      21

Class Rank

Students are ranked by class at the end of each of the fall and spring semesters once the faculty have submitted all grades. Class rankings will be available in the Front Office. Students can choose to have their spring class ranking letter mailed to them if they provide the Front Office with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Transfer students to the College of Law shall not be ranked with other UW students until they have completed two full-time semesters at UW (or a minimum of 24 UW credits). Students who visit out at other ABA accredited law schools or who graduate early are ranked based on their ranking at the end of their last semester at UW.


Experiential Learning Requirement

As a condition of graduation, each student must successfully complete no fewer than 6.0 credit hours in experiential learning courses. Experiential learning courses include a simulation course, a law clinic, or an externship field placement. Simulation courses provide substantial experience not involving legal representation of an actual client, that (1) is reasonably similar to the experience of a lawyer advising or representing a client or engaging in other lawyering tasks in a set of facts and circumstances devised or adopted by a faculty member; and (2) includes: direct supervision of the student’s performance by the faculty member; opportunities for performance, feedback from a faculty member, and self-evaluation; and a classroom instructional component (ABA Standard 303).

Typically students may fulfill the experiential learning requirement by successfully completing 6.0 credit hours in any of the following upper- class elective courses:

Advanced Appellate Advocacy (LAW 6520)
Advanced Legal Research (LAW 6990 )
Advanced Oil & Gas Law (LAW 6992 )
Advanced Persuasive Writing (LAW 6925 )
Alternative Dispute Resolution (LAW 6915 )
Business Planning (LAW 6560 )
Civil Pretrial Practice (LAW 6565 )
Clinic: Civil Legal Services (LAW 6930  or LAW 6931 )
Clinic: Defender Aid (LAW 6932  or LAW 6930 )
Clinic: Energy, Environ. & Natural Resources (LAW 6933  or LAW 6930 )
Clinic: Family & Child Advocacy (LAW 6930  or LAW 6934 )
Clinic: International Human Rights (LAW 6930 )
Clinic: Prosecution Assistance (LAW 6930  or LAW 6936 )
Contract Drafting (LAW 6935 )
Estate Planning (LAW 6670 )
Estate Planning Practicum (LAW 6937  or LAW 6930  or LAW 6915 )
Externships (LAW 6960 )
Interviewing, Counseling & Negotiation (LAW 6166  or LAW 6915 )
Summer Trial Institute (LAW 6850 )
Trial Practice (LAW 6850 )

Note: classes may be removed from and/or added to this list each semester.


Grades are assigned on a plus/minus system. Grades of incomplete (I), and withdrawal (W), are disregarded. A required course in which a grade of F or W or U is received must be repeated. A course cannot otherwise be repeated without the consent of the faculty. If a course is repeated, both grades are included in computing the student’s grade point average.


A   ….4.00 B + ….3.333 C+ ….2.333 D+  ….1.333 F    ….0.000
A- ….3.667 B    ….3.000 C   ….2.000 D    ….1.000 WF  ….0.000
  B-  ….2.667 C-  ….1.667 D-  ….0.667  


Satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U) grading applies only if the course is offered on an S/U basis or a student takes a non-law graduate-level course as explained above. Students from other colleges who are permitted to take professional courses in the College of Law must take them for S/U credit. The grading scale is at discretion of the instructor for each course.

Bar Exam Passage Rate Improvement Program

Students matriculating after August 2021, a student whose first-year GPA is in the bottom one-third of the class will be required to pass four of the following courses as a requirement of graduation: Business Organizations (or one of either Agency and Partnership or Corporations); Secured Transactions; Trusts and Estates; Criminal Procedure; Criminal Adjudication; Family Law; Constitutional Law II; or Real Estate Finance.  During the fall and spring semesters after the 1L year it is required to take at least one of these courses as a minimum each semester, until the requirement has been satisfied. 

In order to graduate, a student whose first-year GPA is in the bottom one-third of the class will also be required to take and pass a law school-offered bar examination course as a 3L (typically in their final spring semester), unless for unanticipated reasons the College of Law does not offer that course in a particular year.


Required Courses: First (1L) Year Students (Additional courses cannot be taken the first year without special permission from a dean).


Fall Semester

Civil Procedure I (6240) - 3

Contracts I (6110) - 3

Legal Research (6165) - 1

Legal Writing I (6160) - 3

Property I (6120) - 3

Torts I (6130) - 4


Spring Semester

Civil Procedure II (6340) - 2

Constitutional Law I (6250) - 3

Contracts II (6210) - 2

Criminal Law (6140) - 3

Legal Writing II (6260) - 2

Property II (6220) - 2


Required Courses: Second (2L) Year Students (offered once per year)

Evidence (6410) - 3

Professional Responsibility (6420) - 3


Elective Courses: Second (2L) & Third (3L) Year Students (* subject to availability)

See Law Courses section

Graduation with Honors

The degree of Juris Doctor is awarded with honors if the student achieves a grade point average of 3.400 or better on all resident credit in the College of Law.

Honor Roll

Students enrolled in a minimum of 12.0 semester hours of law courses carrying A-F grades, and who have no semester grades of incomplete (I), are eligible for the President’s Honor Roll and the Dean’s Honor Roll. Students with a semester average of 4.000 will be named to the President’s Honor Roll. First-year students with a semester average of 3.250 or better and second-year and third-year students with a semester average of 3.400 or better will be named to the Dean’s Honor Roll.

Minimum Hours

The College of Law does not permit students to attend on a part-time basis. Students are required to take the full load of required courses during their first two semesters and to carry at least 9 credit hours in law courses in each of the remaining semesters of law study. Notwithstanding, if a student has less than 9 credits remaining in their final semester of study, then said student may register for only the number of remaining credits (e.g. if a student only has 4 credits left to graduate, that student will only be required to register for 4 credits). First year students will be allowed to take less than the full load of required courses only if they present exceptional circumstances, as determined by the Dean or his/her delegate.

Transfer Credits

The College of Law admits transfer students only in the fall of their second year. A student granted transfer admission may transfer credits earned in courses taken at another ABA-accredited law school toward a degree from the UW College of Law up to the number of credits that a traditional UW student would have earned during the student’s first year at the University of Wyoming (31credits as of the 2020-21 academic year). In addition, University of Wyoming law students who visit out for a semester or full year may also transfer credits from other ABA approved law schools, as long as 59 credits are completed at the University of Wyoming. The College of Law will also accept up to 15 hours of transfer credit from another ABA accredited school for an international student previously enrolled in an LL.M. or other post-J.D. program. To receive transfer credit from a course, a grade must be a “C” or better. Transfer credits are recorded on the JD transcript as an “S” (Satisfactory), instead of graded credits. All transfer credits must be approved by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs in advance.

Withdrawing from a Course &/or the University


Failure to attend class or failure to pay tuition does not constitute withdrawal from a class or from the University. Students who pre-register for classes on WyoWeb will be assessed tuition and fees. Students who drop or withdraw from their last or only class for a given term after the end of the drop/add time period must also meet with the Assistant Dean of the College of Law and complete the official withdraw forms required by the Office of Registrar. Financial aid recipients who withdraw from courses or reduce credit hours must consult with a financial aid counselor regarding repayment of financial aid funds if applicable. For more complete details regarding deadlines, refunds, and cancellations, see the University’s Accounts Receivable web page http://www.uwyo.edu/fsbo/accounts-receivable/

Exam Procedures and Policies

  1. Review the Honor Code before beginning the exam period.  It applies to all examinations.  If you have any questions about the materials allowed by a professor, please see the professor in advance of the exam.
  2. A copy of the final exam schedule will be posted on the web, please check dates and times carefully.
  3. We use exam numbers, rather than students’ names, so that professors cannot identify the students’ exams they are grading.  Exam numbers will be available in ExamSoft one to two weeks before the exam period.  You must write this number on all of your exams and blue books, or as your identification number for typed exams.  DO NOT write your name on your exam. Midterm exams and final exams have unique numbers. Save these numbers, as you will use the same number for all of your midterm and final exams respectively.  New numbers are assigned each semester.
  4. All examinations must be: (A) written in ink in 8 1/2 x 11 size “blue books,” OR (B) typed on the student’s laptop using the ExamSoft software.  Students provide their own blue books, pens or laptops.  The law school will supply answer sheets and pencils for any multiple choice exams.
  5. If you are using a laptop:
  • Examplify (SofTest) is operable for PC’s and Mac’s.  Please reference this site for the most up to date Minimum System Requirements, Examplify: Minimum System Requirements - ExamSoft
  • You must download the exam software (free for students) well in advance of the exam day.
  • Have your laptop set up and the software running in the designated room before the time to begin the exam.
  • Instructions for using the ExamSoft Examplify (SofTest) software are available at the Examsoft website (use Chrome or Firefox ONLY).
  • If you experience any problems with your computer during the exam, come to the front office immediately and someone will assist you.
  • Once you complete the exam, and have turned in your exam questions, be sure you receive the “upload successful” message to assure that your exam answers have been transmitted.


    6.  All exam reschedules must be approved by COL Assistant Dean, Lindsay Hoyt or the Registrar.  You must meet the criteria published within the exam schedule to reschedule an exam, i.e., two exams on one day, three exams in three days, or four exams in five days.  Fill out the exam reschedule request form and turn it into COL Registrar, Dave Bluemel. Please note, that if possible, an elective will be rescheduled rather than a large required class, and rescheduled to a later, rather than an earlier date.

    7. Students who are handwriting their exams must return the exam questions and blue books to a staff member in the lobby outside the Dean’s office at or before the time indicated on the exam.  Laptop users should exit the exam software and turn in the exam questions to a staff member at or before the time indicated.  It is your responsibility to determine the precise time the exam is to be returned and to ensure that you meet the deadline.  Use the clock in the exam room for reference, not the clock that may appear on your computer or the time on your wristwatch.

    8. During the exam, turn off (or leave outside the room) all cell phones, smart watches, pagers, and PDA’s.  Do not leave them on vibrate, as this may be disturbing to other students.

    9. When you finish your exam, please be courteous/quiet as you gather your belongings and leave the exam room.  You MAY NOT return to the room to gather your belongings after you have turned in your exam, unless it is after the collection time indicated on the exam. Be aware that students are taking exams in both the morning and the afternoon and are taking exams that have differing ending times – so please curb your talking in the classroom areas and halls during the administration of exams.

    10. If you cannot take the exam at the set time due to illness, or other emergency, you must notify Assistant Dean Lindsay Hoyt, as soon as possible, prior to the exam and be prepared to supply appropriate documentation.

    11. Final grades will be available on WyoWeb. No grades will be given over the telephone.

Final Exam Reschedule Policy

No student is required to take exams in the following circumstances as long as they submit a reschedule form two weeks prior to the first day of exams:

  • two exams on one day
  • Three exams in three consecutive days
  • four exams in five consecutive days

Students who have six final exams cannot be provided relief due to the limited number of exam days. Efforts will me made, however, to distribute the six exams so as to avoid three in a row. A student who meets the above criteria must see Assistant Dean Lindsay Hoyt to reschedule. Exams are not normally rescheduled outside of the regular exam period.


Disability Assistance

The University of Wyoming College of Law is committed to making its programs accessible to individuals with disabilities and ensuring a robust academic experience for all students.  The College of Law works closely with the Disability Support Services office on the University’s main campus to coordinate a variety of services for students with disabilities.  The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 guarantee equal access to programs and services to those with disabilities. In order to be a qualified individual subject to the protections of these Acts, a person must demonstrate that he or she has a disability that substantially limits a major life activity (e.g., seeing, hearing, walking, breathing, performing manual tasks, learning, caring for oneself, and working) and, as such, requires a reasonable accommodation in order to have equal access. This section of the College of Law’s policies explains a student’s rights and responsibilities in seeking to receive accommodations from the College of Law because of a disability. The process and procedures outlined here apply to law school classroom accommodations, exam accommodations, and accommodations related to accessing the University’s facilities.


  1. Rights and Responsibilities in Requesting Reasonable Accommodations
  1. Accommodation Request Deadlines 
  1. The deadlines for students requesting accommodations is 2 weeks before the start of the academic year or semester for classroom and exam accomodations.
  2. Extensions to these deadlines may be granted to students who were unable to meet the deadline due to extenuating circumstances.  Accommodations are prospective; retroactive accomodations are not available.  For this reason, it is important that the student timely submit requests for accommodations.

   B. Accommodation Process and Procedure for Classroom and Exam Accomodations

1. A student who believes that he or she has a qualifying disability warranting accommodation for academic programs, exams or access to the University’s facilities should submit their requests for accommodations through the University of Wyoming’s Disability Support Services (DSS), by contacting udss@uwyo.edu or 307 766-3073 or applying through the website found here: https://www.uwyo.edu/udss/.    

2. The DSS application process is required and separate from any communication with College of Law staff.  Students should not go directly to any faculty in an effort to arrange accommodations for disabilities.

3. Once the student submits the completed application and supporting medical documentation, DSS will review the documentation to verify the existence of a qualifying and make a decision regarding the student’s eligibility for services.  DSS also may request additional documentation at any time or may request that the student’s physician or other licensed health professional speak directly to the DSS staff.

4. Following the determination that the student has a qualified disability, DSS and the Assistant Dean of the College of Law, as the designated liaison for the College and its faculty, will consult together to make a determination regarding the student’s requested accommodations related to the student’s courses, exams, and access to university facilities. 

5.   A reasonable accommodation is an accommodation that does not impose an undue financial or administrative burden on the College of Law and does not fundamentally alter the nature of the educational service, program, or activity at the College of Law.

6.   DSS is responsible for making determinations about reasonable accommodations after consulting with the Assistant Dean of the College of Law and will then notify the student by email of the decision to deny, grant, or partially grant or provide a reasonable alternative to the requested accommodations. This email is required prior to any accommodations being made.

7.   Information regarding a student’s disability and any accommodations provided shall be disclosed only when necessary in furtherance of the student’s education or to individuals who have a need to know the information as determined by the University.  As a general rule, when feasible, student anonymity will be maintained.

8.   For any exam condition accommodations, DSS will notify the Assistant Dean of the College of Law who will oversee the implementation of the accommodation.  DSS will also notify any other law school staff designated by the Assistant Dean of the College of Law who are needed to implement the accommodation (e.g. the designated testing coordinator, faculty etc.).  Students will be provided notice of the time and place of their accommodated testing by DSS. 

9.   For classroom accommodations, the Assistant Dean of the College of Law will oversee implementation of the accommodations and notify the faculty of the particular course if the accommodations provided affect the conduct of the class.

10. If a student is denied eligibility for DSS or requested reasonable accommodations, the student may request a review of these determinations by the Vice President for Student Affairs consistent with the process mentioned here https://www.uwyo.edu/udss/laws-and-complaint-processes/if-and-when-you-disagree.html Students who have questions about the review process may contact DSS for more information.  The Vice President for Student Affairs may consult with the Dean of the College of Law prior to making a final determination.


II. Rights and Responsibilities of the Student after Receiving Classroom and Exam Accommodations

  1. A student must renew his or her request for accommodations each semester by meeting with DSS in order to determine whether new and different accommodations are necessary for the student’s disability to be accommodated. Requests for classroom and exam accommodations must be made two weeks prior to the beginning of the semester.  At these meetings, DSS may request that the student submit updated documentation verifying the nature and extent of the student’s disability.
  2. If a student’s condition changes at any time, thereby affecting the nature and extent of his or her disability, the student must notify the DSS immediately and DSS will consult with the Assistant Dean of the College of Law, as the designated liaison for the College to engage in the interactive process set forth in section I(B)(4).
  3. If there is a problem with any accommodations that a student receives, whether it is related to a course, an exam, or access to a facility, the student must promptly notify DSS  who will coordinate with the Assistant Dean of the College of Law so that steps may be taken, to the extent practicable, to resolve the problem.
  4. Communication via accommodations (including exam schedules and room assignments) will be made using the student’s email account. A student is responsible for checking email on a timely basis to determine the status of any issue relating to the accommodation that has been put in place for a particular disability. If the student’s disability prevents physical access to email, an alternative method of communication will be determined in consultation with DSS, the College of Law, and the student.


III. Requests for Accommodations Related to the College of Law Facilities

Any requests for disability accommodations related to the College of Law buildings or University grounds may be initiated by contacting DSS or the Assistant Dean of the College.  DSS and/or the College of Law will work collaboratively regarding any requests and may involve other campus units, including but not limited to the UW Operations, in order to process and/or implement reasonable accommodations related to the College of Law facilities.

Credit Hours

In accordance with ABA Standard 310, one credit hour requires an amount of classroom or direct faculty instruction that is at least equivalent to fifty minutes per week for fifteen weeks (including one week for a final exam), as well as an amount of out-of-class student work that reasonably approximates two hours per week for fifteen weeks (including one week for a final exam). One credit hour for other academic activities, including simulation, field placement, clinical, co-curricular, and other academic work, requires at least an equivalent amount of work.

The College of Law faculty establishes and approves the number of credit hours awarded for each newly approved course. New course proposals must indicate both the in-class and out-of-class work that justifies the credit hours to be awarded. The curriculum committee will initially review existing courses to determine that classroom and out-of-class work meet the requirements for the awarded credit hours. The Associate Dean will thereafter periodically review course descriptions and syllabi to ensure that classroom and out-of-class work continue to meet the requirements for the awarded credit hours.

Bar Subjects

Wyoming has now adopted the Uniform Bar Exam, as has Colorado. Information about both bar exams can be found on the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) webpage (http://www.ncbex.org/).

DISCLAIMER: It is your responsibility to check with the Board of Law Examiners in each state in which you plan to take the bar exam for the latest information regarding bar examination subjects, application procedures, and deadlines, etc. We encourage students to begin the application process to take a bar exam well in advance. Some states provide reduced fees if students register within 15 months of entering law school.

Clinics & Practicums

For students matriculating in the fall 2016 semester and after, students are limited to a maximum of 9.0 credit hours of clinic credits. Clinic directors are allowed a maximum of 12.0 credit hours. Students will further be limited to a combined maximum of 12.0 credit hours total for clinic credits and externship credits. Clinic directors are limited to a combined maximum of 15.0 credits total for clinic credits and externship credits.

The College of Law offers six clinical programs and one practicum: Civil Legal Services; Defender Aid; Business Law Practicum; Estate Planning Practicum, Family Law; International Human Rights; and Prosecution Assistance. The clinical programs operate pursuant to Wyoming Supreme Court rules that permit third-year law students to practice law under the supervision of a COL professor or Wyoming Bar member. A student director is appointed for each program to help the faculty supervisor administer the program. (Wyoming Supreme Court, Rule 9)

The caseload of each clinic consists of actual cases and matters in Wyoming, the region, and even around the world. The Wyoming student practice rule allows student interns to make court appearances with the consent of the client. There is no simulation. The faculty supervisor is professionally responsible for the students in the program. Therefore, particular emphasis is placed on professional responsibility to the client, the profession, and the community. The response of the courts to students has been enthusiastic, both on and off the bench, and in trial and appellate courts.

Each clinical and practicum program is designed to expose students to a wide range of real experience in the practice of law. The programs are available during the academic year to third-year students and during the summer between the student’s second and third years of law school. Third-year spring semester students who have not previously taken a clinic or practicum will receive a preference over those seeking a second semester in the clinic or practicum.

Students receive three credit hours per semester, are graded, and are generally required to devote a minimum of 150 hours to the program. Enrollment in the clinical programs may be limited in the interest of affording students maximum educational benefit. However, the College of Law will make sure that every interested student gains experience through a clinic, practicum, or other experiential opportunity.

Third Year Students Note: Clinic credit and externship credit may not be earned in the same semester, unless the student obtains permission from both the clinic faculty director and the externship faculty director, as well as the associate or assistant dean.

For more information on the clinic and practicum offerings, please see Legal Clinics at http://www.uwyo.edu/law/experiential/clinics/ and Estate Planning Practicum at http://www.uwyo.edu/law/experiential/practicums/.

Course Descriptions

You can find detailed course descriptions, which will be updated for each semester, on the law school website at COURSE DESCRIPTIONS (http://www.uwyo.edu/law/current/courses/courses.html). Click on the course name, and you will be able to view a detailed course description that will include information about the course, the instructor name, the semester offered, and the assessment method (e.g., exam, performance of skills, or paper).


For students matriculating in the fall 2016 semester and after, students are limited to a maximum of 6.0 credit hours of externship credits. Students will further be limited to a combined maximum of 12.0 credit hours total for clinic credits and externship credits. Clinic directors are limited to a combined maximum of 15.0 credits total for clinic credits and externship credits.

The externship program provides second and third year students with an opportunity to learn through practice by working directly with attorneys or judges for academic credit. Externship placements are limited to judges, government agencies and nonprofit organizations, and must be pre-approved by the externship faculty director. A student may also seek externship credit by volunteering for a judge, government agency or nonprofit group that fits the criteria for externship placement but is not currently on the pre-approved list. In that case, the supervising attorney or judge must submit a proposal to the externship faculty director, for approval on a case-by-case basis. This should be done well ahead of the time that the student begins work.

For two hours of credit a student is required to work 100 hours; for three hours of credit a student is required to work 150 hours.  Students may apply for one unit of credit under limited circumstances and only with the prior approval of the externship faculty director. All externs must complete a writing component as part of the program requirements. The writing does not satisfy the advanced writing requirement. Grades are awarded S/U only. A student may earn a maximum of 3 hours of externship credit per semester; provided that a student may earn a maximum of 6 credits in a summer semester. Again, a student is limited to a total of 6 hours of credit for externships in their academic career. Externs must pay their own travel expenses. Students must register for summer externship credits in the summer session. If you are accepted for an externship, you will need to register for the appropriate number of credits for an externship course, LAW 6960. There will be an online component of the externship program.

Third Year Students Note: Externship credit and clinic credit may not be earned in the same semester, unless the student obtains permission from both the clinic faculty director and the externship faculty director, as well as the associate or assistant dean.

For a list of currently approved externship offerings and the externship application please see Legal Externships at http://www.uwyo.edu/law/experiential/legal-externships/index.html.

Joint Degree Programs

JD/MA in ENR Program

A joint Juris Doctor/Master of Arts of Environment and Natural Resources degree is available to all admitted law students upon application.The degrees are awarded concurrently by each college upon successful completion of the combined degree program requirements. Students in this joint degree program must take 18 credits outside the law school in ENR courses, and must take 12 law school credits from a menu of ENR-related law courses to qualify for this joint degree. Students in this joint degree program must be enrolled in a minimum of 9 hours of law course work in every fall and spring semester. Students in the joint degree program must also complete a supervised research project. Additionally, nine (9) credits of approved MA coursework (see Academic Regulations) will be applied to the Juris Doctor degree. Current core courses: ENR 5100, ENR 5900, ENR 5890, ENR 5750.

JD/MBA Program

A joint Juris Doctor/Master of Business Administration program is available in the College of Law and the College of Business. This program will take approximately four years to complete. Students spend three years on-campus engaged in law studies. Typically in their second year, students will be enrolled full-time in the MBA Program, taking required core business courses during the Fall, Spring, and Summer as well as participating in additional required program activities (orientation, Experiential Leadership Program, Jackson Leadership Summit, MBA Executive Speaker Series, Professional Development activities, etc.). The MBA Capstone course will be the final course completed in the summer term for a total of 36 MBA program credits. Nine (9) credit hours of approved coursework will be transferred as elective hours to the Juris Doctor degree. Students successfully completing this lock-step program will earn dual Juris Doctor and Masters of Business Administration degrees. The degrees are awarded concurrently by each college upon successful completion of the combined degree program requirements.  Current core courses: MBAM 5102, MBAM 5104, MBAM 5107, MBAM 5202, MBAM 5204, MBAM 5207, MBAM 5208, MBAM 5209, MBAM 5305, MBAM 5330.

JD/MPA Program

A student in the joint Juris Doctor/Master of Public Administration program must be admitted to both the College of Law and College of Arts and Sciences. The degrees are awarded concurrently by each college upon successful completion of the combined degree program requirements. Students in this joint degree program must be enrolled in a minimum of 9 hours of law course work in every fall and spring semester. In fulfillment of the J.D. degree, the College of Law will accept up to nine hours of MPA credits in courses approved by the law faculty. In fulfillment of the MPA degree, the College of Arts and Sciences will accept up to 12 hours of credits earned in specified courses in the J.D. program. Current core courses: POLS 5000, POLS 5400, POLS 5410, POLS 5440, POLS 5684, POLS 5510, POLS 5690, POLS 5080, POLS 5060, POLS 5450, POLS 5460, POLS 5480.                                                                                          

Nonprofessional Degree Students

Graduate students from other colleges of the University of Wyoming may be permitted to take one or more law courses on an S/U basis for non‑law credit when the following conditions are met: the law course taken is acceptable for their degree program and the prior written approval of the professor assigned to the course and the Associate Dean or Assistant Dean has been obtained. In order to obtain audit or visitor privileges, students must obtain prior written approval of the professor assigned to the course and the Associate Dean or Assistant Dean. For further information and requirements contact the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, College of Law, Dept. 3035, 1000 E. University Ave., Laramie, WY 82071.

Course descriptions may be obtained online at www.uwyo.edu/law.


