Mar 30, 2025  
2023-2024 University of Wyoming Catalog 
2023-2024 University of Wyoming Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Credit Available to Undergraduate Students

The University of Wyoming offers credit towards an undergraduate degree through:

I. University of Wyoming Credit

Instructed Classes

Courses are offered on campus and at distance settings around the state, including recognized academic courses under faculty general supervision such as internships, clerkships, clinical experience, co‑op programs, etc.

Distance courses

Unlike some institutions, UW delivers courses at a distance through its mainstream academic departments, not through a separate academic unit. Academic department heads have the authority to assign instructors to distance-delivered courses, including online courses. They also have a responsibility to ensure that those courses are comparable in rigor and effectiveness to courses delivered face to face.

For this reason, when a department offers a UW course both face to face and at a distance, any UW student may satisfy any relevant university-, college-, and department-level requirements or elective credit by taking the course in either format.

Exceptions may arise when it is necessary to reserve space in a distance-delivered course for off-campus students, who can’t take the face-to-face version. In these cases, departments may reserve spaces for off-campus students. But to the extent that spaces remain available after all interested off-campus students have enrolled, these spaces must be available to interested on-campus students.

Credit by Examination

An examination of an appropriate type and content for the credit sought may be conducted to determine if the applicant’s proficiency is equivalent to that which could be expected upon completion of a college-level course in the subject. An applicant found to have this level of proficiency will be awarded credit for that course and allowed to proceed either with more advanced courses or with courses in other areas.

The use of credit by examination, or credit for prior learning, in graduate programs is not allowed.

Information concerning credit by examination can be obtained by contacting the Office of the Registrar.

Departmental Exams

While there is no maximum placed on the amount of credit earned by examination, credit so earned does not count in fulfilling the residency requirement of 30 hours of upper division University of Wyoming credit.

A student may not be allowed credit by examination in a course in which the student is currently or was previously enrolled either for credit or as a visitor or auditor, except that credit by examination may be used as a means to obtain credit for courses previously taken at institutions from which credit is nontransferable. A student may not challenge equivalent courses.

A student may not earn credit by examination in a course if the student has completed a course in the subject matter area above the level of the course for which the examination is sought. However, at the discretion of the departments involved, during the add/drop period a student may challenge a lower-level course while enrolled in a higher-level course in the same subject matter area, if the course challenged is a prerequisite for the course in which the student is currently enrolled.

If an examination exists, eligible students who pay the testing fee of $80.00 may not be denied an examination in the introductory undergraduate course in any department. “Introductory course” is interpreted as that course which is prerequisite for successive courses in the department. Additional fees for examinations offered by testing agencies other than the University of Wyoming are determined by the agency concerned.

Grades of S or U (satisfactory/unsatisfactory) are given in all examinations. Credit by examination is not included in the student’s grade point average; it is, however, included in the hours earned toward graduation. The grade of S is the equivalent of a C or better. See below for specific subject requirements. Entry on the student’s academic record for credit by examination is made only if a grade of S is obtained and is noted as a grade obtained by examination.

To qualify for undergraduate credit, the student must be currently registered at the University of Wyoming as a degree candidate. The student must also be able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the chair of the department involved that background experience has prepared him or her to attempt a challenge examination if such an examination is sought. The department chair’s decision will be based upon existing departmental constraints such as accreditation, graduation requirements, and program requirements.

Other Options Include:

  • Subject CLEP tests
  • AP tests
  • International Baccalaureate (IB)
  • DSST

Students showing proficiency by passing examinations such as the College Board Advanced Placement Program (AP), for example, or examinations developed by University of Wyoming departments may earn college credit through the level of demonstrated proficiency. Credit may be allowed on the basis of any testing procedure acceptable to any department, which may include tests of the AP program and both the general and subject (specific) examinations of the College Level Examinations Program (CLEP).

Advanced Placement (AP) Information

Subject Acceptable Score UW Course Number(s)/Title(s), Semester Credit Hours
Art History  4+  ELEC 1000 (3) 
Art & Design 2D 4+ ELEC 1000 (3)
Art & Design 3D 4+ ELEC 1000 (3)
Art & Design Drawing 4+ ELEC 1000 (3)
Biology  4+  LIFE 1010 (4), General Biology 
Calculus AB  3+  MATH 2200 (4), Calculus I 
Calculus BC  3+  MATH 2200, 2205 (8), Calculus I and II 
Chemistry  4+  CHEM 1020 and CHEM 1030 (8), General Chemistry I and General Chemistry II 
Chinese Language  4 CHIN 1010 (4), 1st yr. Chinese I 
Chinese Language  5 CHIN 1010, 1020 (8), 1st yr. Chinese I and II 
Computer Science A  4 COSC 1010 (4), Intro to Computer Science I 
Computer Science A  5 COSC 1010, 1030 (8), Intro to Computer Science I, Computer Science I 
Computer Science Principles  3+  COSC 1100 (3), Computer Science Principles and Practice 
Environmental Science  3+  ENR 1200 (4), Environment 
European History  3+  HIST 1120 (3), Western Civ. II 
French Language  3 FREN 1010 (4), 1st yr. French I 
French Language  4 FREN 1010, 1020 (8), 1st yr. French I and II 
French Language  5 FREN 1010, 1020, 2030 (12), 1st yr. French I, II, 2nd yr. French I 
German Language  3 GERM 1010 (4), 1st yr German I 
German Language  4 GERM 1010, 1020 (8), 1st yr. German I and II 
German Language  5 GERM 1010, 1020, 2030 (12), 1st yr German I, II, 2nd yr. German I 
Government and Politics  3+  POLS 0000 (3) (fulfills the US Constitution requirement; eligible to take the one-hour Wyoming Constitution exam) 
Government Comp.  3+  POLS 0000 (3) (fulfills the US Constitution requirement; eligible to take the one-hour Wyoming Constitution exam) 
Human Geography  4+  GEOG 1020 (3), Intro to Human Geography
Italian Language  4+ LANG 1010, 1020 (8)
Japanese Language 4 JAPN 1010, 1020 (8) 1st Year Japanese I and II
Japanese Language 5 JAPN 1010, 1020, 2030 (12) 1st year Japanese I and II, 2nd Year Japanese I
Language & Composition  4+  ENGL 1010 (3), College Composition and Rhetoric
Latin Literature  3 LATN 1010 (4), 1st yr. Latin I 
Latin Literature  4 LATN 1010, 1020 (8), 1st yr. Latin I, II 
Latin Literature  5 LATN 1010, 1020, 2030 (12), 1st yr. Latin I, II, 2nd yr. Latin I 
Literature & Composition  4+  ENGL 1010 (3), College Composition and Rhetoric
Macroeconomics  4+  ECON 1010 (3), Principles of Macroeconomics 
Microeconomics  4+  ECON 1020 (3), Principles of Microeconomics 
Music Theory  4+  MUSC 1030 (3), Music Theory I and MUSC 1035 (1), Aural Theory I 
Physics 1  4+  PHYS 1110 (4), General Physics I 
Physics 2  4+  PHYS 1120 (4), General Physics II 
Physics B  4+  PHYS 1210 (4), College Physics I 
Physics Mechanics  4+  PHYS 1210, 1220 (8), College Physics I and II 
Physics Elec & Magnetism  4+  PHYS 1220 (4), Engineering Physics II 
Psychology  4+  PSYC 1000 (3), General Psychology
Research 4+ ELEC 1000 (3)
Seminar 4+ ELEC 1000 (3)
Spanish Language  2 No credit, but student should contact department for possible placement in SPAN 1020 
Spanish Language  3 SPAN 1010 (4), 1st yr. Spanish I 
Spanish Language  4 SPAN 1010, 1020 (8), 1st yr. Spanish I, II
Spanish Language  5 SPAN 1010, 1020, 2030 (12), 1st yr. Spanish I, II, 2nd yr. Spanish I 
Spanish Literature and Culture 2 No credit but student should contact department for placement 
Spanish Literature and Culture 3 SPAN 1010, 1020, 2030 (12), 1st yr. Spanish I, II, 2nd yr. Spanish I 
Spanish Literature and Culture  4+  SPAN 1010, 1020, 2030, and 2040 (15); 1st yr. Spanish I, II, 2nd yr. Spanish I, and 2nd yr. Spanish II
Statistics  3+  STAT 2050 (4), Fund of Statistics 
U.S. History  4+  ELEC 1000 (6) (fulfills the US Constitution requirement; eligible to take the one-hour Wyoming Constitution exam) 
World History  4 HIST 1330 (3), World History from 1450 
World History  5 HIST 1330, 1320 (6), World History to 1450 and from 1450 

*Partial V: Students receiving partial V credit may satisfy the Wyoming government portion of the requirement by taking an exam on Wyoming State politics.

College Level Examination Prep (CLEP)

Subject Acceptable Score UW Course Number(s)/Title(s), Semester Credit Hours
American Government  50 or above  POLS 0000 (3), (fulfills US Constitution requirement, eligible to take the one-hour Wyoming Constitution exam)
American Literature All Scores No Credit
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature  50 or above  ELEC 1000 (3) 
Biology  50 or above  LIFE 1010 (4), General Biology 
Introductory Business Law  50 or above  MGT 2010 (3) Legal Environment of Business 
Calculus  50 or above  MATH 2200 (4), Calculus I 
Chemistry  50 or above  CHEM 1020 and CHEM 1030 (8), General Chemistry I and General Chemistry II
College Algebra  50 or above  MATH 1400 (3), College Algebra
College Composition All Scores No Credit
College Mathematics 50 or above Math 1000, ELEC 1000 (6) Problem Solving and General Elective
English Literature All Scores No Credit 
Financial Accounting  50 or above  ACCT 1010 (3) Principles of Accounting I
French Language  41 to 49  FREN 1010 (4), 1st yr. French I 
French Language  50 to 56  FREN 1010, 1020 (8), 1st yr. French I and II 
French Language  57 or above  FREN 1010, 1020, 2030 (12), 1st yr. French I, II, 2nd yr. French I
French Language: Level 1 50 or above FREN 1010 (4) 1st yr. French I
French Language: Level 2 50 or above FREN 1010, 1020 (8), 1st yr. French I and II 
German Language  41 to 47  GERM 1010 (4), 1st yr. German I 
German Language  48 to 53  GERM 1010, 1020 (8), 1st yr. German I and II 
German Language  54 or above  GERM 1010, 1020, 2030 (12), 1st yr. German I, II, 2nd yr. German I
German Language: Level 1 50 or above GERM 1010 (4), 1st yr. German I
German Language: Level 2 50 or above GERM 1010, 1020 (8), 1st yr. German I and II
History of the U.S. I  50 or above  ELEC 1000 (3) (fulfills US Constitution requirement, eligible to take the one-hour Wyoming Constitution exam)
History of the U.S. II 50 or above HIST 1221 (3) (fulfills US Constitution requirement, eligible to take the one-hour Wyoming Constitution exam)
Humanities  50 or above  ENGL 2130 (3) Creative Impulse
Human Growth and Development 50 or abover EDST 2450 (3) Foundations of Development and Learning
Information Systems and Computer Applications  50 or above  COSC 1200 (3) Computer Information Systems 
Intro to Educational Psychology  47 or above ELEC 1000 (3)
Natural Science 50 or above LIFE 1002 Discovering Science
Pre-Calculus  50 or above  MATH 1450 (5), Algebra & Trigonometry 
Principles of Management  50 or above  MGT 2100 (3), Management & Organization 
Principles of Marketing  50 or above  MKT 2100 (3), Intro to Marketing 
Principles of Macroeconomics  50 or above  ECON 1010 (3), Principles of Macroeconomics 
Principles of Microeconomics  50 or above  ECON 1020 (3), Principles of Microeconomics 
Introductory Psychology  50 or above  PSYC 1000 (3), General Psychology 
Social Sciences and History  50 or above  ELEC 1000 (3) 
Spanish Language  41 to 49  SPAN 1010 (4), 1st yr. Spanish I 
Spanish Language  50 to 53  SPAN 1010, 1020 (8), 1st yr. Spanish I and II 
Spanish Language  54 or above  SPAN 1010, 1020, 2030 (12), 1st yr. Spanish I, II, 2nd yr. Spanish I
Spanish Language: Level 1 50 or above SPAN 1010 (4), 1st yr. Spanish I
Spanish Language: Level 2 50 or above SPAN 1010, 1020 (8), 1st yr. Spanish I and II
Spanish Writing: Level 1 50 or above SPAN 1010 (4), 1st yr. Spanish I
Spanish Writing: Level 2 50 or above SPAN 1010, 1020, 2030 (12), 1st yr. Spanish I, II, 2nd yr. Spanish I
Introductory Sociology  56 or above  SOC 1000 (3), Sociological Principles 
Western Civ. I  50 or above  HIST 1110 (3), Western Civilization I 
Western Civ. II  50 or above  HIST 1120 (3), Western Civilization II 

DANTES Standardized Subject Tests (DSST)

Subject Acceptable Score UW Course Number(s)/Title(s), Semester Credit Hours
General Anthropology  50 or above  ELEC 1000 (3) 
Art of the Western World  50 or above  ELEC 1000 (3) 
Astronomy 400 or above ASTR 1000 (3)
Business Ethics & Society 400 or above ELEC 1000 (3)
Business Math 400 or above ELEC 1000 (3)
Civil War and Reconstruction  47 or above ELEC 3000 (3)
College Algebra, Fundamentals of 400 or above MATH 1400 (3)  College Algebra
Computing and Information Technology 300 or above COSC 1200 (3) Computer Information Systems
Criminal Justice  46 or above  ELEC 1000 (3)
Environmental Science 400 or above ENR 1200 (4) Environment 
Ethics in America  50 or above  ELEC 1000 (3) 
Foundations in Education 400 or above ELEC 1000 (3)
History of the Vietnam War  53 or above  HIST 1220 (3) US History II 
History Soviet Union Rise and Fall 49 or above ELEC 3000 (3)
Human/Cultural Geography  48 or above  GEOG 1020 (3) Introduction to Human Geography 
Human Resource Management  46 or above ELEC 1000 (3)
Introduction to Business  400 or above  ELEC 1000 (3)
Introduction to Computing  400 or above ELEC 1000 (3)
Introduction to World Religions  50 or above  RELI 1000 (3), Introduction to Religion 
Lifespan Developmen t Psychology  50 or above ELEC 1000 (3)
Management Information Systems  400 or above ELEC 1000 (3)
Math for Liberal Arts 400 or above MATH 1000 (3) Problem Solving
Organizational Behavior  46 or above ELEC 1000 (3)
Money and Banking  48 or above  ELEC 1000 (3)
Personal Finance  46 or above/400 or above ELEC 1000 (3)
Physical Geology  46 or above ELEC 1000 (3)
Principles of Finance  400 or above ELEC 3000 (3) 
Principles of Financial Accounting  50 or above  ACCT 1010 (3) no USP credit 
Principles of Physical Science  47 or above  ELEC 1000 (3)
Principles of Public Speaking  47 or above ELEC 1000 (3)
Principles of Supervision  400 or above ELEC 1000 (3) 
Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union  49 or above ELEC 3000 (3)
Statistics  48 or above  STAT 2070 (4), Intro to Statistics for Social Sciences 
Substance Abuse  49 or above/400 or above  ELEC 3000 (4)
World Religions, Intro to 50 or above RELI 1000 (3) Intro to Religion

International Baccalaureate (IB)

Subject Acceptable Score UW Course Number(s)/Title(s), Semester Credit Hours
Adv. Math SL  4+  MATH 2200, 2205 (8), Calculus I and II 
Social/Cultural Anthropology HL  4+  ANTH 2200 (3), World Culture 
Social/Cultural Anthropology SL  4+  ANTH 1200 (3), Intro to Cultural Anthropology 
Art/Design HL  4+ ART 1000 (3) General Art Studio and ART 1010 (3) General Art History 
Biology HL  4+  LIFE 1010 (4), General Biology 
Biology SL  4+  LIFE 1010 (4), General Biology 
Business & Management HL  4+  MGT 2000 (3), Introduction to Business 
Business & Management SL  4+  MGT 2000 (3), Introduction to Business 
Chemistry HL  4 CHEM 1020 (4), Gen. Chemistry I 
Chemistry HL  5+  CHEM 1020 (4) Gen. Chemistry and  CHEM 1030 (4) Gen. Chemistry II
Chemistry SL  4+  ELEC 1000 (4), Physical Science Elective, USP SP 
Computer Science HL  4+  COSC 1010, 1030 (8), Intro to Computer Science I and II 
Computer Science SL  4+  COSC 1010 (4), Intro to Computer Science I 
Economics HL  4 ECON 1000 (3), Global Econ. Issues 
Economics HL  5+ ECON 1010(3), Principles of Macroeconomics; ECON 1020 (3), Principles of Microeconomics 
Economics SL  4+ ECON 1000 (3), Global Econ. Issues 
English Language A HL  4+ ENGL 1010 (3) College Composition and Rhetoric
English Language A SL All Scores No Credit
English Language A Literature HL 4+ ENGL 1010 (3) College Composition and Rhetoric
English Language A Literature SL All Scores No Credit
English Language B HL 5+ ELEC 1000 (3)
Enlgish Language B SL All Scores No Credit
Environmental Systems and Societies SL 4+  ENR 1200 (4), Environment 
French Language A Literature HL  4+ FREN 1010 (4), 1st yr. French 
French Language A Literature SL All Scores No Credit
French Language A Language and Literature HL 4+ FREN 1010 (4), 1st yr. French 
French Language A Language and Literature SL All Scores No Credit
French Language B HL 4+ FREN 1010 (4), 1st yr. French 
French Language B SL All Scores No Credit
French Language A/B Initio SL All Scores No Credit
French Literature and Performance SL All Scores No Credit
Geography HL 4+ GEOG 1010, 1020 (8) Introduction to Physical Geography and Intro to Human Geogtraphy
Geography SL 4+ GEOG 1010 (4) Introduction to Physical Geography
German Language A Literature HL 4+ Germ 1010 (4) 1st yr. German I 
German Language A Literature SL All Scores No Credit
German Language A Language and Literature HL 4+ Germ 1010 (4) 1st yr. German I 
German Language A Language and Literature SL All Scores No Credit
German Language B HL 4+ Germ 1010 (4) 1st yr. German I 
German Language B SL All Scores No Credit
German Language AB SL All Scores No Credit
German Literature and Performance SL All Scores No Credit
History - American HL  4+ HIST 1210, 1220 (6), US History I and II 
History-European HL 4+  ELEC 1000 (3)
History - Africa HL  4+  ELEC 1000 (3),
History - Asia and Oceania HL  4+  ELEC 1000 (3),
Information Technology/Global Awareness HL 4+  ELEC 1000 (3)
Information Technology/Global Awareness SL 4+ ELEC 1000 (3) 
Japanese Language A Literature HL 4+ JAPN 1010 (4) 1st yr Japanese I
Japanese Language A Literature SL All Scores No Credit
Japanese Language A Language and Literature HL 4+ JAPN 1010 (4) 1st yr Japanese I
Japanese Language A Language and Literature SL All Scores No Credit
Japanese Language B HL 4+ JAPN 1010 (4) 1st yr Japanese I
Japanese Language B SL All Scores No Credit
Japanese Language A/B Initio SL All Scores No Credit
Japanese Literature and Performance SL All Scores No Credit
Foreign Language A Literature HL 4+ LANG 1010 (4) 1st yr Foreign Language I
Foreign Language A Literature SL All Scores No Credit
Foreign Language A Language and Literature HL 4+ LANG 1010 (4) 1st yr Foreign Language I 
Foreign Language A Language and Literature SL All Scores No Credit
Foreign Language B HL 4+ LANG 1010 (4) 1st yr Foreign Language I
Foreign Language B SL All Scores No Credit
Foreign Language A/B Initio SL All Scores No Credit
Foreign Literature and Performance SL All Scores No Credit 
Math Studies SL SL 1-3 No Credit
Math Studies SL SL 4+ ELEC 1000 U5Q
Advanced Math SL SL 1-3 No Credit
Advanced Math SL SL 4+ MATH 2200 and MATH 2205
Math Analysis & Approach SL SL 1-3 No Credit
Math Analysis & Approach SL SL 4+ MATH 1450
Math Analysis & Approach HL HL 1-3 No Credit
Math Analysis & Approach HL HL 4+ MATH 2200
Math Application & Interpretation SL SL 1-3 No Credit
Math Application & Interpretation SL SL 4+ MATH 2200
Math Application & Interpretation HL HL 1-3 No Credit
Math Application & Interpretation HL HL 4+ MATH 2200 and MATH 2205
Math Studies SL 4+ ELEC 1000 (3), Quantitative Reasoning I 
Music HL  4+ Music 1000 (3), Intro to Music
Music SL 4+ Music 1000 (3), Intro to Music 
Music Theory SL  4+  Music 1000 (3), Intro to Music 
Philosophy HL  4+ PHIL 1000 (3) Introduction to Philosophy
Physics HL  4+ PHYS 1110, 1120 (8), General Physics I and II
Physics SL 4+ PHYS 1110, 1120 (8), General Physics I and II
Psychology HL  4+  PSYC 1000 (3), General Psychology 
Psychology SL  4+  PSYC 1000 (3), General Psychology 
Spanish Language A Literature HL 4+ SPAN 1010 (4), 1st yr. Spanish I 
Spanish Language A Literature SL All Scores No Credit
Spanish Language A Language and Literature HL 4+ SPAN 1010 (4), 1st yr. Spanish I 
Spanish Language A Language and Literature SL All Scores No Credit 
Spanish Language B HL 4+ SPAN 1010 (4), 1st yr. Spanish I 
Spanish Language B SL All Scores No Credit
Spanish Language A/B Initio SL All Scores No Credit
Spanish Literature and Performance SL All Scores No Credit 
Theatre HL 4+ THEA 1200 (3) Introduction to Design
Theatre SL 4+ THEA 1100 (3) Beginning Acting
Theory of Knowledge  B or A 4+ ELEC 1000 (3) 
Performance/ Theatre Prod. HL  4+  THEA 2050 (3), Theatre Practice 
Visual Art HL  4+ ELEC 1000 (12), Art Elective
Visual Art SL  4+ ELEC 1000 (6), Art Elective 
World Religions SL 4+  RELI 1000 (3), Introduction to Religion 

Portfolio Evaluations

In recognition of factors in our society that produce great individual differences in backgrounds and preparation of students entering the university, the university has developed various options to assess extrainstitutional college-level learning. To qualify for undergraduate credit, the student must be currently registered at the University of Wyoming as a degree candidate.

Credit based on faculty evaluation of the kinds and extent of collegelevel learning which an applicant has acquired in prior extra-institutional settings, evidenced in a portfolio of documentation, may count toward university undergraduate graduation requirements. In such event, the student’s degree program can be enriched by freeing time needed to take additional courses, or accelerated to earn the baccalaureate degree earlier and commence postgraduate studies sooner.

The number of credit hours able to be earned by means of a portfolio evaluation is normally limited to 12. Such credit, when awarded, shall be for specific University of Wyoming content-oriented courses (rather than given as X number of hours of credit in a general discipline area), following the college course model of assessment as defined by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning. Portfolio assessment, when used, will be conducted by a committee of appropriate tenured faculty including at least one member with the academic rank of professor. All credit assigned for experiential learning based upon portfolio evaluations is excluded from the minimum credit hour requirements as set forth in the university requirements.

II. Transfer Credit

Transfer credit includes college courses accepted from other regionally-accredited colleges or universities. Such course work must be considered equivalent or comparable to course work required by the University of Wyoming. The university accepts only academic courses in the study of religion similar to those offered by the Religious Studies Program in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Students transferring to UW must have the registrar or records office of the previous school(s) send an official transcript to the University of Wyoming Admissions Office. Once all final transcripts have been received by the Admissions Office, the degree analysts in the Office of the Registrar will create an electronic record of all courses that transfer to UW.

Evaluations are not accomplished for students working toward a Second Bachelor’s Degree or those admitted as non-degree seeking. Second Bachelor’s students should consult with their adviser concerning the applicability of transfer work to their UW degree program.

The recording of credit does not automatically imply acceptance toward a degree since degree requirements vary from major to major. Questions concerning the transferability of course work from other institutions should be directed to the Office of the Registrar.

Nontraditional credits awarded by another institution will not normally be accepted by the University of Wyoming. They may be validated by departmental exam within the faculty regulations allowing for such examinations.

a. UW Policy (Academic Affairs Policy Letter, October 9, 2012)

UW maintains a system for accepting transfer credits from other institutions and prides itself on forward-looking approaches to distance education. The following clarifies policies for:

  • Accepting transfer credit from Wyoming’s public community colleges
  • Accepting transfer credit for students transferring to UW from other institutions
  • Accepting transfer credit for students enrolled at UW
  1. Transfer credit from Wyoming’s public community colleges
    UW generally accepts credit earned at any Wyoming public community college in accordance with the Wyoming Transfer Catalog. This policy applies to students transferring to UW and to students enrolled at UW who take courses at one of these community colleges while they pursue degrees at UW. 
    UW maintains an active regimen of institution-wide and discipline-specific articulation with Wyoming community colleges. These discus­sions, together with department-driven decisions about which courses to list in the statewide common course-numbering system, provide mechanisms that can ensure appropriate levels of course equivalency.
  2. Transfer credit for students transferring from other institutions
    The UW Office of the Registrar (OTR) maintains a list of course equivalencies and courses accepted for general credit from other institutions of higher learning. In maintaining this list, the OTR, in consultation with academic departments as necessary, determines which outside courses:
  • are equivalent to specific UW courses
  • count for general university-level credit
  • are not transferable for university-level credit

For courses beyond the 1000-2000 level and in cases where ques­tions arise, the OTR relies on academic departments to assist in the assessment.

For any student transferring to UW from another institution of higher learning, UW will adhere to the OTR’s equivalencies on the date that the transcript is evaluated. If a course in question has not previously been articulated, the OTR will follow the normal protocol to make a determination. If an academic department determines that an outside course has been improperly articulated, the OTR will correct the equivalency. The corrected equivalency will apply to subsequent transfer students but not retroactively.

3.Transfer credit for students enrolled at UW

The university’s faculty and administration expect UW students to earn credits by taking courses at UW. Exceptions may be appropriate in some instances. For example, the university encourages students to pursue opportunities to study abroad, whether through UW course offerings or through other approved programs. As another example, a student who spends a summer in another university town may also have a compelling case for taking a non-UW course and applying the credits to the UW transcript. There are many other possibilities.

For any student enrolled at UW, the university will guarantee transfer credits only for courses for which the student has received prior, course-specific approval from the Office of the Registrar. A Transfer Evaluation Form should be submitted prior to enrolling for a transfer course.

The only exceptions are transferable credits from Wyoming com­munity colleges, as discussed above. In considering requests of this type, academic department heads may take into account the student’s circumstances, department, and university-level learning outcomes such as global awareness, and the department faculty’s assessment of the course’s content, level, and academic rigor.

This policy has no effect on such programs as WICHE’s Internet Course Exchange and other inter-institutional arrangements through which courses taught elsewhere count as credit-bearing UW courses.

b. Process

Transfer credit includes college courses accepted from other ac­credited colleges or universities. Such course work must be considered equivalent to course work required by the University of Wyoming. Students transferring to UW must have the registrar or records of­fice of previous school(s) send an official transcript to the University of Wyoming Admissions Office. Once all final transcripts have been received by the Admissions Office, the degree analysts in the OTR will create an electronic record of credit transferred.

The recording of credit does not automatically imply acceptance toward a degree since degree requirements vary from major to major. Questions concerning the transferability of course work from other institutions should be directed to the Office of the Registrar.

c. Articulation: Earned Associate Degrees

  1. Wyoming Community Colleges
    Students entering UW beginning Fall 2001 who have completed an AA, AS, ADN, or AB degree from a Wyoming Community (spring 2001 or later) College receive credit toward completion of the lower division general education requirements included in the University Studies Program with the exception of the US/WY Government and Constitutions requirement. Students with an eligible associate’s degree who have not completed both components of the US/WY Government and Constitutions requirement must complete it with coursework or challenge exam.
    This policy applies to graduates receiving an Associate of Arts, and Associate of Sciences, Associate Degree Nursing, or an Associates of Business degree from any of the seven Wyoming Community Colleges. All graduates with an AA, AS, ADN, or AB degree complete a mini­mum of 64 college-level credits with a minimum of 2.000 GPA.
  2. Community College Articulation: effective spring 2012
    Graduates of regionally-accredited Colorado community colleges earning an AA/AS Spring 2012 or later are awarded the lower-division general education core in the same manner as graduates of Wyoming community colleges, with the exception of the US/WY Government and Constitutions requirement. Students must complete the Wyoming component through coursework or challenge exam. Spring 2008 (and later) graduates of Pikes Peak Community College are included due to a pre-existing articulation agreement.
    Spring 2012 and later AA/AS graduates of Western Nebraska, Mid- Plains (Nebraska), and Colby (Kansas) Community Colleges will be extended the lower-division general education core in the same manner as Colorado schools above.
  3. Community College Articulation: effective spring 2015
    Graduates of regionally-accredited institutions earning an AA/ AS/AB Spring 2015 or later are awarded the lower-division general education core in the same manner as graduates of Wyoming com­munity colleges, with the exception of the US/WY Government and Constitutions requirement. Students must complete the Wyoming component through coursework or challenge exam.

Transfer Credit from Regionally-Accredited U.S.Colleges and Universities

The Wyoming Transfer Catalog is a searchable online database of courses which the University of Wyoming has previously articulated from regionally-accredited U.S. institutions. Coursework may transfer in as equivalent, elective or NA. Elective coursework may be a general elective, academic department specific elective and/or elective with University Studies (USP) credit. Transfer courses which return values of “NA” in the UW Subject field are considered to be not transferable to UW.

UW operates on semester credit; credit is awarded credit hour for credit hour. Quarter hours are recognized as two-thirds (2/3) of a semester hour.

Academic advisors may submit an elective course to fulfill a major or curricular requirement. Elective courses may also be considered for University Studies requirements via the University Studies Petition process.

Students intending to transfer to UW are encouraged to meet with advisors and review both the Wyoming Transfer Catalog and the UW Catalog when planning their program of study to ensure courses taken elsewhere will transfer to UW as intended for their desired major. Final determination of transfer credit acceptance is made by the University Registrar and faculty. Students must submit official transcripts of all completed coursework before a final determination can be made on credit transfer.

These equivalencies are subject to change without notice.

d. Transfer Credit for Study Abroad

Study abroad coursework is evaluated based off the documentation provided by the student and what is available to the Office of the Registrar. It is the students’ responsibility to review the transfer work and to provide any course documentation (syllabi, descriptions, sample course work) to the Office of the Registrar. Once the transcripts received from the study abroad experience have been evaluated, students will have one year from that date to make any appeals or changes to what was initially awarded. Requests for changes to transfer credit awarded through study abroad following one year of the initial review will not be processed.

III. Credit Evaluation Policy for VA Funded Students

 The degree analysts in the Office of the Registrar determine whether the course work is transferable to UW. Evaluations for the granting of credit for military-based training are based on recommendations in the American Council of Education (ACE) guidelines. Individual colleges will deter­mine whether such course work is applicable to their degree programs.