Mathematics Quick Start Information
The combined BS/MS program in Mathematics is designed to afford highly qualified students in their junior or senior year the opportunity to work towards both the BS and MS degrees in Mathematics. The program allows for advanced students to jump-start the graduate portion of their education by applying credits for graduate courses to both their BS and MS requirements. The MS degree earned under the combined BS/MS program is not a new or separate category of degree. However, through careful planning and coordination, this program can result in a reduction of the time required to complete both the Mathematics, B.S. and Mathematics, M.S. degrees.
Application for admission may be submitted to the department at any time after the student has completed 75 undergraduate credits. Graduate credits may be applied toward the MS under this program upon the completion of 90 undergraduate credits. Additional minimum requirements for admission are:
1. Minimum GPA of 3.25
2. Minimum GPA in undergraduate math courses of 3.5
3. Completion of two transition courses or their equivalents
4. Three letters of recommendation from UW faculty (at least 2 from UW-Math)
The BS/MS-Math program allows for students under the guidance of their academic advisor to take graduate courses as part of their BS degree. During their senior year, up to six graduate credits (5000+ level) can be counted simultaneously towards both the BS and MS degrees in Mathematics. In principle, this “double dipping” allows students to earn a MS after completing only 144 credits (120 to earn the BS, 6 of which are applied toward the 30 credits required to earn the MS) instead of 150 credits. In addition, students may reserve a further six credits of 5000 level credits for their MS degrees prior to earning their BS; however, these credits will not be counted toward the BS degree.
Satisfactory progress
The department’s Foundation Exam must be passed by the beginning of their second semester of their 4th year. Students in the BS/MS program must have a faculty advisor, with whom they consult to complete a program of study. The Program of Study (POS) must be submitted to the Mathematics Graduate Committee for approval by the end of the midterm of the first semester in which the student has been admitted into the program. The POS must include all courses to be taken during their senior year to the end of the students MS program. Any of the tracks (plan A or B) available to our Masters students will be available to students in this program. The advisor will aid the student in determining which track is the best for completion of the Masters.
Students in this program will be governed by the regulations applicable to any undergraduate student in Mathematics until the student has completed 120 credit hours applicable to the BS degree in Mathematics. Once those 120 credit hours have been completed, the student will be enrolled as a graduate student and be governed by graduate student regulations in the Mathematics graduate program. To the extent possible, once the student transitions to being a graduate student, the student should complete the MS degree in 12 months.
University of Wyoming requirements:
Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 to graduate. • Students must complete 42 hours of upper division (3000-level or above) coursework, 30 of which must be from the University of Wyoming. • Courses must be taken for a letter grade unless offered only for S/U. • University Studies Program (USP) Human Culture (H) and Physical & Natural World (PN) courses must be taken outside of the major subject, but can be cross-listed with the major.