Master of Science Distance Education Program is designed for teachers, coaches, and other health professionals to fit into their busy schedules. Students can complete the Master of Science degree via synchronous or online modalities in a two-five year period of time.
Plan B (Paper)
General Information
Teachers of health and physical education typically teach throughout the day and coach during the evenings and weekends. Therefore, traditional on campus Master’s degree programs that require students to attend the University of Wyoming in Laramie are often simply impossible for teachers and other health professionals to fit into their busy schedule.
The Division of Kinesiology and Health offers the Master of Science degree in Kinesiology and Health as an off-campus, distance education program. All courses are delivered via synchronous or online modalities. The distance education program is designed such that you can complete the Master of Science degree in a two-five year period of time.
This program involves a minimum of thirty (30) total credit hours of coursework and a culminating paper or case study presentation (experiential learning option) that is developed on a topic selected by the student in conjunction with her or his graduate faculty advisor. The process for composing the culminating paper or case study includes the development of a prospectus and final presentation of the paper or case study. Students who elect the experiential learning option will also be required to complete an internship or research experience. In addition to the nine (9) hours of general required courses, at least twelve (12) credit hours of other courses must be HLED and KIN courses.