Mar 09, 2025  
2025-2026 University of Wyoming Catalog 
2025-2026 University of Wyoming Catalog

Speech, Language and Hearing Science, B.S.

Learn about working with people to improve their speech, language, and hearing. Study American Sign Language. This pre-professional degree is preparation for application to a graduate studies in speech-language pathology, audiology, or other areas.

Degree Requirements

This degree requires 120 credits, 42 of which are upper-division credits.

University Studies Program

This degree requires that The University Studies Program 2015  requirements are met before graduation. Some of the courses required for this major fulfill USP requirements, but not all. Students should check their degree evaluations and consult with their assigned academic advisor to discuss their specific course plan.

Elective Courses

Upper-Division Social Behavior Credits (choose one)

Choose one from the list below (students are responsible for knowing prerequisites for these courses).


Lower division (1/2000) open electives (student choice - any course that does not meet another university or major requirement): 24 credits

Upper division (3/4000) open elective (student choice - any course that does not meet another university or major requirement): 12 credits


A grade of C or better must be earned in all SPPA courses; courses in the major must be taken for a letter grade unless offered for S/U only.

Speech, language, and hearing topic courses from community colleges do not transfer or count as course equivalents. Students can reference the UW Transfer Catalog to determine if an American Sign Language course taken elsewhere will transfer to UW as a course equivalent. 

Due to degree and related accreditation requirements for this program, official grades recorded on a college transcript are required for the following courses (AP/IB scores can not be used):

  • LIFE 1010
  • STAT 2050
  • PSYC 1000
  • PHYS 1050 or CHEM 1020

Additional Information

The BS degree prepares students for graduate study in communication disorders disciplines. Students study the normal processes associated with understanding and producing speech and language. These include anatomy, physiology, and neurology. Students also learn about normal development of speech and language in children, and they are introduced to disorders and clinical methods. Courses in related areas, such as anatomy, psychology, child development, and statistics are also part of the program. Students may obtain initial clinical experiences through observing clinical practice or completing patient simulations as part of the senior year coursework.

The B.S. degree is considered pre-professional preparation for entrance into a graduate program in speech-language pathology, audiology, or related fields. A clinical graduate degree is required in order to become a speech-language pathologist or an audiologist.  The B.S. degree at UW is not designed to meet requirements to become a speech-language pathology assistant (SLP-A), additional practicum and some coursework at another institution would be required to become an SLP-A.  For information on SLP-A technical programs please visit

Student Learning Objectives

The BS degree provides students with a broad-based foundation in the sciences and humanities, fundamental knowledge of human communication, communication development, and the nature of communication disorders across the lifespan. Specific learning objectives can be found on the BS program website.

Criminal Background Check

Eligibility for the B.S. degree is contingent upon passing a criminal background check. Usually during the senior year, each student will be required to obtain, pay for, and pass a criminal background check as part of enrollment in advanced courses. These background checks are required in order to participate in any aspect of the UW Speech & Hearing Clinic. The results of the background check may impact a student’s ability to complete the required coursework and obtain the degree. Please see the College of Health Sciences website for the policy and procedures document.

National Student Speech Language Hearing Association

Students can join the UW chapter of the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA) to become a part of a community of students interested in communication sciences and disorders.  Objectives are to promote and recognize scholastic achievement and to support clinical, research, and service endeavors.