Mar 09, 2025  
2025-2026 University of Wyoming Catalog 
2025-2026 University of Wyoming Catalog

Anthropology, Ph.D.

Provides students with training so to achieve academic or non-academic career goals. Students have a dissertation experience that results in professional publication. They will also have practical experience that will promote movement into careers.

Program Requirements

Student maintains a portfolio which documents teaching, internship, and research experience.

Students are encouraged to present papers at professional conferences and submit articles for publication throughout their tenure as a student. After admission to candidacy, the student is expected to research, write, and defend a dissertation based on original research (up to 48 credit hours). Students may either submit a single dissertation or a series of integrated publishable articles (30-40 pages each). The student’s committee must approve this choice and decide on the number, length and content of the articles at the same time, usually at the committee hearing prior to the preliminary exams. For the final submission of the dissertation, the student must also complete an introduction and conclusion to contextualize and synthesize the integrated articles.

A Minimum of Six Content Courses: 18 Hours

A minimum of six content courses (18 hours) chosen by the student in conjunction with the student’s committee. These courses are normally completed in the first two years of the Ph.D. program. In addition to anthropology courses, the other 4000/5000-level courses outside of the department may be required by the committee or chosen by the student in consultation with their committee. 

First or Second Year:

Two additional courses in their first or second year

Teaching Experience

Teaching experience, including standalone courses, after completion of the first semester of ANTH 5890 - Teaching Anthropology , as well as teaching assistance to UW faculty members. 

Internship Experience Credits: 6-24 Hours

Participation in an approved internship experience (6-24 credit hours). Students pursue internships in state and federal agencies, museums, contract archaeology organizations, and other organizations that offer potential career experience.

Dissertation Proposal

Committee meeting and successful completion of a dissertation proposal.

Preliminary Exams

Preliminary exams take place after the completion of 18 hours of content courses. ANTH 5880 , and Teaching and Learning in Anthropology (ANTH 5890 , or other as designated), normally before the end of the second year. If a student does not receive a passing grade on the preliminary exam, it can be repeated once. Failure to pass the preliminary examination the second time results in termination from the anthropology program.

Highly Recommended

International experience is highly recommended but not required, e.g. pre-dissertation summer fieldwork.