Mar 09, 2025  
2025-2026 University of Wyoming Catalog 
2025-2026 University of Wyoming Catalog

Agricultural Economics, M.S.

The M.S. in Agricultural and Applied Economics prepares graduates for careers in a diverse range of fields, including in business, government, research and education, and is also excellent preparation for continuing on to a PhD or law degree.

Students will take classes in the economic theory of consumer and producer decision-making, marketing, natural resource economics, linear programming, and econometrics in addition to elective field courses.  Students also work closely with faculty to complete an in-depth research project and write an MS thesis on a topic that meets their interests and career goals.  Research and teaching assistantships, which cover the costs of tuition and fees, health insurance, and provide a monthly stipend, are also available to support completion of the MS degree.

Degree Requirements

The following courses constitute the M.S. in Agricultural Economics core requirements and are required of all Plan A candidates (22 hours).

Plan A (Thesis):

Minimum of 30 credit hours including AGEC M.S. core requirements, thesis hours and electives.

No more than three hours of AGEC coursework numbered below 5000-level count toward the 30 hour requirement.

Achieve a cumulative 3.000 GPA in the AGEC M.S. core requirements.

The student’s graduate committee, nominated by the major professor, the student, and the department head determine the final program of study and thesis research topic.

Presentation of research results at a formal public seminar.

Completion of an oral examination covering the student’s thesis research administered by the student’s graduate committee.

Plan B (Non-thesis):

Minimum of 32 hours of coursework;

Non-thesis business analysis paper accepted by the student’s graduate committee.

Minimum of 13 credit hours of agricultural economics coursework numbered at the 5000-level are required, including:

In Addition:

Students are required to complete 3 credit hours from each of the following three areas:
Remaining Credit Hours

Remaining credit hours will be filled with electives.

The student’s graduate committee, nominated by the major professor, the student and the department head determine the final program of study and business analysis topic.

Presentation of the business analysis paper at a formal public seminar.

An internship experience is strongly encouraged as part of the agricultural business option (AGEC 5990 ).