Oct 27, 2024  
2021-2022 University of Wyoming Catalog 
2021-2022 University of Wyoming Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Division of Kinesiology and Health

Corbett Building, (307) 766‑5284
FAX: (307) 766-4098
Web site: www.uwyo.edu/kandh
Director: Derek Smith


TAMI BENHAM DEAL, B.S. Indiana University 1981; M.S. 1988; P.E.D. 1989; Professor of Kinesiology and Health 2012.

JAYNE M. JENKINS, B.S. Mankato State University 1971; M.S. University of Wyoming 1995; Ph.D. University of North Carolina 1999; Professor of Kinesiology and Health 2011, 1999.

CHRISTINE M. PORTER, B.S. University of Maryland 1993; M.A. University of London 2002; Ph.D. Cornell University 2010; Professor of Kinesiology and Health 2021, 2016, 2010.

TRISTAN WALLHEAD, B.S. Loughborough University 1994; M.S. Leeds Metropolitan University 2000; Ph.D. Ohio State University 2004; Professor of Kinesiology and Health 2017, 2004.

QIN ZHU, B.S. Shanghai University of Sports 1999; M.Ed. 2002; Ph.D. Indiana University 2008; Professor of Kinesiology and Health 2020, 2014, 2008.

Associate Professors:

BOYI DAI, B.Ed. Beijing Sport University 2007; M.S. Iowa State University 2009; Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2012; Associate Professor of Kinesiology and Health 2017, 2012.

EVAN C. JOHNSON, B.A. The George Washington University 2004; M.A. University of Connecticut 2008; Ph.D. 2014; Associate Professor of Kinesiology and Health 2020, 2015.

R. TUCKER READDY, B.A. University of California, Berkeley 2000; M.A. San Diego State University 2004; Ph.D. Oregon State University 2009; Associate Professor of Kinesiology and Health 2016, 2010.

DEREK SMITH, B.S. Colorado State University 1997; M.S. Wake Forest University 1999; Ph.D. University of Colorado 2003; Associate Professor of Kinesiology and Health 2009, 2003.

Assistant Professors:

DANIELLE BRUNS, B.S. Linfield College-McMinnville 2008; M.S. Colorado State University 2010; Ph.D. 2013; Assistant Professor of Kinesiology and Health 2018.

BEN KERN, B.A. Western Colorado University 1999; M.A. Adams State University 2002; Ph.D. University of Illinois Urbana-Campaign 2017; Assistant Professor Kinesiology and Health 2020.

EMILY E. SCHMITT, B.S. Elon University 2007; M.S. University of North Carolina at Charlotte 2009; Ph.D. Texas A&M University 2015; Assistant Professor of Kinesiology and Health 2018.

Academic Professional:

MARCI SMITH, B.S. Colorado State University 1995; M.S. Wake Forest University 1998; Senior Lecturer in Kinesiology and Health 2015, 2003.

Adjunct Faculty:

Laurence Deal, Shane Tweeter

Professors Emeriti:

Paul Dunham, Ward Gates, Charles W. Huff, Donna Marburger, D. Paul Thomas, Mark Byra

The Division of Kinesiology and Health offers the Kinesiology and Health Promotion (K&HP) major and the Physical Education Teacher Education (PHET) major. These two majors prepare students in kinesiology and health promotion for a variety of clinical and nonclinical settings including teaching physical and health education in schools K-12. Students enrolled in these programs must meet academic standards as determined by the Division of Kinesiology and Health, College of Health Sciences, and the University of Wyoming.

The K&HP major prepares students well for admission to physical therapy school and occupational therapy school, as well as other health professions (e.g., physician, physician assistant, dentist, chiropractor, optometrist, etc.). Approximately 60% of students majoring in K&HP apply to one of these health professional schools once they have completed their B.S. degree in Kinesiology and Health. Other students majoring in training, fitness, recreation, and leisure, and health promotion with state agencies enter a very diverse job market.

The PHET program prepares students to teach physical and health education (PHET) in K-12 schools . The PHET major is a nationally recognized program for meeting the NASPE/NCATE Initial Physical Education Teacher Education Accreditation Standards. This program offers individuals opportunity to combine certifications/endorsements in health education K-12, adapted physical education K-12, and coaching.

A graduate program leading to a Master of Science degree in Kinesiology and Health is offered by the Division.

Professional Program

Students who meet University of Wyoming entry requirements are admitted to the university in one of the two undergraduate majors that leads to the Bachelor of Science degree. The Division’s undergraduate majors are open at the freshman level to all graduates of accredited high schools. Advanced placement for students with previous college credit is based on evaluation of transcripts of previous academic work.

Students in the Kinesiology & Health Promotion (K&HP) program are ready to move forward in the junior year of the program when they complete the pre-requisite requirements to enroll in KIN 3021  and KIN 3022 , Physiology of Exercise lecture and laboratory. To be eligible for the K&HP Professional Program (junior/ senior years), students must have completed all program course prerequisites and have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.750, preferred GPA of 3.000. Advancement in the K&HP Professional Program is complete once prerequisite criteria is met.

The entry course for admission to the Physical Educat ion Teacher Educat ion (PHET) program is KIN 3012 - Teaching Laboratory I . To be eligible, for the PHET professional program, students must have completed all program course prerequisites and have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.750, preferred GPA of 3.000. Admission to the last two years of the PHET major is a competitive process and applicants meeting minimum requirements are not guaranteed admission to the major. Application to the PHET majors is conducted only for fall. The application deadline is April 15.

Undergraduate Majors

Kinesiology and Health Promotion, B.S.  

Physical Education Teacher Education K-12, B.S.  

Additional School Endorsments K-12

Adapted Physical Education K-12 Endorsement  

School Health Education K-12 Endorsement (For Physical Education Teacher Education Majors)  

Affiliated Options

The Division of Kinesiology and Health offers two options for the general undergraduate population. They require course work beyond degree requirements.

Athletic Coaching Endorsement / Permit  

School Health Education K-12 Endorsement (For non-Physical Education Teacher Education Majors)  

Graduate Study

Program Specific Admission Requirements

Admissions into the M.S. degree program is open to people who have obtained an undergraduate degree with a major program of study in exercise and sport science, health, kinesiology, physical education, or other area in human movement sciences. Students who do not have a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology, physical education or health are required to complete four undergraduate courses in kinesiology and/ or health in addition to the courses required for the graduate program of study. Individuals interested in applying are encouraged to contact the Graduate Program Coordinator, Dr. Tucker Readdy (tucker.readdy@uwyo.edu) for more information.

In order to apply, please submit the following via the University of Wyoming’s online application system (www.uwyo.edu/admissions/apply.html): K&H supplemental application, copies of GRE scores, transcripts, a sample of professional writing, and three letters of recommendation. Applications must be submitted no later than February 1 to be considered for Fall admission; Spring admissions are also considered on a case by case basis.

GRE scores are required for admission but can be waived in specific situations. A minimum of a 3.000 undergraduate cumulative GPA is also necessary for admission. International students who are not native English speakers must submit TOEFL or IELTS scores. If an international applicant wishes to be considered for Graduate Assistantship funding, the applicant should also submit the results of an Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI). Please contact the UW English Language Center (www.uwyo.edu/ele/) if you have questions regarding English proficiency requirements.

Please see the Graduate Admissions and Graduate Student Regulations and Polices in the front section of the UW Catalog for more information.

Program Specific Graduate Assistantships

Graduate assistantships are available on a competitive basis. Teaching opportunities exist within the laboratory portions of the human anatomy and exercise physiology courses, the teaching laboratory portions of the pedagogy practical courses, and HLED 1006 - Personal Health . A graduate assistantship also involves some research opportunities with assigned graduate faculty advisors.

A stipend for a full time graduate assistant is $12,333.00 per academic year. Tuition and fees are covered according to the percentage of assistantship allocated to the student.

Program Specific Degree Requirements Master’s Programs

Kinesiology and Health, Exercise and Sport Science Emphasis, M.S.   Plan A (thesis)

Kinesiology and Health, Health Emphasis, M.S.  Plan A (thesis)

Kinesiology and Health, Physical Education Teacher Education Emphasis, M.S.   Plan A (thesis)

Kinesiology and Health, M.S.   Plan B (paper and experiential learning option)

Kinesiology and Health Distance Education, M.S.   Plan B (paper)





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