Feb 13, 2025  
2021-2022 University of Wyoming Catalog 
2021-2022 University of Wyoming Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Division of Student Affairs

Kimberly Chestnut, Vice President
Ryan O’Neil, Dean of Students

408 Old Main, (307) 766-5123, Fax: (307) 766-2696

The Division of Student Affairs is the administrative unit of the university that is responsible for providing leadership and coordination of programs and services designed to support student learning and development in and outside the classroom.

In partnership with UW faculty, staff, and students, the Division of Student Affairs develops and delivers services, programs, and facilities that promote the intellectual, personal, cultural, and civic development of students; coordinates efforts to create a caring community in which individuals are respected, encouraged to pursue excellence, and achieve their potential; and fosters honoring the diversity of individuals and cultures.

The Division of Student Affairs is comprised of the Associated Students of the University of Wyoming, Campus Recreation, Cowboy Parents Council, the Dean of Students Office, the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership, Student Health Service, the University Counseling Center, Residence Life and Dining Services, UW Catering and Events, the UW Alumni Association, and the Wyoming Conservation Corp. The different areas within the Division work together to provide safe and comfortable housing; to provide wellness services for the health of students; to educate students and encourage personal accountability; to engage students in leadership opportunities; to provide educational and entertaining programs and events; and to foster opportunities for student feedback which is essential for a suc­cessful institution.

Campus Recreation

Pat Moran, Director

Half Acre Recreation and Wellness Center

Phone: (307) 766-5586
Web site: www.uwyo.edu/Rec

Our mission is to provide recreational and wellness opportunities to a diverse campus community that enhance the learning and work­place environment and promote mental and physical health via quality facilities, equipment, and programs. Our programs, which include the Wellness Center, Open Recreation, Intramural Sports, Club Sports, and the Outdoor Program, offer a broad range of coordinated activities for individuals and groups that promote health awareness, a sense of community and a lifelong appreciation for wellness and recreational activities. Supporting the value of student development, our programs strive to offer opportunities to students that develop leadership skills and promote responsibility while maintaining a balance between per­sonal, professional, and academic pursuits.

Wellness Center

Half Acre Recreation and Wellness Center, First Floor
Phone: (307) 766-9355

An exciting new addition to the Campus Recreation Department, the UW Wellness Center is a network of people, programs, services, and policies that work together to create and support a culture of health and wellness at UW. The UW Wellness Center works collaboratively with various campus departments to provide education, services, and programs that address health needs such as stress relief, nutrition, fitness, mental health, sexual health, safety, and alcohol and tobacco use. Some of the Wellness Center offerings include: athletic training, massage therapy, personal training, sleep assessments, blood pressure checks, and weekly educational workshops. The Wellness Center is lo­cated in the southwest portion of Half Acre, in the “free zone,” which does not require gym membership to access. The Wellness Center is open to students as well as members of the University community. Most offerings are free, however there are a few services that charge a competitive rate. Visit the Wellness Center to learn more about these programs and services aimed at improving your overall wellness.

Open Recreation

Half Acre Recreation and Wellness Center, First Floor
Phone: (307) 766-5586

The Open Recreation Program is housed primarily in the newly renovated Half Acre Recreation and Wellness Center with additional recreational opportunities in the Corbett building on the east cam­pus. UW’s Open Recreation Program, available to the entire student population, faculty, staff and spouses, provides quality equipment for individuals to participate in non-organized, informal activities such as basketball, volleyball, racquetball, or badminton. Patrons can also take advantage of swimming, weight training, aerobic training, personal training services, and group fitness and instructional classes. For more information on the Open Recreation Program, stop by the front desk in the lobby of Half Acre, pick up a Campus Recreation brochure, or visit the Campus Recreation website.

Intramural Sports

Half Acre Recreation and Wellness Center, Second Floor
Phone: (307) 766-4175

UW’s Intramural Sports Program offers organized individual and team competitive sport events in men’s, women’s, and co-recreational leagues. Students and employees can participate in organized recreation level sport competition in approximately 30 activities per semester such as flag football, soccer, inner-tube water polo, wrestling, badminton, basketball, volleyball, or table tennis. Information is available from the Rec Sports Office or on the Campus Recreation website. Every member of the university community is encouraged to become familiar with the many aspects of intramural sports, which are designed to encour­age participation and socialization regardless of previous experiences, sport skills, or group affiliation. Come alone or with a group to sign up for a fun time.

Club Sports

Half Acre Recreation and Wellness Center, Second Floor
Phone: (307) 766-4175

The Club Sports Program offers a higher level of athletic sport competition than Open Recreation and Intramural Sports to UW students. Some of the current UW Club Sport teams for men and women include badminton, baseball, volleyball, soccer, ice hockey, rugby, cycling, Nordic ski racing, lacrosse, softball, racquetball, fenc­ing, cricket, water polo, tennis, triathlon and equestrian. UW faculty or staff with an interest in coaching or officiating a Club Sport should contact the Rec Sports office. Visit our website for more information on Club Sport teams and activities.

Outdoor Program

Half Acre Recreation and Wellness Center, First Floor
Phone: (307) 766-2402

UW’s Outdoor Program (OP) offers a variety of outdoor experiences as well as training to use the brand new indoor climbing and bouldering wall. Participants have opportunities to develop lifetime recreational skills, gain an appreciation and concern for our natural environment, and meet new people. The OP sponsors a variety of seasonal programs and outings throughout the year. These activities range from day and weekend trips to nearby destinations to extended trips at unique destinations. The OP also runs clinics and sponsors guest speakers, presentations, and other educational programs. Activities are offered for all skill levels through such venues as back country ski outings, trail running, snowshoe outings, back country hiking and camping trips, or rock climbing. The OP provides an extensive line of rental equipment to the campus community. The Outdoor Program staff is ready to expose the university community to a whole new realm of experiences not available anywhere else on campus. Visit the office or our website for more information on OP activities and services.

Dean of Students Office

Ryan O’Neil, Dean of Students
128 Knight Hall, (307) 766-3296
Web site: www.uwyo.edu/DOS

The Dean of Students Office (DOS) provides a variety of UW stu­dent support services. The staff in DOS work to enhance the quality of life for all UW students. Assistance with situational needs and student life concerns of individual students and groups of students regarding their personal, academic, and/or social welfare are coordinated by the DOS staff.

Several offices and programs comprise the Dean of Students Office. These include the Dean of Students, STOP Violence Program, welfare check, and Student Judicial Affairs, all located in Knight Hall. The Center for Student Involvement and Leadership (CSIL) is also under the Dean of Students and is primarily located in the Wyoming Union.

Services available through the Dean of Students Office include in­dividual advisement and consultation regarding situational student life concerns; referral coordination with other university and community services; conflict resolution and consultation regarding student conduct, rights, and responsibilities; advisement in grievance procedures, due process, and student appeals of disputed decisions; official university withdrawals; and authorized absences and emergency contacts.

The professional staff provide direct assistance to students and groups at any time in the student’s career at the university. Information, individual advisement and consultation, and assistance with administra­tive procedures are facilitated in the Knight Hall offices.

STOP Violence Program: The mission of the STOP Violence Program is to prevent domestic/relationship violence, sexual assault, and stalking on the campus of the University of Wyoming. Awareness and preven­tion efforts are provided by this office through outreach and educa­tional activities. The coordinator works closely with the University Counseling Center (UCC), Campus Police (UWPD), Residence Life, and other offices to provide programs.

Another focus of the STOP Violence Program is to provide sup­port and resources to students affected by violence. One resource is an on-campus advocate who can help a student access services through university departments and/or community agencies. Support is also offered by providing information to these students, their friends, and families, about the effects of domestic/relationship violence, stalking, or sexual assault. Walk-in hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays, (307) 766-3296. For after hours emergencies, please call (307) 745-3556 (the Albany County Safe Project).

Student Conduct, Rights and Responsibilities: The Trustees, as a govern­ing body of the university, are charged with the statutory duty and authority to make all rules and regulations including the administrative responsibility to regulate and control whatever conduct and behavior of the members of the university community impedes, obstructs, or threatens the achievement of the educational goals and mission of the university. The university community, in order to function in an or­derly and creative manner, ascribes to a code of conduct to which the student must adhere. This information, entitled Student Code of Conduct, is distributed to each student who is granted admission to the univer­sity. This information and other university regulations are published in order to inform students of their rights and responsibilities and the minimum ethical standard of conduct expected of them as members of the university community. Additional copies of this information may be obtained at the Dean of Students Office or on the web.

Student Legal Services: Student Legal Services provides free, confiden­tial legal assistance to the University of Wyoming student community through a full-time attorney. This office provides full legal service for any student need with the exception of in-court representation. The attorney can assist all fee-paying University of Wyoming students who seek advice in connection with personal legal issues. Information is readily available on a variety of subjects. This service is provided through student fees to ASUW, and there is no additional charge for the attorney’s time. Student Legal Services also facilitates the effective and prompt handling of legal referrals, (307) 766-6347.

Disability Support Services: Disability Support Services (DSS) provides a variety of services for students with physical, sensory, cognitive, or psychological disabilities including printed materials in alternative format, note-taking assistance, classroom relocation, testing accom­modations, access to adaptive computers, parking assistance, advocacy, sign language interpreters, real-time transcribing, mobility orientation for the blind, as well as other academic support services. UDSS as­sists UW to meet its legal and ethical obligations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Services are coordinated with the efforts of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and Wyoming Services for the Visually Impaired, when appropriate. Students with disabilities who anticipate needing accommodations to fully participate in classes and programs at the University of Wyoming are strongly encouraged to register with UDSS and provide documentation of their disability.

Student Health Service

Mary Beth Bender, FNP-C, Interim Director
Student Health Building, (307) 766-2130
Web site: www.uwyo.edu/ShSer

The Student Health Service (SHS) provides personalized health care to eligible students by maintaining a high quality medical outpa­tient clinic. The clinic provides primary health care, health education, and preventive services to enable students to complete their course of study. The professional staff consists of two physicians, three nurse practitioners, a psychiatric nurse practitioner, one physician assistant, and registered nurses, in addition to other professional and administra­tive personnel.

Undergraduate and professional full-time students taking 12 or more credit hours and graduate students taking 9 or more hours are eligible for services at the SHS. Undergraduate and graduate part-time students who have purchased the Optional Student Fee Package are also eligible. Enrollment in, or waiver from, the University of Wyoming Student Medical Insurance program has no effect on eligibility to use the Student Health Service. Students enrolled during the summer pay a summer fee for use of the SHS. Students not enrolled for summer but who were enrolled spring semester and are pre-registered for fall semester may pay the same summer fee to use the SHS. Payment of the semester fee provides visits with clinicians and nurses at no cost. Affordable laboratory diagnostic procedures, medications, and office procedures are available. There are also nominal charges for supplies such as ace bandages, splints, crutches, and other medical devices.

The hours of the Student Health Service can be found on our web site. All students are urged to have adequate health insurance cover­age for illnesses or emergency visits to the local hospital, urgent care clinic, or a physician’s office when the Student Health Service is closed. Insurance coverage is also recommended for medical care that is not available at the Student Health Service, including treatment of major injuries, surgery, and hospitalization. The student is responsible for all charges for services provided by persons or institutions outside of the Student Health Service.

University Counseling Center

Toi Geil, Ph.D., Director
341 Knight Hall, (307) 766-2187
Web site: www.uwyo.edu/UCC

The University Counseling Center (UCC) provides comprehensive, time-effective mental health services to the university students and consultation on issues with parents, staff, and faculty. The UCC is a resource center for students to enhance personal success skills in dealing with the challenging and sometimes stressful university environment. The professional UCC staff work together with students to help them find effective ways to approach concerns and problems. Students are supported in learning to make healthy lifestyle choices that promote their personal, social, and academic goals. Group and individual counseling services, in a professional and confidential atmosphere, are provided to students with personal and interpersonal concerns. Other services include crisis intervention, walk-in consultation, and education to the UW community. Individual counseling appointments are made in person during regular office hours, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (summer hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) Monday through Friday. The UCC offers walk-in services, various hours a day, when students may simply walk in to be seen for a brief appointment, to determine future services they might need. Counseling services are free to UW students. For after-hour emer­gencies, students can talk to an on-call counselor by calling 766-8989.

Campus Consultation and Outreach: UCC staff consults with academic and student services personnel, student leaders, and university admin­istration regarding counseling and mental health issues and ways to better the UW living/learning environment. Outreach programs can be initiated by student or staff request or by UCC staff bringing issues of concern to various campus populations. Some current issues include destigmatizing mental health, suicide prevention, respect for diversity, sexual orientation issues, and stress management. Generally, UCC asks for a minimum of two weeks notice for an outreach presentation; however, in urgent situations triggered by trauma, outreach programs will be offered on a shorter notice. The Center hosts the Lifesavers Coalition - a group of campus and community partners who have an interest in training others in the skills of suicide prevention, and also have a focus on how to be proactive with wellness.

UCC collaborates closely with the STOP Violence Program in the Dean of Students Office by providing counseling support to students who are victims of sexual violence as well as collaborative programming regarding prevention of sexual violence and membership with Campus Coalition for the Prevention of Sexual and Relationship Violence.

AWARE (Alcohol Wellness Alternatives, Research and Education): The AWARE Program is committed to a healthy campus community and a drug-free learning environment. AWARE Program staff utilize best practices in providing drug and alcohol education and prevention pro­gramming for the University of Wyoming campus and community. The AWARE Program promotes a standard of wellness in regard to healthy choices surrounding alcohol use and the prevention of illicit drug use by college students. To achieve these goals, the AWARE Program offers a broad range of services ranging from individual interventions to consultative and educational services for campus groups and the community at large. AWARE also coordinates the Cowboy UP Peer Education group. Additionally, the AWARE Program coordinates the A-Team, a campus-community coalition dedicated to reducing under­age and excessive alcohol use. For more information, please visit the web site at www.uwyo.edu/aware or feel free to contact via telephone at (307) 766-2187, email (aware@uwyo.edu), or in person by visiting 341 Knight Hall.

Residence Life & Dining Services

Eric Webb, Executive Director, Residence Life, Dining Services, and the Wyoming Union
Reggie Conerly, Director, Dining Services
Washakie Center, Lower Level, (307) 766-3175
Web site: www.uwyo.edu/reslife-dining

Residence Life & Dining Services is committed to providing clean, comfortable and affordable housing and dining, with the belief that these elements are an essential component of a student’s education, personal growth, and college experience.

The university operates six furnished residence halls, a variety of furnished and unfurnished apartments, as well as Washakie Center, ten on-campus dining establishments and UW Catering and Events.

Residence Halls: The residence halls provide convenient living, study­ing, educational programming, social activities and dining accommoda­tions for the university community. Various living environments are available. Full-time, live-in professional staff and graduate assistants live in the community, along with student resident assistants. The staff is available to all students to help make residence hall living an enjoyable and productive part of campus life. We have five residence halls for students:

  • Downey Hall
  • Honors House
  • McIntryre Hall
  • Orr Hall
  • White Hall

The residence halls also provide several additional services to our students:

  • Laundry facilities on-site in each hall
  • On-site computer labs and study rooms
  • Mail service
  • Free tutoring in the Student Learning Center
  • 24-hour emergency custodial & maintenance services
  • Upgraded cable TV that includes channels like ESPN U, HBO, The Sundance Channel, and your own HBO GO account

Room assignments are made according to the date the completed contract form is received. The housing deposit is included in the en­rollment confirmation deposit paid by new UW students. Students returning to UW who wish to live in the residence halls must pay the housing deposit when they complete their housing contract. Hall, roommate, and other preferences may be indicated on the contract and will be considered. Students wishing to room together should submit contracts together prior to the posted deadline of May 1.

New Student Live-in Policy: The UW Trustees have established a policy requiring all new students to live in the UW residence halls during their first academic year on campus and to take a minimum of the 12-accesses-per-week dining plan. The policy is based on extensive student development research indicating that a student’s chance of academic success and satisfaction with the college experience greatly improves through the residential living experience.

For a student to be considered for an exemption to the policy, a request with appropriate documentation must be submitted. Students will be considered exempt from the policy if they can provide docu­mentation for one of the following:

  • 21 years of age or older
  • Married
  • Single parent with custody of child(ren)
  • Reside with parent(s) or legal guardian(s) within a 60-mile radius of Laramie or in a property purchased by parent(s) or legal guardian(s)
  • Completion of two semesters as a full-time student or the equivalent credit hours at UW, or another university or college
  • Have documented medical or health conditions prohibiting residence hall living

Students must apply for exemption prior to 5 p.m. the day before the halls open for the semester (August 25, 2016 for the fall 2016 se­mester). Housing accommodations at the University Apartments may be available for students who have children or minors living with them or students of sophomore status or above.

Dining Services: A variety of dining plans, services, and payment options are offered for on and off-campus students, faculty, and staff. Dining plans are identified by the number of times a customer may access Washakie Dining Center per week. Additional Dining Dollars can be added to any dining plan, allowing for additional meals and services at dining locations across campus.

All students living in the residence halls may choose between the “Unlimited-,” any 15-, or any 12- dining plans. Students living in Hill/ Crane Halls may purchase the any-7 or above dining plan. Meals are served during the contract periods for each semester. Limited services will be available over Thanksgiving and Spring Break.

Washakie Dining Center, the social and cultural hub of the residence halls, features marketplace dining with 10 serving platforms. Meals at the Washakie Dining Center can be purchased in several ways:

  • UW Student ID card (WyoOne Card)
  • Dining Dollars
  • Cash previously deposited to the holder’s WyoOne account.
  • Credit cards (VISA and MasterCard)
  • Cash

Dining plans are not just for students living in the residence halls. Any student, staff member, or faculty member can purchase one of the varieties of dining plans designed to fit his/her needs.

For additional information about the residence halls, dining plans, or university apartments visit www.uwyo.edu/reslife-dining; call toll free (866) 653-0212; or if in Laramie, (307) 766-3175 (residence halls) or 766-3176 (university apartments); FAX (307) 766-3613 or email reslife-dining@uwyo.edu. Information may also be obtained by writing to Residence Life & Dining Services, Dept. 3394, 1000 E. University Ave., Laramie, WY 82071.

Campus Dining Options: In addition to Washakie Dining Center, a variety of convenient and affordable dining options are located in the Wyoming Union and throughout campus to further meet the din­ing needs of busy students. These locations offer unique atmospheres and customizable menu selections, with several locations open into the evening and on weekends. Each dining location accepts Dining Dollars, WyoOne card funds, Cash, Mastercard and Visa. Cash is not accepted at Elements or Encore Cafe. Plus, UW Campus Dining now offers Tapingo, a mobile food ordering application (download on your smartphone via the Apple or Google Play stores) available at most of the campus dining locations.

University Apartments: The University provides one and two-bed­room furnished or unfurnished apartments for students. Located on the east side of campus, the River Village, Landmark Village and Spanish Walk apartment communities are near shopping centers, recreational areas, and the hospital. The apartments also offer children’s programs and a community center.

Apartment assignments are made on a year-round basis. The date an application is received is used in determining assignment priority. Requests should be made as early as possible after acceptance to the university.

Bison Run Village offers an on-campus living community for single students sophomore class standing or above. The fully-furnished town­home style apartments are rented by the bedroom and feature shared kitchen, dining and living room spaces with single, private bedrooms and private or semi-private bathrooms. Applications for Bison Run Village open during the spring semester for the following fall semester.

Application forms and additional information about apartment rates, availability, and eligibility guidelines may be obtained by con­tacting Residence Life and Dining Services, (307) 766-3176, toll free at (866) 653-0212, email reslife-dining@uwyo.edu or online at www. uwyo.edu/reslife-dining.

Off-Campus Housing: The University assumes no responsibility for the students’ choice of off-campus living environment. Students living off-campus are encouraged to contract for meals with Residence Life & Dining Services.

Center for Student Involvement and Leadership (CSIL)

Jeremy Davis, Director
326 Wyoming Union, (307) 766-4008
Web site: www.uwyo.edu/CSIL

The Center for Student Involvement and Leadership (CSIL), located in the Wyoming Union, seeks to provide opportunities for on campus engagement through inclusive student-centered programs, communi­ties, services, and experiential learning opportunities to complement the academic experience. Through CSIL, students can join or create a Registered Student Organization; volunteer for local, national, or international service projects; obtain on-campus employment; serve as a student government leader; participate in fun activities; and find community among those who are similar and different.

Associated Students of the University of Wyoming (ASUW)

020 Wyoming Union, (307) 766-5204
Web site: www.uwyo.edu/ASUW

The Associated Students of the University of Wyoming (ASUW) is comprised of three branches: the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. All full-time, fee-paying students are members of ASUW. Officers and 32 senators are elected annually by the students, and each senator represents one of the colleges or schools. They meet weekly to consider areas of concern to students.

The ASUW student government represents student opinion to the administration, faculty, staff, and State of Wyoming legislature. ASUW participation across the university ensures that university policies are made with the concerns of students in mind. In addition, the ASUW president serves as an ex-officio (non-voting) member of the University of Wyoming Board of Trustees and conveys student opinion to the institution’s highest governing body. ASUW also provides their own programs and services for students. Included in these programs are ASTEC (technical services), located in the Wyoming Union; Student Legal Services in Knight Hall; and several councils: First-Year Senate, Non-Traditional Student Council, and the United Multicultural Council.

Campus Activities Center

Erik Kahl, Associate Director,
Center for Student Involvement and Leadership

The Campus Activities Center (CAC) serves as the hub of student activities on campus. Professional staff in the office offer guidance and assistance for programming committees, late-night programming efforts, more than 250 recognized student organizations (RSOs), and student leadership development. Recognized student organizations at UW are established to promote a learning and social experience for individuals who share common interests. Students are encouraged to join and are free to organize associations that will provide opportunities to participate in educational, academic, cultural, and social activities. CAC staff are available to help students develop organizations, spon­sor activities, and coordinate efforts with other entities on campus. A complete listing and descriptive classification of all current recog­nized student organizations is available from the CAC and online at www.uwyo.edu/rso. The CAC is also home to 7220 Entertainment, a student-run organization that plans and implements social, recreational, cultural, and educational programs for the campus community. 7220 Entertainment is composed of five committees.

Fraternity and Sorority Life

Erik Kahl, Associate Director,
Center for Student Involvement and Leadership

The fraternities and sororities at UW provide a living/learning environment designed to support the development and experience of their members. Through intentional programs, members build connec­tions among fellow brothers/sisters and alumni, grow and develop as students and leaders, give back through services, and lead with integrity. Countless leadership opportunities can be found within each chapter, governing council, and broader FSL community.

Multicultural Affairs

Center for Student Involvement & Leadership (CSIL)
103 Wyoming Union, uwma@uwyo.edu

Multicultural Affairs serves to enhance the personal and academic growth of students through programs, services, policies, and proce­dures. Our focus is to advocate with and for marginalized students to develop a positive sense of self, create strong community connections, and thrive in all aspects of student life.

A variety of events, workshops, support groups, and trainings are offered throughout the academic year to support students. Multicultural Affairs also offers the Multicultural Resource Center and Rainbow Resource Center in the Wyoming Union.

The Multicultural Resource Center, located in room 103, is a place for students from marginalized and underrepresented backgrounds to find community and support. Programs and additional resources are offered throughout the year, as well as computers, printers and workstations. The Rainbow Resource Room, located in room 106, is a supportive space for our LGBTQIA students to find community and a network of support. Computers, printers, and workstations are also available in this center as well as programmatic offerings throughout the year. More information can be found at: http://www.uwyo.edu/oma/.

Student Media

Center for Student Involvement & Leadership (CSIL)
001 Wyoming Union, (307)766-6190

The Student Media Office is partially funded by student fees. It meets the informative, educational, and cultural needs of the university community through such publications as The Branding Iron (the daily student newspaper published Tuesday-Friday and weekly during the summer session), the literary magazine Owen Wister Review (published spring semester), and the feature magazine Frontiers (published fall and spring semesters) which are published under the auspices of the Board for Student Media.

The board is composed of students, faculty, staff, and selected members of the Wyoming Press Association. These publications provide an excellent opportunity for students to gain valuable experience in newspaper, magazine, advertising, sales, and production. More informa­tion can be found at: http://www.uwyo.edu/studentmedia/index.html.

Union Events

Center for Student Involvement & Leadership (CSIL)
210 Wyoming Union, (307)766-3161

The Wyoming Union is the community center for campus life, en­hancing and complementing out-of-class educational experiences. Open daily, the Union provides facilities, services, and various activities to all of the campus community. Through the Union Events office, reserva­tions can be made for spaces in the building including meeting rooms, ballrooms, or tables in the breezeway. The Information Desk offers campus and community information and ticket sales. For reservations and information on these services, contact the Union Events Office or make a reservation online: https://www.uwyo.edu/union/reservations/.

Veterans Services Center

Marty Martinez
Center for Student Involvement & Leadership (CSIL)
300 Wyoming Union, (307)766-6908

Located on the 3rd floor of the Wyoming Union, the Veterans Services Center has resources, computers, and a lounge area where veterans and their dependents, spouses, and friends can meet and support each other. Special events, programs, and student groups are coordinated out of the center. The staff works to improve access to and success in college for students who are veterans. For more infor­mation, call (307) 766-6908 or visit the web site at http://www.uwyo. edu/vetservices/.

Service, Leadership, and Community Engagement Office (SLCE)

Center for Student Involvement & Leadership (CSIL)
033 Wyoming Union, (307)766-3117

The Service, Leadership, and Community Engagement Office (SLCE) is located on the lower level of the Wyoming Union. SLCE is predicated on the notion that universities have a responsibility to pre­pare all students for active citizenship. A healthy American democracy demands ethical, engaged leadership, and SLCE seeks to cultivate these ideals among our UW students. A complete listing of all the programs and events the SLCE Office offers can be found at www.uwyo.edu/ slce/. Students are invited and encouraged to visit the office in Room 033 in the Wyoming Union to explore the many opportunities avail­able, including:

  • First Year Institute
  • Alternative Breaks
  • Local and national days of service
  • Good Mule Project
  • The Big Event
  • Leadership development programs
  • Community engagement programs