2025-2026 University of Wyoming Catalog
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
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223 Ross Hall, (307) 766-4221
FAX: (307) 766-6838
Web site: www.uwyo.edu/mathstats/
Department Head: Jason Williford
GABRIELLE ALLEN, B.S. University of Nottingham 1988; M.S. University of Cambridge 1989; Ph.D. Cardiff University 1993; Professor of Mathematics 2020.
CRAIG C. DOUGLAS, B.A. University of Chicago 1977; M.S. Yale University 1978; M.Phil. 1981; Ph.D. 1982; SER Professor of Mathematics 2008.
VICTOR GINTING, B.S. Institut Teknologi Bandung Indonesia 1995; M.S. Texas A&M University 1998; Ph.D. 2004; Professor of Mathematics 2017, 2007.
STEFAN HEINZ, B.S. Humboldt University 1985; M.S. 1986; Ph.D. Heinrich-Hertz Institute 1990; Professor of Mathematics 2013, 2004.
LONG LEE, B.S. National Taiwan University, Taipei 1988; M.A. University of Maryland 1998; Ph.D. University of Washington 2002; Professor of Mathematics 2018, 2005.
RONGSONG LIU, B.A. Henan Normal University 1999; M.A. Fudan University 2002; Ph.D. York University 2006; Professor of Mathematics and Program in Ecology 2015, 2009.
G. ERIC MOORHOUSE, B.S. University of Toronto 1980; M.S. 1984; Ph.D. 1987; Professor of Mathematics 2011, 1989.
ZHUANG NIU, B.S. Wuhan University 1998; M.S. 2001; Ph.D. University of Toronto 2005; Associate Professor of Mathematics 2021, 2012.
BRYAN L. SHADER, B.S. University of Wyoming 1984; M.S. University of Wisconsin-Madison 1987; Ph.D. 1990; Professor of Mathematics 2000, 1990.
JASON WILLIFORD, B.A. University of Pennsylvania 1998; Ph.D. University of Delaware 2004; Professor Mathematics 2014, 2009.
Associate Professors:
MICHELLE T. CHAMBERLIN, B.S. Colorado State University 1997; M.S. 1999; Ph.D. Purdue University 2002; Associate Professor of Mathematics 2012, 2007.
FREDERICO da CUNHA FURTADO, B.S. Federal University of Minas Gerais 1979; M.S. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro 1984; Ph.D. Courant Institute 1989; Associate Professor of Mathematics 2002, 1997.
TYRRELL McALLISTER, B.S. University of California, Davis 2001; Ph.D. 2006; Associate Professor of Mathematics 2015, 2009.
MAN-CHUNG YEUNG, B.S. Jinan University, China 1986; M.Ph. University of Hong Kong 1990; Ph.D. University of California-Los Angeles 1997; Associate Professor of Mathematics 2005, 2001.
Assistant Professor:
DANE TAYLOR, B.S. University of Wyoming 2008, Ph.D. University of Colorado Boulder 2013, SoC Assistant Professor of Mathematics 2023.
PETER BURTON, B.S. University of Toronto 2011; M.S. University of Toronto 2012; Ph.D. California Institute of Technology 2017; Assistant Professor of Mathematics 2024.
IRINA HOLMES FAY, B.S. Louisianna State University 2008; M.S. Louisianna State University 2010; Ph.D. 2014; Assistant Professor of Mathematics 2024.
Senior Lecturers:
DAVID ANTON, B.S. North Dakota State University 2001; M.S. University of Wyoming 2007; Senior Lecturer in Mathematics 2017, 2005.
NATHAN CLEMENTS, B.S. Brigham Young University-Idaho 2007; M.S. Idaho State University 2009; D.A. 2012; Senior Lecturer in Mathematics 2019, 2012.
Associate Lecturer:
Assistant Lecturer:
CHRISTINA G. KNOX, B.S. California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 2012; M.S. 2014; Ph.D. University of California, Riverside, 2019; Assistant Lecturer of Mathematics 2019.
JORGE FLORES-MATUTE, B.S. Chadron State College 2015; M.S. University of Wyoming 2018; Assistant Lecturer of Mathematics 2020.
CEDAR WISEMAN, B.S. University of Wyoming 2017; M.S. University of Wyoming 2020; Assistant Lecturer of Mathematics 2022.
Adjunct Professors:
Saman Aryana, Hakima Bessaih, Li Deng Douglas, George Elliot, Benedetta Ferrario, Maria Garrido-Atienda, John Hitchcock, Robert Kansky, David Meyer, Bjorn Schmalfuss, Gerald Schuster, Dongwoo Sheen
Professors Emeriti:
Charles Angevine, Leonard Asimow, Robert Buschman, Benito M. Chen-Carpentier, George C. Gastl, John H. George, Sylvia A. Hobart, Syed Husain, Peter Polyakov, A. Duane Porter, Ben G. Roth, John Rowland, Chanyoung Lee Shader, Raymond Smithson, John Spitler, Myron B. Allen III, Farhad Jarari, William Weber.
“For the things of this world cannot be made known without a knowledge of mathematics.”–Roger Bacon
Virtually every student at UW will take one or more math courses to fulfill graduation requirements. The intent is to illustrate the esthetics inherent in mathematics, and to provide students with the quantitative skills needed for today’s careers.
Mathematics majors receive a broad and deep view of the mathematical sciences. They develop their mathematical thinking and communications skills in algebra, analysis, and applied math. They learn a variety of technological tools necessary for jobs in education, business, government, and industry. In addition to our math classes, the department offers a variety of opportunities to enrich the undergraduate experience. Students can participate in weekly seminars, summer research projects, Putnam Team competitions, and the math club.
Mathematics Placement
All UW math courses have prerequisites which are detailed in the course listings below. These are to assure that each student has the best possible opportunity for success in the course. In accordance with this, all students registering for a math course will have their records checked in order to determine whether the prerequisite is satisfied.
A computerized prerequisite check is run prior to the start of every semester. Students who preregistered for a math course but have not satisfied the prerequisites at the time of the check will be automatically dropped from the course.
Prerequisites for courses numbered 2200 or lower (except MATH 1105 and MATH 2120), and MATH2350 - Business Calculus, may be satisfied in one of four ways:
- Obtain a grade of C or better in a prerequisite course. Note that noncredit courses from out-of-state colleges are not accepted as prerequisites.
- Pass the Mathematics Placement Exam (MPE) at the stated level within one year of the start of the course.
- Obtain a sufficiently high score on one of the following standardized exams within three years of the start of the course: ACT math score or SAT quantitative score.
- Obtain a sufficiently high score on one of the following standardized exams: AP Calculus, CLEP, or IB.
Duplication of Courses (MATH 1400, MATH 1405, MATH 1450)
To avoid loss of credit because of duplication of course content, please note the following: (a) students with credit for both MATH 1400 and MATH 1405 will not receive new credit by taking MATH 1450; (b) students with credit for one of MATH 1400 or MATH 1405 will receive only 2 additional credits by taking MATH 1450; (c) students with credit for MATH 1450 will receive only 1 additional credit by taking both MATH 1400 and MATH 1405. Note that the GPA calculation for these situations is unusual, and students should ask the Registrar’s Office for details.
Note that MATH 1450 counts as one attempt at each of MATH 1400 and MATH 1405 for the purposes of repeating classes.
Graduate Study
The Mathematics Program offers programs leading to the degrees of master of arts, master of science, master of arts in teaching, master of science in teaching, and the doctor of philosophy.
The requirements for these degrees reflect our belief that mathematicians should have a broad foundation in the core areas of algebra, analysis, and applied mathematics as well as the experience of a more intensive investigation of a specialized area. We provide this within a flexible structure that recognizes the individual interests and varied backgrounds of our students.
Program Specific Admission Requirements
To be competitive for admission, applicants must have strong backgrounds in mathematics. Generally, this means a bachelor’s degree in mathematics or a closely related discipline. All applicants should have substantial coursework beyond the calculus sequence; courses in differential equations, linear algebra, and, in particular, courses in abstract algebra and analysis are highly recommended. A solid performance on the GRE Subject Test in Mathematics can demonstrate the applicant’s mastery of these subjects. The GRE Subject Test in Mathematics is therefore recommended but is not required.
The GRE General Test is required, with a minimum Quantitative Reasoning score of 157 and Verbal score of 143. International applicants need a composite TOEFL score of 76 or an IELTS score of 6.5.
ETS only reports TOEFL scores taken within two years of the date of request.
Graduate Assistantships
The mathematics program employs approximately 22 graduate assistants each year. Assistantships include a full tuition and fee waiver, a monthly living stipend, and health insurance. Ph.D. students normally receive a higher stipend than master’s students.
Teaching assistants teach or assist with the teaching of an undergraduate course each semester.
Students may also compete for research assistantships, provided that their interests align with an externally funded research project.
Summer support is not guaranteed but is usually available through teaching and research opportunities.
223 Ross Hall, (307) 766-4221
FAX: (307) 766-6838
Web site: www.uwyo.edu/mathstats
Program Director: Jared Studyvin
TIMOTHY J. ROBINSON, B.S. James Madison University 1989; M.S. Virginia Tech 1994; Ph.D. 1997; Professor of Statistics 2012
SHAUN S. WULFF, B.S. Montana State University 1991; M.S. 1994; Ph.D. Oregon State University 1999; Professor of Statistics 2019, 1999.
Assistant Professors:
MARIE-AGNES S. TELLIER, B.S. Florida Institute of Technologies 2000; MS Florida Institute of Technology 2002; M.S. University of Wyoming 2015; Ph.D. University of Wyoming 2018; Assistant Professor of Statistics 2023.
KENNETH E. MCCLURE, B.S. University of Wyoming 2018 (Mathematics & Statistics); B.S. University of Wyoming 2018 (Psychology); M.A. University of Notre Dame, 2023; Ph.D. University of Notre Dame, 2024; Assistant Professor of Statistics 2024.
Assistant Lecturer:
MICHELE BIRD, B.A. University of Nevada, Las Vegas 1996; M.A. 2000; Assistant Lecturer of Statistics 2019.
JARED STUDYVIN, B.S University of Wyoming 2009; Ph.D. University of Wyoming 2015; Assistant Lecturer 2021.
Adjunct Professors:
Genie Jackson
Emeriti Faculty:
Stephen L. Bieber, Burke Grandjean, Richard Anderson-Sprecher, Kenneth Gerow
The curriculum in statistics includes a firm foundation in mathematics and computer science, in addition to course work in statistical theory and methodology. Graduating statistics majors at the University of Wyoming are expected to demonstrate the ability to identify and utilize appropriate statistical methods for finding data-driven solutions to a wide variety of real-life and scientific questions. In order to demonstrate these abilities, the graduating Statistics major must be trained in statistical theory, computational techniques and courses which emphasize the use of statistical methods in problem solving.
Statistical Theory
A strong background in statistical theory is crucial for a practicing statistician. It is the primary aspect that separates the consultant from the client. More specifically, it allows a statistician to generalize statistical procedures, formulate models (and associated assumptions), perform advanced statistical computation, and formalize interpretation of results. The statistical theory prerequisites are notably covered in the undergraduate courses STAT 4255 (Mathematical Theory of Probability), STAT 4265 (Introduction to the Theory of Statistics), and MATH 2250 (Elementary Linear Algebra).
Computation Techniques
The professional field of Statistics is highly computational. Associated computational skills involve coding, debugging, and programming beyond just class scripts provided to students in the undergraduate courses. The open-source R environment is primarily used in the graduate courses due to its popularity, availability, and capabilities (both statistical functions and programming). Thus, students are expected to have basic R program skills related to data management, statistical functions, and post-processing of output. These R based skills are covered in all of the upper division courses, particularly core courses such as 4015 (Regression Analysis), STAT 4025 (Design and Analysis of Experiments I), and 4045 (Categorical Data Analysis). The STAT 4015 and 4025 courses should be taken as soon as possible in the curriculum as these courses provide foundational content for nearly all of the upper division Statistics courses.
Interpretation of Results
An important aspect of applied statistics is to be able to interpret results of statistical analyses and express those interpretations clearly, accurately, and technically. Thus, these interpretations need to be in line with statistical theory (inference) and yet be clearly expressed to both statisticians and applied scientists. Thus, the undergraduate Statistics graduate is expected to be familiar with the statistical interpretation of results from the applied statistical courses, so that they can better understand the rationale underlying formal statistical interpretation and to develop the required skills to provide such interpretations independently.
University of Wyoming Statistics majors experience excellent job and/or graduate school placement. Our graduates have taken positions n industry, government, the sciences (social, biological, physical, and health), as well as engineering and education.
The statistics program also offers graduate programs leading to a graduate minor in statistics, and to a Master of Science (Plan B) in statistics.
Graduate Study
The Statistics Program offers graduate programs leading to a graduate minor in statistics, and to a master of science in applied statistics (Plan B). The minor is designed to enhance the M.S. or Ph.D. program of any student enrolled in one of the graduate programs at the University of Wyoming. All of these programs emphasize the understanding and application of a broad variety of statistical methods on real projects. Students will be provided with numerous opportunities to perform analyses and communicate findings. The MS Statistics program is specifically designed to prepare students to be effective statistical consultants and data scientists.
Program Specific Admission Requirements
The prerequisite for admission to graduate study is an undergraduate degree from an accredited institution, including work in mathematics through calculus III, Linear Algebra and at least one second-level class in statistical methods. Prospective students are encouraged to have had Math Analysis and upper level introduction to probability and mathematical statistics. Students who do not have prerequisites in mathematics and statistics may make up this deficiency at the beginning of their graduate program; however, such work does not count toward graduation requirements.
ProgramsMajorMinorGraduateQuickStart ProgramCoursesMathematicsStatistics
A computerized prerequisite check is run prior to the start of the fall and spring semesters. Students who are pre-registered for a 2000-level STAT course but have not satisfied the prerequisites at the time of the check will be automatically dropped from the course.
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