Mar 09, 2025
ORGL 4600 - Developing Organizational Leadership Credits: 3 Max Credit 3
This course fulfills required COM3 student learning outcomes as well as the Bachelors of Applied Science (BAS) student learning outcomes. You will find these under “outcomes,” listed below. My goal for this course is that what you learn will be practical and applicable to your current career and/or will help you attain higher career goals. If you’re not already in a leadership position, I want you to be able to think beyond your current position, understand why issues you experience in your work environment exist and be able to imagine and offer solutions to those organizational challenges. If you are in a leadership position, I hope your ability to lead effectively and problem solve comes into sharper focus.
USP 2015 Code COM1, COM 2, U5H, U5PN, U5Q, U5V
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