Mar 09, 2025
INST 5270 - Gov & Poltics Mid E & N Africa Credits: 3 Max Credit 3
Acquaints students with basic political, social and economic institutions of Middle East and North African countries. Emphasizes post-World War I developments, contemporary issues and problems. Special attention is given to politics of major nations in the region such as Turkey, Iran, Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Syria. Prerequisites: UG: INST 1101 OR INST 1200 OR POLS 1250; GR: Graduate standing in POLS or INST.
Prerequisite: UG: INST 1101 OR INST 1200 OR POLS 1250 ; GR: Graduate standing in POLS or INST. Cross Listed POLS 4270 POLS 5270 Dual Listed INST 4270
A&S College Core 2015 G
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