Mar 10, 2025  
2025-2026 University of Wyoming Catalog 
2025-2026 University of Wyoming Catalog
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PHYS 1110  - General Physics I

Credits: 4
First course of two-semester sequence. Introduces elementary college physics without calculus. Primarily for premedical, predental, preoptometry, prephysical therapy and other students requiring insight into workings of the physical world. Includes classical mechanics, gravitation and heat. Laboratory sessions will illustrate principles studied. Students receiving credit for PHYS 1110 cannot receive credit for PHYS 1050 , PHYS 1210  or PHYS 1310 .

Prerequisite: MATH 1450 , 1405 or equivalent.
USP 2003-2014 Code U3SP
USP 2015 Code U5PN

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