Mar 13, 2025  
2025-2026 University of Wyoming Catalog 
2025-2026 University of Wyoming Catalog

2025-2026 University of Wyoming Catalog


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Catalog Icon Guide

Powered by Modern Campus Catalog, our catalog management system contains several helpful features to assist you:

Save your most used pages to the My Catalog Bookmarks link at the bottom of the left navigation pane. After creating an account, you may add courses, programs, etc. to your favorites by selecting the star icon located on the top right of the page.

Share catalog information on social media.
Generates a pop-up window formatted to neatly print the webpage you’re currently viewing.
Includes additional information about how to use this Catalog.
Appears on the lower right part of the screen and brings you back up to the top of any page so you don’t have to scroll.

Catalog 2025-2026

The Catalog is the definitive source for graduation requirements, outlining the courses and programs students will need to complete to earn their degrees. The catalog of the University is the document of authority for all students. The information in the catalog supersedes that issued by any other unit if there is a conflict between the two.