Jul 05, 2024  
2021-2022 University of Wyoming Catalog 
2021-2022 University of Wyoming Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Offerings

Changes in Catalog Information

The course offerings and requirements of the University of Wyoming are under examination and revision continually. This catalog is not a contract; it merely presents the offerings and requirements in effect at the time of publication and in no way guarantees that the offerings and requirements will not change.

Not all courses are offered each term. The listing of courses does not imply a contractual obligation to offer the same during the year of publication of this catalog. The university reserves the right to offer, limit, or cancel course offerings for academic, funding, or facility considerations, and to cancel any offered course for which there is not sufficient enrollment.

The university reserves the right to change approved course listings at any time during a student’s term of residence.

Preparatory Courses Taught at UW by Laramie County Community College

The University of Wyoming has contracted for Laramie County Community College to offer preparatory courses on the university campus. University students will register through the normal university registration process. Inclusion of these courses in a student’s schedule will count as part of the credit load for determining full-time status; however, UW credit is not awarded. For further information, contact the LCCC coordinator, at (307) 766-2514 or go to Ross Hall, rooms 26 and 27.

Course Credits

The amount of credit offered for any course work published in this catalog is based on and governed by prior university faculty recommendation and institutional determinations.

A credit hour denotes a unit of academic work. Normally, one credit hour is earned in a course meeting one hour per week for a semester (15‑16 weeks). Each credit hour unit requires an average of three hours of student-effort per week. In variable-credit courses, the efforts required of the students are proportional to the credit hours attempted.

Even if topics differ in separate sections, variable-credit courses have limits on the number of credits which can be earned in that course in a semester and/or a student’s career.

Format of Course Listings

On the following pages, courses approved for offering are listed by college, program subject, and course level (number).

The heading which precedes the brief description of each course shows the current course identification number; former course number(s), if any, in brackets; course title; a designation in bold brackets ([QB< >Q], e.g. [USP 2003 designation< >USP 2015 designation]), if any, concerning applicability of the course to the University Studies Program (see below for designation); the number of semester credit hours established for the course (fixed or variable with the semester); and the career maximum of credit for successive term enrollments in the identified course, if different from the established semester credit-hours limit. For example, “1-3 (Max.9)” means that a student may earn between 1 and 3 hours of credit for that course within one semester and a maximum of 9 hours within a degree career. The course description indicates any prerequisites for that course and if it is offered for satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading only.

Course Levels

University courses are distinguished by number indicating five levels of instruction as follows:

0000‑0999 Preparatory courses (no credit)
1000‑2999 Primarily for Freshmen and Sophomores
3000‑4999 Primarily for Juniors and Seniors
5000‑5999 Primarily for Graduate Students
6000-6999 Law courses, WWAMI courses, and Doctor of Pharmacy courses

A bracketed course number [ ] indicates a previous number of the same course. Double credit cannot be earned by repeating a course.

Prerequisites are the primary factor which normally govern whether a student may enroll for any particular course. However, individual departments and/or colleges may place additional restrictions on course enrollments (e.g. enrollment may be restricted by student classification).

Enrollment in engineering courses is generally limited to engineering students.

Law courses are normally open only to students approved for the program.

Graduate students may enroll in courses numbered 1000‑3999 to satisfy undergraduate deficiencies but only courses numbered 4000 and above will be computed into the graduate GPA and allowed for graduate credit.

University Studies Program Designations

C1 = Communication 1

C2 = Communication 2

C3 = Communication 3

FY = First-Year Seminar

H = Human Culture

PN = Physical and Natural World

Q = Quantitative Reasoning

V = U.S. and Wyoming Constitutions

*Please note: Throughout the department pages and course descriptions in this catalog, a few of the USP 2015 designations will appear as such: C1 = COM1; C2 = COM2; C3 = COM3; FY = FYS.



  • MUSC 4360 - Fundamentals of Audio for Music Production

    Credits: 3
    Topics include fundamentals of digital audio, live sound reinforcement, and audio recording. Students will acquire a foundation and learn how to successfully communicate with technicians.

  • MUSC 4365 - Recording Art and Technology

    Credits: 3
    Topics include history of music production, mult-track recording, digital audio workstations, digital editing, session management and production, mixing, mastering, and distribution.

  • MUSC 4370 - Live Sound Reinforcement

    Credits: 1-3
    Topics include history of live sound reinforcement, analog audio, digital consoles, system checks, troubleshooting, and client relations. Students will build upon MUSC 4360 with focus on live sound reinforcement.

  • MUSC 4370 - Live Sound Reinforcement

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit 3

    Topics include history of live sound reinforcement, analog audio, digital consoles, system checks, troubleshooting, and client relations.  Students will build upon MUSC 4360 with focus on live sound reinforcement.

  • MUSC 4370 - Live Sound Reinforcement I

    Credits: 3
    This exploration into the technologies and art of live sound reinforcement will cover topics including: history of live sound reinforcement, analog audio, digital consoles, system checks, troubleshooting and client relations. Students will build upon the knowledge they learned in checks, troubleshooting and client relations. Students will build upon the knowledge they learning in MUSC 4360 with a focus on livesound reinforcements for various situations.

  • MUSC 4380 - Jazz Techniques

    Credits: 2
    Max Credit (Max. 2)

    Surveys jazz structure, styles, techniques and materials with respect to public school music programs. Intended for music education major.

    When Offered (Offered spring semester)
    Prerequisite: MUSC 2035 .

  • MUSC 4400 - Vocal Literature

    Credits: 0.5‑2
    Max Credit (Max. 6)

    Studies solo materials from Renaissance to present, emphasizing style and interpretation.

    Prerequisite: 4 semester hours of voice.

  • MUSC 4455 - Elem General Music Methods

    Credits: 3
    This course is designed to prepare students for a career in K-6 music teaching while emphasizing the need for music teachers to recognize diverse student needs, including those unique qualities brought into the classroom by marginalized populations.

    Restricted Restricted to Music Education majors.
    Prerequisite: Completion of MUSC 2040 , MUSC 2045  and MUSC 2055 . Concurrent enrollment in MUSC 4705 .

  • MUSC 4460 - Choral Music Methods

    Credits: 3
    This course is designed to help pre-professional music educators gain tools for teaching secondary choral music. Topics to be explored include choral literature, methodology involving strengthening musicianship, rehearsal techniques, and issues pertaining to the development of a choral ensemble program.

    Restricted Restricted to Music Education majors.
    Prerequisite: Completion of MUSC 2040 , MUSC 2045  and MUSC 2055 . Concurrent Enrollment in MUSC 4715  for choral emphasis students.

  • MUSC 4465 - Instrumental Music Methods

    Credits: 3
    Based on a comprehensive instrumental music education model, this course acquaints students with curriculum development, instructional planning, and materials and techniques designed for teaching musical concepts and skills in instrumental ensemble and class lesson settings.

    Restricted Restricted to Music Education majors.
    Prerequisite: Completion of MUSC 2040 , MUSC 2045  and MUSC 2055 . Concurrent enrollment in MUSC 4715  for instrumental emphasis students.

  • MUSC 4490 - History of Rock and Roll

    Credits: 3
    This course will examine music styles prior to rock and roll and then delve into the various styles of the music from the 1950s to the late 20th century. In order to understand rock and roll music the course will analyze other styles of popular music in the United States.

    USP Code [(none)< >H]
  • MUSC 4500 - Directed Independent Study-Undergraduate

    Credits: 1‑2
    Max Credit (Max. 4)

    Prerequisite: consent of department head.

  • MUSC 4510 - Applied Music Methods and Materials: Brass Instruments

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 2)

    Courses taken in the form of private lessons and subject to similar fees.

    Note: ($85 Fee)

    Prerequisite: at least 16 semester hours in one performance field and/or consent of instructor.

  • MUSC 4520 - Applied Music Methods and Materials: Organ

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 2)

    Courses taken in the form of private lessons and subject to similar fees.

    Note: ($85 Fee)

    Prerequisite: at least 16 semester hours in one performance field and/or consent of instructor.

  • MUSC 4530 - Applied Music Methods and Materials: Piano

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 2)

    Courses taken in the form of private lessons and subject to similar fees.

    Note: ($85 Fee)

    Prerequisite: at least 16 semester hours in one performance field and/or consent of instructor.

  • MUSC 4560 - Applied Music Methods and Materials: Voice

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 2)

    Courses taken in the form of private lessons and subject to similar fees.

    Note: ($100 Fee)

    Prerequisite: at least 16 semester hours in one performance field and/or consent of instructor.

  • MUSC 4590 - Senior Recital

    Credits: 2
    Max Credit (Max. 4)

    Prerequisite: at least 14 semester hours in one performance field and senior standing.

  • MUSC 4615 - Instrumental Pedagogy

    Credits: 2
    Surveys teaching materials in solo and chamber literature, techniques, practices, and methods for applicable instrument.

    Prerequisite: 8 credit hours of individual study in a specific instrument.

  • MUSC 4620 - Practicum in Music Education

    Credits: 1
    Provides opportunity to gain experience in music classroom in area public schools. Includes work on meeting educational standards of Wyoming necessary to begin student teaching and continued work on developing a teaching portfolio.

    Prerequisite: MUSC 1050 and junior status.

  • MUSC 4625 - Piano Pedagogy

    Credits: 2
    Max Credit (Max. 2)

    This specialized course addresses the teaching of piano to children with special emphasis on the development of correct technique, studio teaching techniques, student learning styles, repertoire assignment, and all aspects of establishing a private studio. The last quarter of the class includes an in-class, supervised teaching unit.

    Dual Listed MUSC 5625 .
    Former Course Number [4600]
    Prerequisite: 8 credit hours of piano study.

  • MUSC 4635 - Vocal Pedagogy

    Credits: 2
    This specialized course addresses anatomy and physiology of the vocal instrument and the scientific principles surrounding it, studio teaching techniques, student learning styles, repertoire assignment, and all aspects of establishing a private voice studio. The last quarter of the class includes an in-class, supervised teaching unit. Students enrolled in the graduate level (5635) will undertake an extensive research paper/project and additional teaching.

    Dual Listed MUSC 5635 .
    When Offered (Offered alternate spring semesters)
    Former Course Number [4610]
    Prerequisite: 8 credits of voice or permission of instructor.

  • MUSC 4650 - Keyboard Literature

    Credits: 3
    An overview of solo ensemble keyboard literature from the 1600s to the present, focusing on major composers and common compositional forms. Includes listening assignments and examinations as well as individual research papers and class presentations.

    Prerequisite: MUSC 2050  and MUSC 2055 .

  • MUSC 4651 - String Solo Literature

    Credits: 3
    Provide a survey of the masterpieces of string solo literature (violin,viola, cello and bass literature) in a historical and musical context. Includes listening assignments and examinations as well as class presentations.

    Prerequisite: 8 hours of lessons in string instruments.

  • MUSC 4700 - Elementary Student Teaching in Music

    Credits: 8
    The final professional academic semester of the teacher education program. A full-time residency with an elementary mentor teacher.

    Prerequisite: 2.750 cumulative GPA, 3.000 GPA in major content courses, completion of all content courses, successful completion of Phase IIIa specific pedagogy and practicum, complete review of the prospective teacher’s record.

  • MUSC 4705 - Elementary Music Ed Practicum

    Credits: 1
    Practicum experience is integral to development as a music teacher. As part of the Music Teaching Methods Sequence, pre-service music teachers will be immersed into authentic elementary and secondary music settings.

    Restricted Restricted to Music Education majors.
    Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment with MUSC 4455  for instrumental emphasis students.

  • MUSC 4710 - Secondary Student Teaching in Music

    Credits: 8
    The final professional academic semester of the teacher education program. A full-time residency with a secondary mentor teacher.

    Prerequisite: 2.750 cumulative GPA, 3.000 GPA in major content courses, completion of all content courses, successful completion of Phase IIIa specific pedagogy and practicum, complete review of the prospective teacher’s record.

  • MUSC 4715 - Secondary Music Ed Practicum

    Credits: 1
    Practicum experience is integral to development as a music teacher. As part of the Music Teaching Methods Sequence, pre-service music teachers will be immersed into authentic elementary and secondary music settings.

    Restricted Restricted to Music Education majors.
    Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment with MUSC 4460  or MUSC 4465 .

  • MUSC 4750 - Marching Band Techniques

    Credits: 1
    Applies specific various drill design techniques including corps style, military, show band and computer applications.

  • MUSC 4780 - Instrumental Conducting and Repertory

    Credits: 2
    Applies specific basic conducting techniques to instrumental group rehearsals concerning such problems as intonation, phrasing, dynamics, balance, etc. Overviews appropriate selection procedures for band and orchestral literature.

    Prerequisite: MUSC 4070  and MUSC 2395 .

  • MUSC 4790 - Choral Conducting and Repertory

    Credits: 2
    Applies specific basic conducting techniques to choral group rehearsals concerning such problems as intonation, good vocal production, phrasing, diction, dynamics, balance, etc. Overviews appropriate choral literature.

    Prerequisite: MUSC 4070  and passed piano proficiency requirement.

  • MUSC 4990 - Topics in:

    Credits: 1‑12
    Max Credit (Max. 12)

    Encompasses various topics in music. Specific subjects vary from year to year as course is often taught by distinguished visiting artists and lecturers or music faculty. Presents topics of special interest to music majors, graduate students and music educators. Please check class schedule for course titles each semester.

    Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

  • MUSC 5010 - Mentoring the Pre-Service Music Educator

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 4)

    Designed for K-12 supervisors of pre-service music teachers, the goal of the course is to provide guidance and theoretical grounding through readings, discussion, journaling, and research projects. Participants will participate in two on-site workshops, weekly tele-conferences and complete a written research project.

    Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

  • MUSC 5030 - Advanced Theory I

    Credits: 3
    First semester of a one-year course. Analysis of, and practice in, the more recent harmonic idioms with advanced aural and keyboard harmony.

    Prerequisite: MUSC 2030 , MUSC 2035 .

  • MUSC 5035 - Advanced Theory I

    Credits: 3
    Max Credit 3

    To further understanding in chromatic harmonies, analysis of advanced formal aspects, Pitch-class set Analysis, and 12-tone Analysis. To ultimately have a synergistic view of each work, combining historical and theoretical elements in viewing the work as a whole. 

    Prerequisite: Prerequisites: Undergraduates - MUSC 2030 and 2035, music majors only. Graduates: Graduate standing.

  • MUSC 5080 - Baritone Horn V

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Prerequisite: 2-4 semester hours of MUSC 4080  on the same instrument or graduate standing.

  • MUSC 5090 - Bassoon V

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 5100 - Cello V

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 5110 - Clarinet V

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 5120 - Double Bass V

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 5130 - Flute V

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 5140 - French Horn V

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 5150 - Guitar V

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 5160 - Harp V

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 5170 - Oboe V

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 5180 - Organ V

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 5190 - Percussion V

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 5200 - Piano V

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 5210 - Saxophone V

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 5220 - Trombone V

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 5230 - Trumpet V

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 5240 - Tuba V

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 5250 - Violin V

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 5260 - Viola V

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 5270 - Voice V

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 5310 - Music Research Methods

    Credits: 2
    Prepares students to be knowledgeable consumers of music and interdisciplinary information. Topics include the musicology research process, information ethics, and critical analyses and integration of information sources into writing. Information literacy principles and research techniques equip students for both graduate-level music research and the post-graduate, professional world.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing in music.

  • MUSC 5320 - Advanced Seminar

    Credits: 2-6
    Max Credit (Max. 6)

    Such topics as The Music of J. S. Bach, The Chamber Music of Mozart, and Contemporary Music will be pursued and will terminate in oral reports and a research paper.

    Prerequisite: MUSC 5310 .

  • MUSC 5340 - Advanced Composition

    Credits: 1-4
    Max Credit (Max. 6)

    A project course to be conducted by individual appointment with the instructor. The result should be the production of a major work suitable for performance by one of the campus organizations. Evaluation is made by a faculty committee on completion and performance of the composition.

    Prerequisite: 4 hours of MUSC 4040 .

  • MUSC 5350 - Advanced Analysis

    Credits: 3
    Consideration of the analytical techniques of Harder, Piston, and Schillinger for traditional music, of Hanson and Hindemith for modern tonal music, and of Schoenberg and Reti for serial music.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing in music.

  • MUSC 5360 - Pedagogy of Theory

    Credits: 2
    Consideration of the subject matter of all undergraduate theory courses, procedures for presenting the material, and analysis and evaluation of texts and methods.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing in music.

  • MUSC 5370 - Advanced Choral Conducting

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 3)

    The interpretation of well-known oratories and cantatas; experience in the direction of campus choral groups.

    Prerequisite: MUSC 4070 , MUSC 4790 .

  • MUSC 5380 - Advanced Instrumental Conducting

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 3)

    Interpretive analysis of instrumental works in large form; experience in the direction of campus performing groups.

    Prerequisite: MUSC 4070 , MUSC 4780 .

  • MUSC 5390 - Performance Practice and Interpretation

    Credits: 2
    A study of the inherited traditions of correct interpretation and performance as related to the various style periods in music.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing in music.

  • MUSC 5400 - Independent Study and Research

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 6)

    Prerequisite: graduate standing and consent of instructor.

  • MUSC 5410 - History of Musical Instruments

    Credits: 2
    An investigation of the mechanical evaluation of musical instruments as related to the music written for these instruments.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing in music.

  • MUSC 5480 - Baritone Horn VI

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 5490 - Bassoon VI

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 5500 - Cello VI

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 5510 - Clarinet VI

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 5520 - Double Bass VI

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Covers appropriate technical and repertory materials in graduate-level double bass. A faculty jury will review each semester’s work.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing in music.

  • MUSC 5530 - Flute VI

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Designed to cover appropriate technical and repertory materials in graduate-level flute. A faculty jury will review each semester’s work.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing in music.

  • MUSC 5540 - Guitar VI

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Designed to cover appropriate technical and repertory materials in graduate-level guitar. A faculty jury will review each semester’s work.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing in music.

  • MUSC 5550 - Harp VI

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Designed to cover appropriate technical and repertory materials in graduate-level harp. A faculty jury will review each semester’s work.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing in music.

  • MUSC 5560 - French Horn VI

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Prerequisite: 4 semester hours of MUSC 4560  or graduate standing.

  • MUSC 5570 - Oboe VI

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Prerequisite: 4 semester hours of MUSC 4570 or graduate standing.

  • MUSC 5580 - Organ VI

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Designed to cover appropriate technical and repertory materials in graduate- level organ. A faculty jury will review each semester’s work.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing in music.

  • MUSC 5590 - Percussion VI

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Designed to cover appropriate technical and repertory materials in graduate-level percussion. A faculty jury will review each semester’s work.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing in music.

  • MUSC 5600 - Piano VI

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Designed to cover appropriate technical and repertory materials in graduate-level piano. A faculty jury will review each semester’s work.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing in music.

  • MUSC 5610 - Saxophone VI

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Designed to cover appropriate technical and repertory materials in graduate-level sax. A faculty jury will review each semester’s work.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing in music.

  • MUSC 5615 - Capstone

    Credits: 3
    Designed to provide a forum to present research in music that fulfills requirements of the Plan B process. Instruction is individualized, but involves cooperative learning opportunities with other students. The student presents the finished product to the class members.

    Restricted Course is restricted to students doing Plan B paper only.
    Prerequisite: Plan B proposal approved by the music department graduate committee.

  • MUSC 5620 - Trombone VI

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Designed to cover appropriate technical and repertory materials in graduate-level trombone. A faculty jury will review each semester’s work.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing in music.

  • MUSC 5625 - Piano Pedagogy

    Credits: 2
    Max Credit (Max. 2)

    This specialized course addresses the teaching of piano to children with special emphasis on the development of correct technique, studio teaching techniques, student learning styles, repertoire assignment, and all aspects of establishing a private studio. The last quarter of the class includes an in-class, supervised teaching unit.

    Dual Listed MUSC 4625 .
    Prerequisite: 8 credit hours of piano study.

  • MUSC 5630 - Trumpet VI

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Designed to cover appropriate technical and repertory materials in graduate-level trumpet. A faculty jury will review each semester’s work.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing in music.

  • MUSC 5635 - Vocal Pedagogy

    Credits: 2
    This specialized course addresses anatomy and physiology of the vocal instrument and the scientific principles surrounding it, studio teaching techniques, student learning styles, repertoire assignment, and all aspects of establishing a private voice studio. The last quarter of the class includes an in-class, supervised teaching unit. Students enrolled in the graduate level (5635) will undertake an extensive research paper/project and additional teaching.

    Dual Listed MUSC 4635 .
    When Offered (Offered alternate spring semesters)
    Prerequisite: 8 credits of voice or permission of instructor.

  • MUSC 5640 - Tuba VI

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Designed to cover appropriate technical and repertory materials in graduate-level tuba. A faculty jury will review each semester’s work.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing in music.

  • MUSC 5650 - Violin VI

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Designed to cover appropriate technical and repertory materials in graduate-level violin. A faculty jury will review each semester’s work.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing in music.

  • MUSC 5660 - Viola VI

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Designed to cover appropriate technical and repertory materials in graduate-level viola. A faculty jury will review each semester’s work.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing in music.

  • MUSC 5670 - Voice VI

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Designed to cover appropriate technical and repertory materials in graduate-level voice. A faculty jury will review each semester’s work.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing in music.

  • MUSC 5680 - Graduate Recital

    Credits: 2
    A recital, vocal or instrumental and consisting of selections of advanced difficulty in matters of technique and interpretation, is presented under the direction of a staff member. Quality and content of recital must be approved by a faculty committee one month before the recital date, and the faculty committee will determine the final grade.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing in music and consent of instructor.

  • MUSC 5690 - Advanced Teaching Methods

    Credits: 1
    Designed to present new and improved methods of teaching the various band and orchestral instruments in the public schools.

  • MUSC 5700 - Advanced Teaching Methods

    Credits: 1
    Designed to present new and improved methods of teaching the various band and orchestral instruments in the public schools.

  • MUSC 5710 - Advanced Teaching Methods

    Credits: 1
    Designed to present new and improved methods of teaching the various band and orchestral instruments in the public schools.

  • MUSC 5720 - Musical Supervision: Choral

    Credits: 2
    Examination of the administrative responsibilities of the music teacher, the music department chairman, and the district music supervisor in the public schools, as well as the responsibilities of a music festival chairman and officers of the state music educators association.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing in music.

  • MUSC 5730 - Musical Supervision: Instruments

    Credits: 2
    Examination of the administrative responsibilities of the music teacher, the music department chairman, and the district music supervisor in the public schools, as well as the responsibilities of a music festival chairman and officers of the state music educators association.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing in music.

  • MUSC 5760 - Music Education Seminar

    Credits: 2
    A study and discussion of trends, objectives, and curricula of the various phases of music education.

  • MUSC 5770 - Marching Band

    Credits: 0.5
    Max Credit (Max. 2)

  • MUSC 5780 - Wind Ensemble III

    Credits: 0.5
    Max Credit (Max. 2)

    One of the elite ensembles in the Department of Music, Wind Ensemble offers participants the opportunity to prepare and perform some of the finest, most technically challenging, contemporary and classic wind and percussion repertory.

    Prerequisite: graduate or Performer’s Certificate students, audition required.

  • MUSC 5790 - Jazz Ensemble III

    Credits: 0.5
    Max Credit (Max. 2)

    Preparation and performance in a select jazz ensemble of the finest in standard jazz ensemble repertory and contemporary compositions by living jazz artists.

    Restricted Enrollment is restricted to graduate and Performer’s Certificate students only.
    Prerequisite: audition required.

  • MUSC 5800 - Collegiate Chorale III

    Credits: 0.5
    Max Credit (Max. 12)

    Provide the advanced and committed singer with outstanding performing experiences ranging from major choral masterworks to masterpieces of the a cappella tradition, both sacred and secular. The choir is a professional training ensemble and students may be asked to take on active musical leadership roles. Commitment of time to advance the excellence and public awareness of the ensemble will be required.

    Prerequisite: audition required, and graduate standing.

  • MUSC 5805 - The UW Singing Statesmen III

    Credits: 0.5
    Max Credit (Max. 12)

    The UW Singing Statesmen provides all levels of singers with the rich tradition of male ensemble singing. Students will solidify basic musicianship skills and vocal technique while experiencing camaraderie and service to the region. Students may be asked to take on music leadership roles and advance the excellence and public awareness of the ensemble. Open to music majors and non-music majors without audition.

    Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

  • MUSC 5807 - Happy Jacks III

    Credits: 0.5
    Max Credit (Max. 12)

    Student-led male a cappella ensemble that sings contemporary, jazz, and traditional repertoire. The ensemble travels regularly to promote male singing through concerts and school workshops. Students may act as musical director. Audition only.

    Prerequisite: Audition required. Graduate standing.

    Corequisite: enrollment in The UW Singing Statesmen.

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