Jul 08, 2024  
2021-2022 University of Wyoming Catalog 
2021-2022 University of Wyoming Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Offerings

Changes in Catalog Information

The course offerings and requirements of the University of Wyoming are under examination and revision continually. This catalog is not a contract; it merely presents the offerings and requirements in effect at the time of publication and in no way guarantees that the offerings and requirements will not change.

Not all courses are offered each term. The listing of courses does not imply a contractual obligation to offer the same during the year of publication of this catalog. The university reserves the right to offer, limit, or cancel course offerings for academic, funding, or facility considerations, and to cancel any offered course for which there is not sufficient enrollment.

The university reserves the right to change approved course listings at any time during a student’s term of residence.

Preparatory Courses Taught at UW by Laramie County Community College

The University of Wyoming has contracted for Laramie County Community College to offer preparatory courses on the university campus. University students will register through the normal university registration process. Inclusion of these courses in a student’s schedule will count as part of the credit load for determining full-time status; however, UW credit is not awarded. For further information, contact the LCCC coordinator, at (307) 766-2514 or go to Ross Hall, rooms 26 and 27.

Course Credits

The amount of credit offered for any course work published in this catalog is based on and governed by prior university faculty recommendation and institutional determinations.

A credit hour denotes a unit of academic work. Normally, one credit hour is earned in a course meeting one hour per week for a semester (15‑16 weeks). Each credit hour unit requires an average of three hours of student-effort per week. In variable-credit courses, the efforts required of the students are proportional to the credit hours attempted.

Even if topics differ in separate sections, variable-credit courses have limits on the number of credits which can be earned in that course in a semester and/or a student’s career.

Format of Course Listings

On the following pages, courses approved for offering are listed by college, program subject, and course level (number).

The heading which precedes the brief description of each course shows the current course identification number; former course number(s), if any, in brackets; course title; a designation in bold brackets ([QB< >Q], e.g. [USP 2003 designation< >USP 2015 designation]), if any, concerning applicability of the course to the University Studies Program (see below for designation); the number of semester credit hours established for the course (fixed or variable with the semester); and the career maximum of credit for successive term enrollments in the identified course, if different from the established semester credit-hours limit. For example, “1-3 (Max.9)” means that a student may earn between 1 and 3 hours of credit for that course within one semester and a maximum of 9 hours within a degree career. The course description indicates any prerequisites for that course and if it is offered for satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading only.

Course Levels

University courses are distinguished by number indicating five levels of instruction as follows:

0000‑0999 Preparatory courses (no credit)
1000‑2999 Primarily for Freshmen and Sophomores
3000‑4999 Primarily for Juniors and Seniors
5000‑5999 Primarily for Graduate Students
6000-6999 Law courses, WWAMI courses, and Doctor of Pharmacy courses

A bracketed course number [ ] indicates a previous number of the same course. Double credit cannot be earned by repeating a course.

Prerequisites are the primary factor which normally govern whether a student may enroll for any particular course. However, individual departments and/or colleges may place additional restrictions on course enrollments (e.g. enrollment may be restricted by student classification).

Enrollment in engineering courses is generally limited to engineering students.

Law courses are normally open only to students approved for the program.

Graduate students may enroll in courses numbered 1000‑3999 to satisfy undergraduate deficiencies but only courses numbered 4000 and above will be computed into the graduate GPA and allowed for graduate credit.

University Studies Program Designations

C1 = Communication 1

C2 = Communication 2

C3 = Communication 3

FY = First-Year Seminar

H = Human Culture

PN = Physical and Natural World

Q = Quantitative Reasoning

V = U.S. and Wyoming Constitutions

*Please note: Throughout the department pages and course descriptions in this catalog, a few of the USP 2015 designations will appear as such: C1 = COM1; C2 = COM2; C3 = COM3; FY = FYS.


Molecular Biology

  • MOLB 4680 - Host-microbe interaction

    Credits: 3
    Interactions of bacterial and fungal pathogens with animal and plant hosts will be discussed, including current research exploring molecular signaling mechanisms affecting innate immune receptors, the communication between organelles in host cells, and the tight communication between hosts and pathogens in relationships such as symbiosis.

    Dual Listed MOLB 5680  
    When Offered Spring
    Prerequisite: MOLB 2121 and MOLB 3000  or MOLB 4600  

  • MOLB 4850 - Undergraduate Teaching Internship

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit 4

    Undergraduate student will assist in classroom or laboratory teaching under the guidance of an instructor in Molecular Biology.

    Lab/Lecture Hours Offered Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
    Prerequisite: Junior standing and consent of instructor.

  • MOLB 4990 - Topics In:___

    Credits: 1-3
    Max Credit 6

    Lectures, literature reviews and discussion of selected current topics in different areas of molecular biology. Please check class schedule for current offerings each semester.

    Prerequisite: MOLB 3000  or MOLB 3610  or MOLB 4600 .

  • MOLB 5010 - Advanced Laboratory Research in Molecular Biology

    Credits: 1-3
    Max Credit 18

    Students in PhD, MS and MA programs in Molecular Biology, and doctoral students in the Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences (MCLS) graduate program, work in laboratory or computational research projects under the guidance of a Molecular Biology faculty member.

    Prerequisite: graduate standing and consent of instructor.

  • MOLB 5050 - Advanced Student Seminar

    Credits: 2
    Max Credit 8

    Students will analyze and discuss primary sources in scientific literature and give presentations promoting critical discussions of data and interpretations of journal articles with full participation of students in the class. Topics are typically related to research presented by speakers in the Molecular biology seminar series.

    Prerequisite: MOLB 4600   or concurrent enrollment

  • MOLB 5051 - Department Seminar

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit 15

    Required attendance at a series of weekly seminars presented by visiting faculty on a diverse set of research topics. Undergraduates are able to use one credit hour to partially fulfill the seminar requirement.

    Dual Listed MOLB 4051  
    Prerequisite: MOLB 3000  or MOLB 3610  or MOLB 4600 .

  • MOLB 5052 - Summer Seminar

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 5)

    Consists of one week of lectures, presented by a renowned scientist from either academics or industry. The material presented is taken from the research program of the speaker.

    Dual Listed MOLB 4052  
  • MOLB 5055 - Molecular Monday

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit 12

    Students will present and hear formal presentations of research being conducted at the University of Wyoming in the molecular biosciences. Participation in question and answer periods following presentations is required, as is the completion of an evaluation form for each presentation.

    Prerequisite: Graduate standing

  • MOLB 5056 - Current Topics in Cell Biology

    Credits: 2
    Max Credit 18

    Students present their ongoing laboratory research and receive feedback from lab group members. Principles of research design will be explored by critical reading and discussion of current topical literature.

    Prerequisite: Graduate standing

  • MOLB 5057 - Microbial and Synthetic Biololgy

    Credits: 2
    Max Credit 18

    Students will present current research in the fields of Molecular Microbiology and Synthetic Biology, which will be followed by a critical discussion moderated by the course instructors. Students will explore the principles of research design by critical reading and discussion of scientific literature.

    Prerequisite: Graduate standing

  • MOLB 5058 - Experimental Molecular Genetics

    Credits: 2
    Max Credit 18

    Students will formally present their research on molecular biology projects and will actively participate in discussion of other student’s presentations. Students will also select current topical research articles and present critical evaluations of those articles to the class.

    Prerequisite: Graduate standing

  • MOLB 5260 - Quantitative Microscopy

    Credits: 1
    Acquaints students with principles of light microscopy, use of fluorescent probes and image processing software. Students use phase contrast, fluorescent, and confocal microscopes learning to measure and compare size and intensity of images.

    Dual Listed MOLB 4260  
    Prerequisite: MOLB 3610  or CHEM 4400  or MOLB 4600 , and PHYS 1120  

  • MOLB 5400 - Immunology

    Credits: 4
    Biology of immune system; cellular and molecular mechanisms; host resistance to infectious agents; as well as hypersensitivities, autoimmunity, tumor and tissue rejection. Includes laboratory for immunological techniques.

    Cross Listed PATB 4400  
    Dual Listed MOLB 4400  
    When Offered Fall
    Prerequisite: MOLB 2021  or MICR 2021  or MOLB 2240  or PATB 2220 , and a minimum grade of C in MOLB 3000  or MOLB 3610  

  • MOLB 5440 - Microbial Genetics

    Credits: 3
    Discusses microbial genetic approaches to study cell function and provides a molecular foundation for understanding how genes work to elicit phenotypes.

    Dual Listed MOLB 4440  
    When Offered Spring
    Prerequisite: MOLB 2021  or MICR 2021   or MICR 2240 , and LIFE 3050  

  • MOLB 5450 - Cell and Developmental Genetics

    Credits: 3
    Integrates the genetic control of cell regulation and animal development in both vertebrate and invertebrate model systems such as Drosophila, C. elegans and the mouse. Includes studies of eukaryotic signal transduction, gene control, and current transgenic technologies.

    Dual Listed MOLB 4450  
    When Offered Spring
    Prerequisite: MOLB 3610   or CHEM 4400  or MOLB 4600 , and LIFE 3050 .

  • MOLB 5460 - Microbial Physiology and Metabolism I

    Credits: 3
    Studies life processes of microbes as mediated by their structures acting in consort, in response to changing environments.

    Dual Listed MOLB 4460 .
    When Offered Fall
    Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in MOLB 2021 /MICR 2021  or MOLB 2240 , and MOLB 3610  or MOLB 4600 or CHEM 4400.

  • MOLB 5520 - Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences Laboratory Rotations

    Credits: 3
    Max Credit 6

    Laboratory research rotations for first year Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences (MCLS) students in the doctoral program.

    Prerequisite: Enrollment in the Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences (MCLS) program.

  • MOLB 5521 - Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences Cornerstone

    Credits: 1
    Introduction for students in the Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences program to graduate school and research. Exposes students to diverse faculty research programs and elements fundamental to successful graduate and scientific careers, including scientific publishing, grants, careers, intellectual property, and ethical expectations.

    When Offered Fall
    Prerequisite: Enrollment in the Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences doctoral program.

  • MOLB 5540 - Microbial Diversity and Ecology

    Credits: 4
    Introduces the diversity and ecology of soil microbes through an integrated lecture and laboratory course. Emphasis on molecular approaches to analyzing microbial diversity and evolution, and student-directed experimental design. Provides a continuum of realistic research experiences in molecular microbial ecology, from field work to evolutionary analysis of DNA sequence data.

    Cross Listed MOLB 4540  or MICR 4540  or SOIL 4540  
    Dual Listed SOIL 5540  or ECOL 5540  
    When Offered Fall
    Prerequisite: MOLB 2021   or MICR 2021  

  • MOLB 5600 - Advanced Biochemistry

    Credits: 3
    Emphasis will be placed on identifying essential chemical features of select biomolecules, understanding molecular mechanisms of representative biochemical and bioenergetic processes, and detailing experimental approaches for addressing important research questions in biochemistry.

    Dual Listed MOLB 4600  
    When Offered Fall
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

  • MOLB 5610 - Biochemistry 2: Molecular Mechanisms

    Credits: 3
    Biochemical and molecular mechanisms underlying cell function, including gene expression and epigenetic regulation, RNA and protein modification and function, assembly of macromolecular complexes, signaling and regulation of the cell cycle, are discussed.

    Dual Listed MOLB 4610  
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

  • MOLB 5630 - Advanced Topics in Molecular Biology

    Credits: 1-3
    Max Credit 6

    Lectures, literature reviews and discussion of selected current topics in molecular biology. Check class schedule for current offerings each semester.

    Prerequisite: MOLB 3000  or MOLB 3610  or MOLB 4600  

  • MOLB 5670 - Advanced Molecular Cell Biology

    Credits: 3
    Key concepts in eukaryotic cell biology will be presented with a focus on cellular processes that form the basis for human diseases. Cellular organization, dynamics, and signaling will be emphasized. Students will also explore principles of research design by critical reading and discussion of scientific literature.

    Dual Listed MOLB 4670  
    Prerequisite: MOLB 3610  or CHEM 4400   or MOLB 4600  

  • MOLB 5680 - Signaling in Host-microbe Interaction

    Credits: 3
    Interactions of bacterial and fungal pathogens with animal and plant hosts will be discussed, including current research exploring molecular signaling mechanism affecting innate immune receptors, the communication between organelles in host cells, and the tight communication between hosts and pathogens in relationships such as symbiosis.

    Dual Listed MOLB 4680
    When Offered Spring
    Prerequisite: MOLB 2121  and MOLB 3000  or MOLB 4600

  • MOLB 5700 - Principles of Biomedical Research

    Credits: 3
    This series of complementary workshops will provide opportunities to develop knowledge and skills in scientific methodology, data analysis, statistical interpretation and representation, scientific communication, research codes and ethics, entrepreneurship, and interpersonal conduct. Students will also learn about career options and develop individual goals and trajectories based on strengths and interests.

    When Offered Spring
    Prerequisite: Graduate student status (biomedical fields preferred).

  • MOLB 5900 - Practicum in College Teaching

    Credits: 1-3
    Max Credit 3

    Work in classroom with a major professor. Expected to give some lectures and gain classroom experience.

    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.

  • MOLB 5920 - Continuing Registration: On Campus

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit 16

    Prerequisite: Advanced degree candidacy.

  • MOLB 5940 - Continuing Registration: Off Campus

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit 16

    Prerequisite: Advanced degree candidacy.

  • MOLB 5959 - Enrichment Studies

    Credits: 1-3
    Max Credit 99

    Designed to provide an enrichment experience in a variety of topics.

    Note: Note: credit in this course may not be included in a graduate program of study for degree purposes.

  • MOLB 5960 - Thesis Research

    Credits: 1-12
    Max Credit 24

    Designed for students who are involved in research for their thesis project. Also used for students whose coursework is complete and are writing their thesis.

    Prerequisite: Enrollment in a graduate degree program.

  • MOLB 5980 - Dissertation Research

    Credits: 1-12
    Max Credit 48

    Designed for students who are involved in research for their dissertation project. Also used for students whose coursework is complete and are writing their dissertation.

    Prerequisite: Enrollment in a graduate degree program.

  • MOLB 5990 - Internship

    Credits: 1-12
    Max Credit 24

    Prerequisite: Graduate standing.


  • MUSC 0200 - Music Convocation

    Credits: 0
    Weekly recital hour for student, faculty and guest performances.

    Prerequisite: intended for, and required of music majors.

  • MUSC 1000 - Introduction to Music

    Credits: 3
    Introduces music appreciation to students who have little or no musical training. Requires attendance at a specified number of public concerts.

    USP Code [CA< >H]
  • MUSC 1003 - Historical Perspectives in Music I

    Credits: 3
    The first semester of a three semester sequence covering the study of composers and music repertoire from antiquity to 1600.

    Prerequisite: Music majors and minors, or by permission of the instructor.

  • MUSC 1007 - Hip-Hop/Pop Music Appreciation

    Credits: 3
    From Kool Herc, Notorious B. I. G, Van Halen, and Queen, all the way up to today’s artists, students will learn to understand, discern, and truly appreciate hip-hop and popular music.

  • MUSC 1010 - Music Fundamentals

    Credits: 3
    To establish/ review the foundation of the materials and structures of music theory fundamentals.

  • MUSC 1025 - Introduction to Music Education

    Credits: 2
    Introduces music teacher education. Includes overview of vocal and instrumental music education and teaching processes in grade levels K-12. Requires on-site visits and observations of music programs.

    When Offered (Offered spring semester)
    Former Course Number [1020]
    Prerequisite: music majors only.

  • MUSC 1030 - Written Theory I

    Credits: 3
    First semester of a one-year series. Studies fundamentals of music and written harmony.

    Prerequisite: music majors/minors only.

  • MUSC 1035 - Aural Theory I

    Credits: 1
    First semester of a one-year series. Studies ear training and sight singing.

  • MUSC 1040 - Written Theory II

    Credits: 3
    Second semester of a one-year series. Studies fundamentals of music and written harmony.

    Prerequisite: MUSC 1030  and music majors/minors only.

  • MUSC 1045 - Aural Theory II

    Credits: 1
    Second semester of a one-year series. Studies ear training and sight singing.

    Prerequisite: MUSC 1035 .

  • MUSC 1080 - Baritone Horn I

    Credits: 1‑2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Applied Lessons

  • MUSC 1090 - Bassoon I

    Credits: 1‑2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 1100 - Cello I

    Credits: 1‑2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 1110 - Clarinet I

    Credits: 1‑2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 1120 - Double Bass I

    Credits: 1‑2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 1130 - Flute I

    Credits: 1‑2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 1140 - French Horn I

    Credits: 1‑2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 1150 - Guitar I

    Credits: 1‑2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 1160 - Harp I

    Credits: 1‑2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 1170 - Oboe I

    Credits: 1‑2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 1180 - Organ I

    Credits: 1‑2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 1190 - Percussion I

    Credits: 1‑2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 1200 - Piano I

    Credits: 1‑2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 1210 - Saxophone I

    Credits: 1‑2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 1220 - Trombone I

    Credits: 1‑2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 1230 - Trumpet I

    Credits: 1‑2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 1240 - Tuba I

    Credits: 1‑2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 1250 - Violin I

    Credits: 1‑2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 1260 - Viola I

    Credits: 1‑2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 1270 - Voice I

    Credits: 1‑2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

  • MUSC 1280 - Collaborative Piano I

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Encompasses supervised practice in the art of collaborative piano playing. Discusses traditional usages as applicable to various schools and periods of vocal and instrumental duo literature.

    Prerequisite: audition required.

  • MUSC 1290 - Class Piano I

    Credits: 1
    Encompasses group instruction for the beginner at the keyboard. First semester of four-semester sequence. 

    When Offered (Offered fall semester)
    Prerequisite: Enrollment limited to music or music education majors whose principal performance area is not piano

  • MUSC 1295 - Class Piano II

    Credits: 1
    Continues skills begun in MUSC 1290  including all major scales, beginning minor scales, prescribed chord progressions, harmonization, transposition, sight reading and repertoire.

    When Offered (Offered spring semester)
    Prerequisite: MUSC 1290  or successful completion of final exam requirements for MUSC 1290 .

  • MUSC 1312 - Public School Tech: Brass

    Credits: 2
    This course is designed to teach the fundamentals of brass pedagogy and performance for music education majors. The course consists of two components applied study on brass instruments and study/discussion of current pedagogy and methods.

    Restricted Restricted to Music Education majors.
    Prerequisite: MUSC 1040 , MUSC 1045 .

  • MUSC 1322 - Public School Tech: Percussion

    Credits: 2
    This course is designed to teach the fundamentals of percussion pedagogy and performance for music education majors. The course consists of two components applied study on percussion instruments and study/discussion of current pedagogy and methods.

    Restricted Restricted to Music Education majors.
    Prerequisite: MUSC 1040 , MUSC 1045 .

  • MUSC 1332 - Public School Tech: Strings

    Credits: 2
    This course is designed to teach the fundamentals of string pedagogy and performance for music education majors. The course consists of two components applied study on string instruments and study/discussion of current pedagogy and methods.

    Restricted Restricted to Music Education majors.
    Prerequisite: MUSC 1040 , MUSC 1045 .

  • MUSC 1340 - Public School Methods: Voice I

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 2)

    Encompasses group instruction in vocal methods for music education majors.

    Prerequisite: MUSC 1040 , MUSC 1045 .

  • MUSC 1352 - Public School Tech: Woodwinds

    Credits: 2
    This course is designed to teach the fundamentals of woodwind pedagogy and performance for music education majors. The course consists of two components applied study on woodwind instruments and study/discussion of current pedagogy and methods.

    Restricted Restricted to Music Education majors.
    Prerequisite: MUSC 1040 , MUSC 1045 .

  • MUSC 1360 - Public School Methods: Guitar

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 2)

    Prerequisite: MUSC 1040 , MUSC 1045 .

  • MUSC 1375 - Symphonic Band

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Ensembles. (MUSC 1370 , MUSC 1375, MUSC 1380 , MUSC 1390 , MUSC 1400 , MUSC 1420 , MUSC 1430 , MUSC 1440 , MUSC 1450 , MUSC 1460 , MUSC 1470 , MUSC 1480 , MUSC 1490 . Maximum of 14 semester hours may be used toward the bachelor’s degree from any combination of these courses. Music majors must play in one ensemble each semester in residence. Scholarship recipients must play in two ensembles each semester in residence. )

    Prerequisite: players are selected by audition. Auditions will take place the first week of classes.

  • MUSC 1380 - Wind Ensemble

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    (MUSC 1370 , MUSC 1375 , MUSC 1380, MUSC 1390 , MUSC 1400 , MUSC 1420 , MUSC 1430 , MUSC 1440 , MUSC 1450 , MUSC 1460 , MUSC 1470 , MUSC 1480 , MUSC 1490 . Ensembles. Maximum of 14 semester hours may be used toward the bachelor’s degree from any combination of these courses. Music majors must play in one ensemble each semester in residence. Scholarship recipients must play in two ensembles each semester in residence. )

    USP Code [CA< >(none)]
    Prerequisite: players are selected by audition from the university band.

  • MUSC 1390 - Jazz Ensemble

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Preparation and performance in a select jazz ensemble of the finest in standard jazz ensemble repertory and contemporary compositions by living jazz artists.

    USP Code [(none)< >H]
    Restricted Restricted to freshmen and sophomores.
    Prerequisite: audition required. (MUSC 1370 , MUSC 1375 , MUSC 1380 , MUSC 1390, MUSC 1400 , MUSC 1420 , MUSC 1430 , MUSC 1440 , MUSC 1450 , MUSC 1460 , MUSC 1470 , MUSC 1480 , MUSC 1490 . Ensembles. Maximum of 14 semester hours may be used toward the bachelor’s degree from any combination of these courses. Music majors must play in one ensemble each semester in residence. Scholarship recipients must play in two ensembles each semester in residence. )

  • MUSC 1400 - Collegiate Chorale I

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 12)

    Will provide the committed singer with outstanding performing experiences ranging from major choral masterworks to masterpieces of the a cappella tradition, both sacred and secular. The choir is a professional training ensemble, and each student will explore a variety of vocal techniques for development. (MUSC 1370 , MUSC 1375 , MUSC 1380 , MUSC 1390 , MUSC 1400, MUSC 1420 , MUSC 1430 , MUSC 1440 , MUSC 1450 , MUSC 1460 , MUSC 1470 , MUSC 1480 , MUSC 1490 . Ensembles. Maximum of 14 semester hours may be used toward the bachelor’s degree from any combination of these courses. Music majors must play in one ensemble each semester in residence. Scholarship recipients must play in two ensembles each semester in residence. )

    USP Code [CA< >H]
    Prerequisite: Audition required.

  • MUSC 1405 - The UW Singing Statesmen I

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 12)

    Will provide all levels of singer with the rich tradition of male ensemble singing. Students will solidify basic musicianship skills and vocal technique while experiencing camaraderie and service to the region. This ensemble is open to both music majors and non-music majors without audition.

    USP Code [(none)< >H]
  • MUSC 1407 - Happy Jacks I

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 12)

    Student-led male a cappella ensemble that sings contemporary, jazz, and traditional repertoire. The ensemble travels regularly to promote male singing through concerts and school workshops.

    Prerequisite: Audition required.

    Corequisite: enrollment in The UW Singing Statesmen.
  • MUSC 1411 - Vocal Jazz I

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 12)

    Sings standard repertory from various jazz traditions, often with rhythm section. Focus on building musical skill and literacy in the jazz idiom.

    Prerequisite: Audition required.

  • MUSC 1415 - Bel Canto Women’s Chorus

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 12)

    Builds community through score study and the development of fundamental musicianship skills, including sight singing, ear training, and vocal technique. This ensemble is open to both music majors and non-music majors without audition.

    USP Code [(none)< >H]
  • MUSC 1417 - Laramie Civic Chorus I

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 12)

    Welcomes students, faculty, and community members. Repertoire includes musical works from a multiplicity of style periods and genres in both Western and non-Western traditions and includes regular collaboration with the UW Symphony Orchestra for major choral works.

    USP Code [(none)< >H]
    Prerequisite: Audition required.

  • MUSC 1430 - Symphony Orchestra I

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    The premier orchestral ensemble in the Department of Music. Participation in this ensemble prepares students to perform some of the great symphonic literature from a wide variety of musical periods. (MUSC 1370 , MUSC 1375 , MUSC 1380 , MUSC 1390 , MUSC 1400 , MUSC 1420 , MUSC 1430, MUSC 1440 , MUSC 1450 , MUSC 1460 , MUSC 1470 , MUSC 1480 , MUSC 1490 . Ensembles. Maximum of 14 semester hours may be used toward the bachelor’s degree from any combination of these courses. Music majors must play in one ensemble each semester in residence. Scholarship recipients must play in two ensembles each semester in residence. )

    USP Code [CA< >H]
    Prerequisite: audition only, freshmen and sophomores.

  • MUSC 1440 - Chamber Orchestra I

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Devoted to the rehearsal and performance of masterpieces from the chamber orchestra repertoire. Students in the 1440 level of Chamber Orchestra will be expected to have a competent level of proficiency on their parts. (MUSC 1370 , MUSC 1375 , MUSC 1380 , MUSC 1390 , MUSC 1400 , MUSC 1420 , MUSC 1430 , MUSC 1440, MUSC 1450 , MUSC 1460 , MUSC 1470 , MUSC 1480 , MUSC 1490 . Ensembles. Maximum of 14 semester hours may be used toward the bachelor’s degree from any combination of these courses. Music majors must play in one ensemble each semester in residence. Scholarship recipients must play in two ensembles each semester in residence. )

  • MUSC 1450 - Percussion Ensemble

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Present concerts that represent the literature and techniques of this growing genre in music. (MUSC 1370 , MUSC 1375 , MUSC 1380 , MUSC 1390 , MUSC 1400 , MUSC 1420 , MUSC 1430 , MUSC 1440 , MUSC 1450, MUSC 1460 , MUSC 1470 , MUSC 1480 , MUSC 1490 . Ensembles. Maximum of 14 semester hours may be used toward the bachelor’s degree from any combination of these courses. Music majors must play in one ensemble each semester in residence. Scholarship recipients must play in two ensembles each semester in residence. )

  • MUSC 1460 - Brass Ensemble

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    The University of Wyoming Brass Ensemble is a course devoted to the rehearsal and performance of masterpieces from the brass chamber repertoire. Students in the 1460 level of Brass Ensemble will be expected to have a competent level of proficiency on their parts. (MUSC 1370 , MUSC 1375 , MUSC 1380 , MUSC 1390 , MUSC 1400 , MUSC 1420 , MUSC 1430 , MUSC 1440 , MUSC 1450 , MUSC 1460, MUSC 1470 , MUSC 1480 , MUSC 1490 . Ensembles. Maximum of 14 semester hours may be used toward the bachelor’s degree from any combination of these courses. Music majors must play in one ensemble each semester in residence. Scholarship recipients must play in two ensembles each semester in residence. )

  • MUSC 1470 - Woodwind Ensemble

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Preparation and performance in a select woodwind chamber ensemble of the finest standard and contemporary wind ensemble literature. (MUSC 1370 , MUSC 1375 , MUSC 1380 , MUSC 1390 , MUSC 1400 , MUSC 1420 , MUSC 1430 , MUSC 1440 , MUSC 1450 , MUSC 1460 , MUSC 1470, MUSC 1480 , MUSC 1490 . Ensembles. Maximum of 14 semester hours may be used toward the bachelor’s degree from any combination of these courses. Music majors must play in one ensemble each semester in residence. Scholarship recipients must play in two ensembles each semester in residence. )

    Restricted Enrollment is restricted freshmen and sophomores.
    Prerequisite: audition required.

  • MUSC 1480 - Chamber Music I

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Designed to provide students with training in the ideal medium of chamber music (small ensembles, such as trio, string quartet, etc. ), where they can apply and integrate all elements of their musical knowledge. These include but are not limited to rhythm, intonation, tone-production, blend, musical interpretation, concept of style, etc. (MUSC 1370 , MUSC 1375 , MUSC 1380 , MUSC 1390 , MUSC 1400 , MUSC 1420 , MUSC 1430 , MUSC 1440 , MUSC 1450 , MUSC 1460 , MUSC 1470 , MUSC 1480, MUSC 1490 . Ensembles. Maximum of 14 semester hours may be used toward the bachelor’s degree from any combination of these courses. Music majors must play in one ensemble each semester in residence. Scholarship recipients must play in two ensembles each semester in residence. )

    Prerequisite: audition required.

  • MUSC 2030 - Written Theory III

    Credits: 3
    First semester of a one-year series. Studies chromatic harmony, contrapuntal techniques and twentieth-century practices.

    Prerequisite: MUSC 1030  and MUSC 1040 .

  • MUSC 2040 - Written Theory IV

    Credits: 3
    Fourth semester of a two-year series. Explores the instruments of the band and orchestra, and the capabilities of writing for voices and piano. Arranging for various instrumental combinations and vocal ensembles.

    Prerequisite: MUSC 2030 .

  • MUSC 2045 - Aural Theory IV

    Credits: 1
    Second semester of a one-year series. Continues MUSC 1035  and MUSC 1045 .

    Prerequisite: MUSC 2035 .

  • MUSC 2050 - Historical Perspectives in Music II

    Credits: 3
    Continuation of materials and topics covered in Historical Perspectives in Music I. Study of composers and repertoire from 1600-ca. to 1800.

    Prerequisite: MUSC 1003 , or by permission of instructor.

  • MUSC 2055 - Historical Perspectives III

    Credits: 3
    Max Credit (Max. 6)

    Second semester of one-year series. Studies history and literature of music from the Classical Era to present.

    Prerequisite: ability to read music.

  • MUSC 2080 - Baritone Horn II

    Credits: 1‑2
    Applied Lessons

    Prerequisite: previous training proven with an audition or 2-4 semester hours of MUSC 1080  through MUSC 1270  on the same instrument.

  • MUSC 2090 - Bassoon II

    Credits: 1‑2
    Applied Lessons

    Prerequisite: previous training proven with an audition or 2-4 semester hours of MUSC 1080  through MUSC 1270  on the same instrument.

  • MUSC 2100 - Cello II

    Credits: 1‑2
    Applied Lessons

    Prerequisite: previous training proven with an audition or 2-4 semester hours of MUSC 1080  through MUSC 1270  on the same instrument.

  • MUSC 2110 - Clarinet II

    Credits: 1‑2
    Applied Lessons

    Prerequisite: previous training proven with an audition or 2-4 semester hours of MUSC 1080  through MUSC 1270  on the same instrument.

  • MUSC 2120 - Double Bass II

    Credits: 1‑2
    Applied Lessons

    Prerequisite: previous training proven with an audition or 2-4 semester hours of MUSC 1080  through MUSC 1270  on the same instrument.


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