Mar 06, 2025
2024-2025 University of Wyoming Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
European Studies Minor
The European Studies Minor offers students the opportunity to engage in an interdisciplinary program of study of a European region or a single country.
The program emphasizes a social science approach to the study of modern European history, politics, society, and culture with options to include foreign language and study abroad components towards completion of the Minor. For the purposes of this minor, Europe is defined first and foremost as a geographic entity running from the Atlantic to the Urals and from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean and the Caucasus Mountains. Courses that transcend these boundaries should include the study of Europe in a prominent way to count toward the minor.
All required courses for the major must be passed with a grade of C or better. A course cannot simultaneously fulfill more than one major requirement.
Course Requirements (18 Hours)
If your primary major is in the College of Arts and Sciences, at least twelve (12) credit hours must be exclusive to the minor and not counted towards fulfilling major requirements. To count towards the minor, all courses must be completed with a grade of ‘C’ or better. Gateway Course (3 Credit Hours)
All European Studies Minor students must complete one of two required Gateway courses, either: European Studies Area Courses (15 Credit Hours)
European Studies Minor students must complete a minimum of fifteen (15) additional credit hours from the following list of approved European Studies Area Courses. A minimum of nine (9) of these credit hours must be taken at the upper-division (3000+) level. In addition to the approved courses on this list, topics courses, Honors courses, or other special course offerings may count towards fulfilling Area Course requirements based on the approval of the student’s designated minor advisor. Students are strongly encouraged to review the International Studies Newsletter each semester to see what European Studies Area courses are currently being offered. Approved European Studies Area Courses
Optional European Study Abroad Component
European Studies Minor students are also strongly encouraged to participate in a relevant study abroad program in the region of Europe to supplement their coursework at UW. Accordingly, up to six (6) hours of relevant study abroad credit may be counted towards fulfillment of the European Studies Area Course requirement on the approval of the student’s designated minor advisor. Optional European Foreign Language Component
European Studies Minor students are also strongly encouraged to learn an European foreign language (other than English) as part of their progression towards completion of the Minor. Accordingly, up to eight (8) lower division (1000-2000) credit hours of an European foreign language may be counted towards fulfillment of the European Studies Area Course requirement. ‘European’ languages at UW include French, German, and Spanish. However, European Studies Minor students need not necessarily be limited to the three languages currently taught at UW. On the approval of the student’s designated minor advisor these optional language credit hours may be fulfilled by other European language instruction at UW, other relevant in-country summer intensive programs, or language-focused study abroad programs. |