Jan 15, 2025  
2024-2025 University of Wyoming Catalog 
2024-2025 University of Wyoming Catalog

Native American and Indigenous Studies Graduate Minor

A graduate minor in Native American and Indigenous Studies is comprised of 12 hours with at least 6 hours at the 5000 level. It is expected that each graduate minor student and his/her graduate committee, at least one member of whom will be from NAIS, will determine the specific courses to be taken. It is recommended that one of the four classes selected be a 3 credit NAIS 5000 Independent Study. This class will provide a research experience in the discipline of Native American and Indigenous studies that may support a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation. The research expectation in NAIS can be satisfied by the 3 credit hour Independent Study and/or by the thesis or doctoral dissertation.

Students graduating with a graduate minor degree in Native American and Indigenous studies will be able to: 1) Make apparent in masters’-level research the interdisciplinary connections between Native American and Indigenous studies and the primary field of graduate study; 2) Integrate American Indian studies research methods with the research methods used in the primary field of graduate study; and 3) Demonstrate in writing the ability to understand a variety of subjects from a tribal perspective.