Sep 27, 2024  
2022-2023 University of Wyoming Catalog 
2022-2023 University of Wyoming Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Offerings

Changes in Catalog Information

The course offerings and requirements of the University of Wyoming are under examination and revision continually. This catalog is not a contract; it merely presents the offerings and requirements in effect at the time of publication and in no way guarantees that the offerings and requirements will not change.

Not all courses are offered each term. The listing of courses does not imply a contractual obligation to offer the same during the year of publication of this catalog. The university reserves the right to offer, limit, or cancel course offerings for academic, funding, or facility considerations, and to cancel any offered course for which there is not sufficient enrollment.

The university reserves the right to change approved course listings at any time during a student’s term of residence.

Preparatory Courses Taught at UW by Laramie County Community College

The University of Wyoming has contracted for Laramie County Community College to offer preparatory courses on the university campus. University students will register through the normal university registration process. Inclusion of these courses in a student’s schedule will count as part of the credit load for determining full-time status; however, UW credit is not awarded. For further information, contact the LCCC coordinator, at (307) 766-2514 or go to Ross Hall, rooms 26 and 27.

Course Credits

The amount of credit offered for any course work published in this catalog is based on and governed by prior university faculty recommendation and institutional determinations.

A credit hour denotes a unit of academic work. Normally, one credit hour is earned in a course meeting one hour per week for a semester (15‑16 weeks). Each credit hour unit requires an average of three hours of student-effort per week. In variable-credit courses, the efforts required of the students are proportional to the credit hours attempted.

Even if topics differ in separate sections, variable-credit courses have limits on the number of credits which can be earned in that course in a semester and/or a student’s career.

Format of Course Listings

On the following pages, courses approved for offering are listed by college, program subject, and course level (number).

The heading which precedes the brief description of each course shows the current course identification number; former course number(s), if any, in brackets; course title; a designation in bold brackets ([QB< >Q], e.g. [USP 2003 designation< >USP 2015 designation]), if any, concerning applicability of the course to the University Studies Program (see below for designation); the number of semester credit hours established for the course (fixed or variable with the semester); and the career maximum of credit for successive term enrollments in the identified course, if different from the established semester credit-hours limit. For example, “1-3 (Max.9)” means that a student may earn between 1 and 3 hours of credit for that course within one semester and a maximum of 9 hours within a degree career. The course description indicates any prerequisites for that course and if it is offered for satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading only.

Course Levels

University courses are distinguished by number indicating five levels of instruction as follows:

0000‑0999 Preparatory courses (no credit)
1000‑2999 Primarily for Freshmen and Sophomores
3000‑4999 Primarily for Juniors and Seniors
5000‑5999 Primarily for Graduate Students
6000-6999 Law courses, WWAMI courses, and Doctor of Pharmacy courses

A bracketed course number [ ] indicates a previous number of the same course. Double credit cannot be earned by repeating a course.

Prerequisites are the primary factor which normally govern whether a student may enroll for any particular course. However, individual departments and/or colleges may place additional restrictions on course enrollments (e.g. enrollment may be restricted by student classification).

Enrollment in engineering courses is generally limited to engineering students.

Law courses are normally open only to students approved for the program.

Graduate students may enroll in courses numbered 1000‑3999 to satisfy undergraduate deficiencies but only courses numbered 4000 and above will be computed into the graduate GPA and allowed for graduate credit.

University Studies Program Designations

2015 USP Designations 

C1 = Communication 1= U5C1

C2 = Communication 2 = U5C2

C3 = Communication 3 = U5C3

FY = First-Year Seminar = U5FY

H = Human Culture = U5H

PN = Physical and Natural World = U5PN

Q = Quantitative Reasoning = U5Q

V = U.S. and Wyoming Constitutions = U5PN


A&S College Core

G = A&S College Core Global = ASG

D = A&S College Core Diversity = ASD


2003-2014 USP

I = Intellecutual Community = U3I

WA = Writing 1 = U3WA

WB = Writing 2 = U3WB

WC = Writing 3 = U3WC

CH =Cultural Humanties = U3CH

CS = Cultural Social Science = U3CS

CA = Cultural Arts = U3CA

L = Information Literacy = U3L

O = Oral Communication = U3O

P = Physical Activity and Health = U3P

QA= Quanitative Reasoning 1= U3QA 

QB = Qanitative Reasoning 2 = U3QB

S = Sciences = U3S

SB = Sciences=U3SB

SE = Sciences = U3SE

SP = Sciences = U3SP

V = US & Wyoming Constitutions = U3V 

D = US Diversity = U3D 

G =Global Awareness = U3G



  • STAT 5660 - Computationally Intensive Methods in Statistics

    Credits: 3
    Advanced statistical inference often relies on methods which are computationally intensive. The basic methods include Newton-Raphson; the EM algorithm; bootstrap and other resampling procedures; kernel density estimators; Laplace’s method, importance sampling and MCMC, and saddlepoint and Edgeworth approximations.

    Prerequisite: STAT 5520 .
  • STAT 5670 - Mixed Models

    Credits: 3
    An advanced treatment of models with fixed and random effects. Topics include: model definitions, least- squares, analysis of variance techniques, likelihood procedures, and computational applications.

    Prerequisite: STAT 5620 .
  • STAT 5680 - Advanced Bayesian Statistics

    Credits: 3
    Philosophical principles underlying Bayesian and non-Bayesian statistics. Decision theoretic foundations of Bayesian statistics including loss functions, minimaxity, and admissibility. Construction of conjugate prior distributions and non-informative prior distributions. Bayesian point estimation, hypothesis tests and credible sets. Computational tools for Bayesian problems including Markov chain Monte Carlo (McMC) and other methods for approximating posterior distributions with some emphasis on implementation via a programming language or statistical computing software. As time and interest permit: the normal linear model, non-normal models, hierarchical models, Bayesian model averaging, other topics.

    Prerequisite: STAT 5380 ; 5420 and STAT 5520 .
  • STAT 5810 - Seminar

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 4)

    Research results are presented by statistics majors. (Faculty also present papers).

    Prerequisite: graduate status in statistics.
  • STAT 5820 - Teaching of Statistics1

    Credits: 2
    Max Credit (Max 2)

    The following topics are presented and discussed: traditional and innovative teaching methods, assessment methods, the purpose of lectures and laboratories, in-class activities, projects, mathematics versus statistics, computer assistance, math anxiety, and group and one-on-one interaction guidelines.

    Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
  • STAT 5880 - Advanced Problems

    Credits: 1-8
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Intended to develop the graduate student’s ability to expand his theoretical knowledge by using library materials and working under close supervision of a faculty member who is an expert in the area of study.

    Prerequisite: 12 hours in statistics and consent of instructor.
  • STAT 5920 - Continuing Registration: On Campus

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 16)

    Prerequisite: advanced degree candidacy.
  • STAT 5940 - Continuing Registration: Off Campus

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit (Max. 16)

    Prerequisite: advanced degree candidacy.
  • STAT 5959 - Enrichment Studies

    Credits: 1-3
    Max Credit (Max. 99)

    Designed to provide an enrichment experience in a variety of topics.

    A&S College Core 2015 Note: credit in this course may not be included in a graduate program of study for degree purposes.
  • STAT 5960 - Thesis Research

    Credits: 1-12
    Max Credit (Max. 24)

    Graduate level course designed for students who are involved in research for their thesis project. Also used for students whose coursework is complete and are writing their thesis.

    Prerequisite: enrollment in a graduate degree program.
  • STAT 5980 - Dissertation Research

    Credits: 1-12
    Max Credit (Max. 48)

    Graduate level course designed for students who are involved in research for their dissertation project. Also used for students whose coursework is complete and are writing their dissertation.

    Prerequisite: enrollment in a graduate level degree program.
  • STAT 5990 - Internship

    Credits: 1-12
    Max Credit (Max 24)

    Prerequisite: graduate standing.


  • STEP 1060 - College Athletics and Society

    Credits: 3
    This course will examine the unique relationship between intercollegiate athletics and higher education, as well as intersections that occur with gender, politics, and race.

  • STEP 1101 - First-Year Seminar

    Credits: 3
    USP 2015 Code U5FY
  • STEP 1102 - Step Into College

    Credits: 1
    Helps students interact with UW campus resources, staff, and faculty; learn about resources for academic support and wellness; and explore academic and co-curricular opportunities for students’ professional and personal interests.

    Restricted Restricted to new full-time, first-year freshmen.

    Prerequisite: Freshman or sophomore class standing.
  • STEP 1105 - Academic Success Skills

    Credits: 1-2
    Designed to provide students the necessary skill set to succeed at the University and beyond. Skills covered include time management, learning styles, note taking, self-motivation and more.

  • STEP 3000 - Student Leadership in Supplemental Instruction

    Credits: 2
    Focuses on theoretical perspectives of group tutoring and peer leadership, best practices in supplemental instruction, and student reflection. Will strengthen leadership knowledge and skills and introduce effective methods for group facilitation and SI curriculum.

    Prerequisite: closed to general enrollment.

Theatre and Dance

  • THEA 1000 - Introduction to Theatre, TV & Film

    Credits: 3
    A broad examination of theatre, television and film through the ages including history, production, dramatic literature, creativity, art, entertainment and censorship.

    USP 2003-2014 Code U3CA
    USP 2015 Code U5H
  • THEA 1021 - Academic and Professional Issues in Dance

    Credits: 1
    Introduces freshman to the discipline of dance and academic study at the University of Wyoming. Key intellectual and literacy concepts will be introduced, including, but not limited to: critical thinking and analysis, knowledge of the discipline, career options, diversity of the discipline, university and region.

    USP 2003-2014 Code U3I,U3L
  • THEA 1040 - Production Crew I

    Credits: 0.5
    Participation in one Departmental production during semester enrolled. Contribute to the preparation and/ or actual production of one stage play in the areas(s) of lighting, costume construction, set construction, scenic painting, stage properties, or arts management. Required for all Theatre & Dance freshmen.

    Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
  • THEA 1050 - Beginning Drawing and Painting

    Credits: 3
    An introductory drawing and painting technique course for students to achieve a working knowledge of a variety of mediums that cross the disciplines of scenic, costume, and lighting design. Form, perspective, texture and basic color theories will be explored.

  • THEA 1100 - Acting I

    Credits: 3
    Acting I introduces students to the study of the actor’s process with an emphasis on analyzing, rehearsing and performing scenes in front of an audience. The student will be introduced to exercises which promote creative expression. Scene work and scoring will focus on contemporary realism.

    USP 2003-2014 Code U3CA
    USP 2015 Code U5H
    Restricted Theater majors or permission of instructor 

  • THEA 1101 - First-Year Seminar

    Credits: 3
    USP 2015 Code U5FY
  • THEA 1200 - Introduction to Design

    Credits: 3
    Introduces and explores visual aesthetic principles as they relate to various aspects of stage design. Studio projects in scene, lighting, and costume design supplement lectures. Prerequisite for other design courses.

  • THEA 1300 - Musical Theatre Workshop: Voice and Acting

    Credits: 2
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Musical Theatre Workshop: Voice & Acting will focus on developing and strengthening the speaking and singing voice for stage, wherein students will construct performances through integration of breath and voice work.

  • THEA 1360 - Fundamentals of Music for Theatre Majors

    Credits: 3
    Basics of music theory to include music notation, rhythm, pitch, scales, key signatures, triads, and basic ear training and keyboard skills, specific to the needs of Musical Theatre. Assumes little or no music theory background.

  • THEA 1405 - Introduction to Pilates Training

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 2)

    An introduction to Pilates based training, including mat work and exercises on the Reformer.

    Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
  • THEA 1410 - Beginning Ballet I

    Credits: 1
    Introduces principles and practices of classical ballet technique.

    USP 2015 Code U5H
    Prerequisite: THEA 1410 or instructor permission.
  • THEA 1420 - Beginning Ballet II

    Credits: 1
    Continues studies in classical ballet technique. Instructor permission required.

    USP 2015 Code U5H
    Prerequisite: THEA 1410 .
  • THEA 1430 - Beginning Modern I

    Credits: 1
    Introduces principles and techniques of modern dance.

    USP 2015 Code U5H
  • THEA 1440 - Beginning Modern II

    Credits: 1
    Continues studies in modern dance techniques.

    USP 2015 Code U5H
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite THEA 1430 or instructor permission.
  • THEA 1450 - Beginning Tap Dance I

    Credits: 1
    Explores basic tap techniques and related principles of tap dance composition.

  • THEA 1470 - Men’s Technique

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 2)

    Introduces and develops the principles and techniques of movement and dance specific to men.

  • THEA 1480 - Beginning Jazz Dance I

    Credits: 1
    Explores basic jazz dance techniques and related principles of jazz dance composition.

    USP 2003-2014 Code H
  • THEA 2005 - Creative Drama in the Classroom

    Credits: 3
    Focuses on K-12 Theatre teaching methods. Students discover teaching methods for integrating improvisation, storytelling, movement/dance, and puppetry into the school curriculum. Students design and implement theatre lessons using these creative drama techniques. To engage real life practice teaching, students are given opportunities to teach creative drama lessons to the class.

  • THEA 2010 - Theatrical Backgrounds Drama I

    Credits: 3
    First semester of a two-course series. Introduces dramatic literature through the ages.

  • THEA 2020 - Theatrical Backgrounds Drama II

    Credits: 3
    Second semester of a one-year course. Continues THEA 2010 .

    Prerequisite: THEA 2010 .
  • THEA 2030 - Beginning Playwriting

    Credits: 3
    Introduces writers to the creative process of playwriting (writing for the stage) or screenwriting (writing for the movies). Strongly emphasizes character and story development, as well as practical side of the industry. Students write a play or screenplay.

    Former Course Number [3500]

    Prerequisite: WA and THEA 1000 , THEA 1100 .
  • THEA 2040 - Production Crew II

    Credits: 0.5
    Continues the “hands-on” production crew experience provided by Production Crew I. Contribute to a Theatre Department production in the area(s) of lighting, costume construction, set construction, scenic painting, stage properties, stage management, or arts management. Required for all Theatre & Dance majors.

    Prerequisite: THEA 1040 .
  • THEA 2050 - Theatre Practice

    Credits: 1‑2
    Encompasses individually supervised practical training in performance and production.

    Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
  • THEA 2060 - Introduction to Performance Studies

    Credits: 3
    Introduces students to the theories and practices of Performance Studies as an interdisciplinary field. Students will apply these concepts as a way of exploring issues of culture and identity, particularly in an international context.

    USP 2015 Code U5C2
    A&S College Core 2015 ASG
  • THEA 2100 - Acting II

    Credits: 3
    Max Credit 3

    Acting II builds on previous experience in acting with continued emphasis on analyzing, rehearsing and performing scenes, creating a believable stage image. Scene work, including scoring, will be examined with focus on contemporary realism. In addition, the course will focus on professional development and career readiness.

    Restricted Theatre & Dance majors, instructor permission

    Prerequisite: THEA 1100   OR equivalent
  • THEA 2145 - Costume Construction

    Credits: 3
    Teaches the basic skills and terminology that are used in costume construction. Teaches hand and machine sewing focusing on techniques used to stitch historical and modern costumes as well as basic knowledge of fabric.

  • THEA 2150 - Drafting for Design

    Credits: 3
    Introduces Design and Technical students to the basics of hand drafting and numerous drafting techniques and conventions. After completing this course, students will be well prepared for scenic and lighting design courses.

  • THEA 2160 - Stage Makeup

    Credits: 2
    Introduction to theatrical makeup with the stage performer in mind. Focus on principles, materials, and techniques; concentrating on problems of designing and executing specific makeup designs and applications for a wide range of ages, types, and styles.

  • THEA 2170 - Speech for the Actor

    Credits: 3
    Studies speech techniques, including the International Phonetic Alphabet and Standard American Speech for the Stage. Builds upon the FitzmauriceVoicework technique as well as other voice methodologies.

    Prerequisite: THEA 1100  and THEA 1700 .
  • THEA 2180 - Costume Crafts

    Credits: 3
    Focuses on the area of costume crafts which may include but not limited to dyeing, millinery, masks, fabric painting and distressing, working with a variety of materials.

    Prerequisite: THEA 2145 .
  • THEA 2200 - Backgrounds of Dance

    Credits: 3
    Surveys ethnic and theatrical dance forms from primal society to 20th century. Examines the place of the arts as a reflection of the culture.

    USP 2003-2014 Code U3CA,U3G
    USP 2015 Code U5H
    A&S College Core 2015 ASG
  • THEA 2220 - Stagecraft

    Credits: 3
    Introduces students to basic stage production practices and techniques, including safe rigging practices, set construction, scenic painting, stage properties, and stage lighting. Students are encouraged to participate in “hands-on” demonstrations during classes.

  • THEA 2250 - Computer Aided Design I

    Credits: 3
    Building on skills and techniques learned in THEA 2150  Drafting for Design, the course intruduces and provides students with training on commonly used software, that may include CAD, 3D-modeling, and photo editing soft ware. Skills acquired will be built upon in later courses.

    Prerequisite: THEA 2150  or by permission of instructor.
  • THEA 2300 - MT Workshop: Scene Study

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit 1

    Study and analysis of written aspects of Musical Theatre (Book, Lyrics, Music) with an emphasis on translating analysis into tangible aspects of musical theatre performance. Study and practice outside of class, as well as rehearsals with assigned scene partner(s) is required.

    Restricted Theatre & Dance majors, instructor permission

    Prerequisite: THEA 1300  
  • THEA 2340 - Musical Theatre Voice Lesson

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    Solo instruction in singing techniques and performance styles associated with Musical Theatre. Includes demonstration, brief lecture, discussion, and active participation through singing, analyzing, movement, and performance.

  • THEA 2400 - Vertical Dance I

    Credits: 1
    An introduction to vertical dance including safety issues, beginning rigging and performance.

    Prerequisite: consent of instructors.
  • THEA 2410 - Intermediate Ballet I

    Credits: 1.5
    Max Credit (Max. 3)

    A first year, first semester ballet technique class for dance majors and minors. This course focuses on expanding the dancer’s understanding and knowledge of technique, vocabulary, and principles of classical ballet.

    USP 2015 Code U5H
    Prerequisite: Admission by permission only.
  • THEA 2415 - Pointe I

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 4)

    A beginning level point class based on the principles of classical ballet.

    Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in THEA 2410 , or permission of the instructor. Limited to dance majors and minors.
  • THEA 2420 - Intermediate Ballet II

    Credits: 1.5
    Max Credit (Max. 3)

    A first year, second semester ballet technique class for dance majors and minors. This course focuses on expanding the dancer’s understanding and knowledge of technique, vocabulary and principles of classical ballet.

    USP 2015 Code U5H
    Prerequisite: Admission by permission only.
  • THEA 2425 - Pointe II

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 4)

    An intermediate level pointe class based on the principles of classical ballet.

    Prerequisite: THEA 2415  or permission of the instructor. Limited to dance majors and minors.
  • THEA 2430 - Intermediate Modern I

    Credits: 1.5
    Max Credit (Max. 3)

    A first year, first semester, modern dance technique class for dance majors and minors. Knowledge of basic vocabulary and principles will be augmented with an understanding of historical techniques and their application to contemporary dance. Class meets three times per week.

    USP 2015 Code U5H
    Prerequisite: Limited to dance majors and minors; admission by permission only.
  • THEA 2435 - Repertory

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 4)

    A beginning level repertory class based on the principles of modern dance.

    Prerequisite: Status in the dance department, or permission of the instructor is required before enrolling.
  • THEA 2440 - Intermediate Modern II

    Credits: 1.5
    Max Credit (Max. 3)

    A first year, second semester modern dance technique class for dance majors and minors. Mastering vocabulary and principles will be augmented with a deeper understanding of historical techniques and their application to contemporary dance.

    USP 2015 Code U5H
    Prerequisite: THEA 2430 . Limited to dance majors and minors; admission by permission only.
  • THEA 2445 - Repertory II

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 4)

    A beginning level partnering class based on the principles of ballet or modern dance.

    Prerequisite: Status in the dance department, or permission of the instructor is required before enrollment.
  • THEA 2450 - Intermediate Tap I

    Credits: 1
    Continued  studies in techniques and principles of tap dance and tap dance composition.

    Prerequisite: THEA 1450 .
  • THEA 2480 - Intermediate Jazz I

    Credits: 1
    Continued studies in techniques and principles of jazz dance and jazz dance composition.

    USP 2015 Code U5H
    Prerequisite: THEA 1480 . Instructor permission required.
  • THEA 2720 - Movement for Actors I

    Credits: 2
    This course explores physical awareness, movement integration and non-verbal story telling as essential skills for the actor in all performance efforts.

    Prerequisite: THEA 1100 .
  • THEA 2790 - Stage Management

    Credits: 3
    Study of the essential elements of supervising theatrical productions. Stresses the art of organizing auditions, casts, crews, rehearsals, and performances while developing a unique professional relationship with directors, designers and actors. Students will work on a live production.

    Prerequisite: THEA 1100 , THEA 1200 , THEA 2220 .
  • THEA 2800 - Stage Lighting I

    Credits: 3
    Examines the elemental aspects of stage lighting including equipment, facilities, color, and fundamental electricity. Requires studio work on departmental productions. Intended for majors in the program.

    Former Course Number [3800]

    Prerequisite: THEA 2150  and THEA 2220 .
  • THEA 2810 - Scenic Painting for the Theatre

    Credits: 3
    Introduces the art of scenic painting by the hands-on use and instruction of a variety of scenic paints, application on select construction materials, the use of unique tools and techniques commonly used to paint scenery for the stage. Safe use and proper handling of such material are addressed.

    Prerequisite: THEA 2220 .
  • THEA 2900 - Sound Design for Theatre and Dance

    Credits: 3
    Examines the basic aspects of sound design for the theatre, dance, entertainment and film worlds. Topics covered include recording, sampling, live mixing, playback, and non-linear editing through several software packages.

    Prerequisite: THEA 2220 .
  • THEA 2990 - Period Style for Theatre I

    Credits: 3
    First semester of a one-year survey. Studies antiquity to the Renaissance with an overview of the architecture, décor, clothing, arts and culture as related in their use and understanding of Western drama. The social, economic, and political histories of each period will be discussed as well. THEA 2990 and THEA 2995  should be taken in sequence.

  • THEA 2995 - Period Style for Theatre II

    Credits: 3
    Second semester of a one-year survey. Studies Renaissance to Contemporary with an overview of the architecture, decor, clothing, arts and culture as related in their use and understanding of Western drama. The social, economic, and political histories of each period will be discussed as well. THEA 2990  and 2995 should be taken in sequence.

    Prerequisite: THEA 2990  or permission of instructor.
  • THEA 3000 - Special Topics in Theatre

    Credits: 3
    Max Credit (Max. 9)

    Provides undergraduates with the opportunity for in-depth study in areas of Theatre not offered in regular courses or independent study. Course includes discussions on specific topics as well as studio work.

    Prerequisite: 6 credit hours in Theater/Dance.
  • THEA 3021 - Foundations of Dance Pedagogy

    Credits: 1
    Introduces students to basic theories and practices of dance pedagogy. Lecture and discussion will be balanced with peer teaching and coaching, observation of lessons and integration within a dance classroom situation with some teaching responsibilities and development of a portfolio with lessons and resources for teaching.

    Prerequisite: sophomore standing in the department of Theatre and Dance; successful completion of THEA 3420  or THEA 3440 .
  • THEA 3100 - Kinesiology for Dance

    Credits: 3
    Encompasses seminar in current kinesiology research for dancers. Includes practicum based projects, lectures and supplementary materials.

    Prerequisite: ZOO 2040.
  • THEA 3160 - Advanced Stage Makeup

    Credits: 2
    Extension of Stage Makeup, focusing primarily on the development of a life mask and ultimately prosthetics using a variety of mediums.

    Prerequisite: THEA 2160 .
  • THEA 3300 - MT Workshop: Production

    Credits: 1-2
    Max Credit 2

    Focusing on solos, duets and/or large and small ensemble pieces, instruction will include music preparation, choreography, blocking, acting, character study and performance. Additional scene study, rehearsals outside of class times, mock auditions, and study of materials will be required. The course will be repeated twice for credit.

    Restricted Theatre & Dance majors, instructor permission

    Prerequisite: THEA 1300  
  • THEA 3400 - Vertical Dance II

    Credits: 1
    A continuing course in vertical dance emphasizing the math and physics of the rigging; safety and design, choreography and research in the field.

    Prerequisite: completion of THEA 2400  and consent of instructors.
  • THEA 3410 - Adv/Intermediate Ballet I

    Credits: 1.5
    Max Credit (Max. 3)

    A second year, first semester ballet technique class for dance majors and minors. Emphasis is placed on improving technical skills and learning more advanced steps. Includes research into one discipline of ballet.

    Prerequisite: successful completion of THEA 2440  and admission by permission only. Limited to dance majors and minors.
  • THEA 3420 - Adv/Intermediate Ballet II

    Credits: 1.5
    Max Credit (Max. 3).

    Second semester, second year ballet technique class for dance majors and minors. Emphasizes broadening the dancer’s movement vocabulary while refining acquired technical skills. Dancers begin work in study of Baroque dance terms.

    Prerequisite: successful completion of THEA 3410  or equivalent required. Limited to dance majors and minors; admission by permission only.
  • THEA 3430 - Adv/Intermediate Modern I

    Credits: 1.5
    Max Credit (Max. 3)

    A second year, first semester, intermediate level modern dance technique class for dance majors and minors.  Continued training in classical modern dance and continued historical survey of modern dance will be augmented by rhythmic analysis and compositional forms.

    Prerequisite: successful completion of THEA 2440  or its equivalent. Limited to dance majors and minors; admission by permission only.
  • THEA 3440 - Adv/Intermediate Modern II

    Credits: 1
     A second year, second semester, modern dance technique class with continuing studies of sequential modern dance technique at the intermediate level, introduction of Laban effort/shape theory, compositional forms, improvisation and additional rhythmic analysis.

    Prerequisite: THEA 3430  or its equivalent. Limited to dance majors and minors; admission by permission only.
  • THEA 3480 - Adv/Intermediate Jazz I

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 2)

    An intermediate jazz technique class. Students will learn varying styles of jazz dance, ranging from historical to contemporary, and will perform these for evaluation and incorporate them into class compositions.

    Prerequisite: THEA 2480 .
  • THEA 3490 - Advanced Jazz I

    Credits: 1
    Max Credit (Max. 2)

    An advanced class in jazz technique and performance. Students will learn varying styles of jazz dance, ranging from historical to contemporary, and will perform these for evaluation as well as incorporate them into class compositions.

    Prerequisite: THEA 3480 .
  • THEA 3501 - Screen Writing and Television Writing

    Credits: 3
    This class introduces students to the craft of writing for movies and television. Strong emphasis is placed on character and story development as well as how the Hollywood entertainment industry works.

    Prerequisite: COM1 or consent of instructor.
  • THEA 3600 - Teaching Theatre in Elementary or Secondary School

    Credits: 3
    Focuses on aspects of age appropriate teaching methods, strategies, and curriculum planning for either elementary or secondary education. Additional emphasis include planning a production season, arts management and budgeting, using national and state content and performance standards, assessing student growth, and developing community advocacy plans.

    Prerequisite: THEA 1100 .
  • THEA 3650 - Theatre for Young Audiences: Plays and Production

    Credits: 3
    Highlights aspects of performance and directing for child audiences. Students will explore the work of outstanding contemporary playwrights who are writing for young audiences, and develop techniques in writing, acting, and directing for and with young people.

    Prerequisite: THEA 1100 .
  • THEA 3710 - Acting III

    Credits: 3
    Building on concepts explored in Acting II, this course seeks to further develop the student’s ability to interpret, create and sustain a well-developed, believable character. Acting III develops the actor’s voice and body for characterization and character interaction through performances of scenes as well as the study of character and scene.

    Restricted Theatre majors or permission of instructor

    Prerequisite: THEA 2100
  • THEA 3740 - Acting Styles

    Credits: 3
    Focuses on textual analysis of plays from different periods and styles of dramatic literature. Emphasizes vocal and physical interpretation of character as represented in non-realistic styles of drama.

    Prerequisite: THEA 1100  and THEA 3710 .
  • THEA 3750 - Acting for the Camera

    Credits: 3
    Addresses performance skills required in acting for the camera. Covers various techniques, styles, and skills necessary to be successful in the professional world of film and television as an actor. Students perform scenes for 3-camera and single camera set-ups, and become familiar with rudimentary technical skills as crewmembers for shoots. Lecture and test material cover career opportunities, union affiliations, and current trends in the film and television industry.

    Prerequisite: THEA 1100  and THEA 3710 . THEA 3805. Stage Lighting II.
  • THEA 3805 - Stage Lighting 2

    Credits: 3
    Max Credit 3

    Analyze proposed productions in terms of period, style, theatre limitations and instrument inventories. Determine appropriate design solutions in written descriptive analyses that result in 2-D drawings of the design. Produce all supporting paperwork including drafting a plan view, section view, instrument schedules, magic sheets and proposed cue lists. Instructor permission required.

    Prerequisite: THEA 2800  
  • THEA 3810 - Scene Design I

    Credits: 3
    An in-depth study of idea development from script analysis through design conception using different types of theaters and source material. The design process will cover research, drawing, drafting, model making, and rendering.

    Prerequisite: THEA 2150  and THEA 2220  or by permission of instructor.
  • THEA 3820 - Stage Costuming I

    Credits: 3
    A study of basic drawing and rendering skills, and a selective study of historical silhouettes. Objectives include the ability to trust instinct, application of the basic elements of design, applying historical reference and research to a specific character, developing a concept and finally the application of these principles to a final project.

    Former Course Number [4840]

    Prerequisite: THEA 1100 .
  • THEA 3830 - Video Design for Live Theatre

    Credits: 3
    The purpose of this course is to explore the methodology, skills, and resources commonly used to create digital media (video) elements for a live production. In this course students will explore the practice of being a video designer for a live production and approaches to providing the media needed for this field of design.

    Prerequisite: THEA 1200  , THEA 2250  , THEA 2220  
  • THEA 3840 - Historical Costumes from the Skin Out

    Credits: 3
    Learning how to replicate period gowns and undergarments prior to the 1920s by draping and flat-patterning techniques. Includes the research and construction of one complete set of period undergarments and gown either as an individual or in a team to be determined by the complexity of the garment and the skill level of the students.

    Prerequisite: FCSC 3174  (4170) or FCSC 3175 .
  • THEA 3850 - Design and Technology Seminar

    Credits: 2
    Introduces designer/technician to process of preparing successful interview material, including a professionally developed portfolio. Exposes designer/technician to business aspects of the theatre world, including resumes, letters of inquiry and application, contracts, unions and professional organizations, internships, apprenticeships, URTAs and professional design/technical training programs. Culminates in junior End-of-the-Year Evaluations.

    Prerequisite: junior standing in the BFA Program with Design/Technical emphasis.
  • THEA 3890 - Lighting CADD

    Credits: 3
    Designed for the advanced lighting student, provides further exploration of the computer technology that has become so critical for modern lighting design. Introduces students to software programs such as VectorWorks, Lightwright, and Photoshop, as well as networking and advanced programming for modern light boards.

    Prerequisite: THEA 2250  and THEA 2800 .
  • THEA 3910 - 20th Century Theatre Diversity

    Credits: 3
    Studies plays and production techniques, within the context of historical and sociological events, as developed in the 20th Century that has led to the cultural diversity seen in modern theatre.

    A&S College Core 2015 ASD
    Former Course Number [591]

    Prerequisite: junior standing.
  • THEA 3950 - Dialects for the Actor

    Credits: 3
    Introduces the actor to five major dialects for the stage. Examines sensibility, vowel and consonant changes, pitch placement and charting.

    Prerequisite: THEA 1100 , THEA 1700 , and THEA 2170 .
  • THEA 4001 - Historical Dance

    Credits: 2
    Max Credit (Max. 2)

    Historical dance forms in the “Noble Style” dating from the 15th through 18th Centuries. Class work covers the relationship of musical forms to the specific step vocabulary and dances of each period, deportment, period costume as it relates to movement, social environment, period style with an emphasis on reconstruction of 17th and 18th Century dances from Feuillet notation.

    Prerequisite: THEA 3440 .
  • THEA 4010 - Advanced Ballet

    Credits: 1-3
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    A continuing course in the principles and techniques of classical ballet. Emphasis is placed on continuing to broaden the dancer’s movement vocabulary while refining acquired technical skills.

    Prerequisite: THEA 3420 . Limited to dance majors and minors; admission by permission only.
  • THEA 4030 - Advanced Modern Dance

    Credits: 1-3
    Max Credit (Max. 8)

    This class will develop a professional dancer capable of working within diverse modern dance styles and techniques through the interweaving of classical and contemporary movement modalities along with an experiential anatomy approach.

    Prerequisite: THEA 3440 . Limited to dance majors and minors; admission by permission only.

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