Business Administration major only available online starting Fall 2015. Students who elect to major in the business administration curriculum acquire a comprehensive understanding of business as a whole. Through exposure to all functional areas in business, students will develop broad skills and knowledge. The business administration degree prepares students for a wide variety of career opportunities in business and government.
The Online BSAD degree is a completionprogram designed to be enrolled in after you have successfully completed general education and prerequisite business coursework for the first two years of this degree elsewhere. The program allows you to complete the last two years of the degree online at the University of Wyoming. Therefore, the BSAD online degree requires students to have completed Advanced Business Standing (ABS) prerequisite coursework, which can be taken from an accredited Wyoming community college or other university, before completing upper division coursework from the University of Wyoming. All business administration majors must comply with requirements of the advanced business prerequisites for enrollment in upper-division courses and must complete the common body of knowledge courses as listed previously.
All business administration courses for the major require a minimum grade of C (not C-).
A complete curriculum sheet is available from the Academic Advising unit of the GJSSC in Room 60 West of the College of Business Building.