In addition to the general requirements for admission to the existing master’s program in botany, the master of science in botany/water resources interdisciplinary major requirements will include the following variations:
Coursework and Thesis
16 semester hours are required in botany, plus 9 semester hours in water resources courses. Other courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and statistics also may be required as the special program and undergraduate preparation require.
Due to the various, potential subspecialities that students might follow in connection with a botany/water resources interdisciplinary major, no particular botany courses are prescribed. An appropriate array of courses for the desired specialty will be determined by agreement between the advisery committee, graduate student adviser, student, and with the approval of the Water Resources Curriculum Committee.
For the water resources interdisciplinary major, a Plan A Thesis is required. The student must present his or her research in a seminar before the department, and must pass an oral exam on the thesis research.
Interdisciplinary Component
9 hours (see Water Resources degree requirements)