2019-2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Geospatial Information Science and Technology
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Wyoming Geographic Information Science Center
337 Agriculture C Building
Kenneth Driese, Program Director
Web site: www.uwyo.edu/WyGISC
In fall 2019, the Wyoming Geographic Information Science Center (WyGISC) began offering undergraduate and graduate courses in geospatial information science and technology under the GIST prefix. These courses provide fundamental geospatial science education to undergraduate and graduate students from across disciplines at UW and will contribute to a proposed multidisciplinary program in GIST that is being developed. Some GIST courses will eventually replace courses that have been taught under the GEOG prefix. These courses are appropriate for both science and non-science majors. They cover core geospatial concepts including Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing, spatial data analysis, spatial visualization, spatial databases, cartography, and programming.
Associate Professor:
CHEN XU, B.S. Sichuan University, China 1999; M.S. Sam Houston State University 2005; Ph.D. Texas A&M University 2010; Associate Professor of Geospatial Information Science and Technology 2019.
Academic Professionals:
SHANNON E. ALBEKE, B.A. University of Colorado, Boulder 1997; Ph.D. University of Georgia 2010. Associate Research Scientist 2019, 2010.
KENNETH L. DRIESE, B.S. University of Virginia 1981; M.S. University of Wyoming 1992; Ph.D. 2004; Senior Lecturer in Geospatial Information Science and Technology 2019, 2002.
JEFFREY D. HAMERLINCK, B.S. University of North Dakota 1988; M.P. University of Wyoming 1992; Ph.D. University of Colorado - Boulder 2011; Senior Research Scientist 2004.
PADDINGTON HODZA, BSC, University of Zimbabwe, 1994; MSC, University of Zimbabwe, 1998; Ph.D. West Virginia University, 2007; Associate Research Scientist 2016, 2013.
RAMESH SIVANPILLAI, B.Sc. Bharathiar University 1987; M.Sc. Cochin University of Science and Technology 1990; M.Phil. Bharathiar University 1992; M.S. University of Wisconsin, Green Bay 1995; Ph.D. Texas A&M University 2002; Senior Research Scientist 2012.
Proposed Geographic Information Science and Technology Degrees and Certificates
Pending program approval, GIST courses will contribute to a set of proposed undergraduate and graduate academic credentials that are described here for student information. These include a Bachelor of Science Degree in GIST, two undergraduate certificates in GIST and remote sensing, each of which contribute to the B.S. degree, a traditional Master’s degree with thesis, an online professional Master’s Degree without thesis, and three online graduate certificates in GIST, remote sensing, and UAS (drones).
Although program approval is pending, some GIST courses can contribute retroactively to the proposed degrees and certificates.
Drawing on domain expert ise from geography, computer science, mathematics, statistics, psychology, design, and others, geospatial information science refers to the multidisciplinary research enterprise that addresses the nature of geospatial information and the application of geospatial technologies to basic scientific questions. Geospatial information technology is a specialized set of information and communication technologies that support the acquisition, management, analysis, and visualization of geo-referenced data. Examples include: geographic information systems; global navigation satellite systems; and satellite, airborne, shipboard and ground-based remote sensing and image processing systems.
Successful students in Geospatial Information Science and Technology (GIST) combine proficiency in spatial thinking and geospatial data science analysis with fluency in geographic information systems, remote sensing, data analytics, and visualization. As professionals, graduates apply their knowledge and skills in a wide range of fields, from environmental management and public health, to civil engineering and urban planning, to economic analysis and marketing.
Courses listed in degree plans that are not described in the GIST course list are under development and will be added in future catalogs as they are approved.
Graduate Certificates (Proposed)
Graduate certificates provide a means for students and professionals to earn marketable credentials over the course of 1-2 semesters. These certificates require a combination of core and elective courses as outlined below, and will be delivered primarily online.
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