2019-2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
School of Pharmacy
Return to: College of Health Sciences
292 Health Sciences, (307) 766‑6120
FAX: (307) 766-2953
Web site: www.uwyo.edu/Pharmacy
Dean: Kem Krueger
Associate Dean of Students: Tonja Woods
SREEJAYAN NAIR, B.S. College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipol, India 1989; M.S. 1991; Ph.D. 1996; Professor of Pharmacology 2014, 2002.
Associate Professors:
TRAVIS BROWN, B.S. Washington State University 2002; Ph.D. Washington State University 2008; Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Science 2018.
E. KURT DOLENCE, B.S. University of Wyoming 1983; Ph.D. University of Kentucky 1987; Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry 2005, 1999.
GUANGLONG HE, B.S. Anhui Normal University 1986; M.S. Chinese Academy of Sciences 1994; Ph.D. 1997; Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry 2019, 2013.
KEM P. KRUEGER, Pharm.D. University of Missouri-Kansas City; Ph.D. University of Arizona 1998; Associate Professor of Social and Administrative Pharmacy 2011, 2005.
TRACY D. MAHVAN, B.S. University of Colorado 1995; Pharm.D. 1998; Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice 2006, 2000.
RESHMI L. SINGH, B.S. Bombay University 1999; M.S. University of Toledo 2001; Ph.D. University of Minnesota 2005; Associate Professor of Social and Administrative Pharmacy 2019, 2013.
BASKARAN THYAGARAJAN, B.S. Madras Medical College 1994; M.S. Banaras Hindu University 1996; Ph.D. Karl Franzens University 2001; Associate Professor of Pharmaceutics 2017.
Assistant Professors:
MICHELLE BLAKELY, B.A. University of South Alabama 2005; M.Ed. Auburn University 2008; Ph.D. 2011; Assistant Professor of Social and Administrative Pharmacy 2018.
JARED S. BUSHMAN, B.A. University of Utah 2003; M.S. University of Rochester 2006; Ph.D. 2008; Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Science 2014.
KAREN MRUK, B.A. Drew University 2003; Ph.D. University of Massachusetts Medical School 2012; Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Science 2018.
Clinical Professor:
MICHELLE L. HILAIRE, Pharm.D. Duquesne University 2002; Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice 2016, 2010, 2004.
Clinical Associate Professors:
LAUREN BIEHLE, Pharm.D. University of Georgia 2010; Clinical Assistant Professor 2018.
JAMIE R. HORNECKER, B.S. Texas Tech University 1999; Pharm.D. University of Wyoming 2003; Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice 2012, 2005.
JANELLE L. KRUEGER, B.S. University of Wyoming 1992; M.S. University of Kansas 1997; Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice 2013, 2005.
JEREMY VANDIVER, B.A. University of Colorado 2006; Pharm.D. University of Colorado 2010; Clinical Assistant Professor 2018.
TONJA M. WOODS, Pharm.D. University of Wyoming 2002; Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice 2009, 2003.
Clinical Assistant Professors:
CATHERINE CARRICO, B.A. Austin College 20016; Ph.D. University of Northern Colorado 2012; Clinical Assistant Professor 2014.
JED DOXTATER, B.S. University of Montana 2006; M.S. University of North Dakota 2013; Clinical Assistant Professor 2015.
BECKY S. LINN, B.A. University of Wyoming 1997; Pharm.D. 2002; Clinical Assistant Professor 2013.
ALLISON M. MANN, B.S. University of Colorado Boulder 2004; Pharm.D. University of Colorado Denver 2009; Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice 2014.
LEENA D. MYRAN, B.S. University of Wyoming 2000; Pharm.D. 2012; Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice 2014.
THANH-NGA NGUYEN, B.S. University of California Santa Barbara 2002; Pharm.D. University of Wyoming 2012; Clincal Assistant Professor 2014.
ALIVN OUNG, Pharm.D. MCPHS University 2014; Clinical Assistant Professor 2016.
Assistant Lecturers:
ANTOINETTE K. BROWN, B.S. University of Wyoming 1992; Assistant Lecturer 2013.
DAVID C. BRUCH, B.S. University of Wyoming 1998; Pharm.D. 2010; Assistant Lecturer 2012.
Drug Information Director:
MELISSA L. HUNTER, B.S. University of Wyoming 2000; Pharm.D. 2004; Associate Research Scientist 2013, 2007.
Professors Emeriti:
Emery Brunett, Ph.D.
Bruce W. Culver, Ph.D.
Linda Gore Martin, Pharm.D.
Kenneth F. Nelson, Ph.D.
Robert B. Nelson, Ph.D.
Robert D. Scalley, Pharm.D.
Beverly, Sullivan, Pharm.D.
M. Glaucia Teixeira, Ph.D.
Weeranuj Yamreudeewong, Pharm.D.
Deans Emeriti:
John H. Vandel, B.S. Pharmacy
Linda Gore Martin, Pharm.D.
Vision, Mission and Values
The University of Wyoming School of Pharmacy will be nationally recognized for innovative research, teaching and pharmacy practice that develops scholar-practitioners and substantively enhances the health and well-being of the communities we serve.
The University of Wyoming School of Pharmacy exists to advance the educational and professional development of our students, generate and translate scientific findings into meaningful innovations in healthcare, and positively impact the health and well-being of the communities we serve. We accomplish this through:
- Innovative, collaborative and interdisciplinary programs that integrate research, teaching and pharmacy practice
- The development of scholar practitioners capable of ethically leading and embracing change and substantively enhancing health outcomes
- Individualized, faculty-led student educational experiences
As a result, we will attract, recognize and retain the very best students, faculty and staff to drive the success of the School.
Statement of Values
The UW School of Pharmacy community is committed to supporting and promoting individual and collective excellence in teaching, research, service and pharmacy practice. We value responsibility, compassion, respect, and integrity in all endeavors.
Learning Outcomes
The University of Wyoming adheres to the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Center for Advancement of Pharmaceutical Education (CAPE) educational outcomes 2013. This multipage document (and its supplements) can be accessed at www.aacp.org. The school has outlined student/curriculum learning outcomes; these are available on the school website.
Student/Faculty Relations
The faculty and staff at the School of Pharmacy treat students as adults and expect appropriate behavior as beginning professionals. The School of Pharmacy recognizes that the profession of pharmacy demands of its members the utmost degree of professional competence, ethical behavior, and integrity. Upon enrolling at the University of Wyoming SOP and at the start of each academic year, all students will sign a pledge acknowledging that they have received and read the current Honor Code and that they have made a personal commitment to uphold the code and abide by its principles. Similarly, the School of Pharmacy Code of Professional Expectations for faculty and staff is built on the foundation of respect for others, personal responsibility, the creation and maintenance of trust, and honesty and truthfulness. The administration, faculty, staff, students, and alumni of the School of Pharmacy at the University of Wyoming should strive to set an example of ethical leadership and professional behavior as those traits are essential for good social and business interactions.
Accreditation and Membership
In Wyoming, as in most other states, one requirement for examination and registration as a pharmacist is graduation from an accredited entry-level professional program at a school or college of pharmacy. The Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), the national accrediting agency for pharmacy, accredits pharmacy degree programs.
The Doctor of Pharmacy program at UW was most recently accredited in 2012 following an on-site evaluation by the ACPE in October 2012. Verification of current accreditation status may be made by: a) contacting the Dean’s Office, School of Pharmacy; b) connecting to www.uwyo.edu/pharmacy/; c) contacting the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (190 South LaSalle Street, suite 2850 Chicago IL 60603, (312) 664-3575; cinfo@acpe-accredit.org) or d) by checking the latest Annual Directory of Accredited Professional Programs published by ACPE.
The school is a member of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy and adheres to its educational standards.
Preprofessional Program and Requirements
Applicants for the professional program in pharmacy must complete preprofessional requirements before they can be admitted. Usually, two academic years totaling 72 credit hours (which may include summer and J-Term semesters) is required is required to complete preprofessional requirements.
All preprofessional coursework must be completed by the end of the spring semester prior to matriculation in the professional program.
Graduates of fully accredited high schools may be admitted to the preprofessional program with a math placement score of 3 or an ACT math score of 23.
Preprofessional Program (PPCY)
USP Requirement
Students entering the university in the preprofessional program must fulfill University Studies Program (USP) requirements. The School of Pharmacy is committed to ensuring graduates are educated individuals with a broad general education as well as professional knowledge and skills. This general education component is achieved by completion of the University Studies Program requirement. The USP-C3 requirement is fulfilled in the professional doctoral program. Each student, both professional and preprofessional, is assigned an adviser to assist him or her in making appropriate academic choices.
Professional Doctoral Program
Admission to the professional program leading to the entry-level Pharm. D. degree is limited to 52 students per year and is highly competitive. Admission is granted by the School of Pharmacy Dean upon the advice of the School of Pharmacy Admissions Committee. Students can apply to the professional program as freshman via the Pharmacy Early Decision program. All students applying to the UW School of Pharmacy must use the PharmCAS application (www.pharmcas.org) process. All materials (PCAT scores, and Letters of Recommendation) are submitted to UW using this service. The School of Pharmacy requires no supplemental application. Students granted admission to the professional program will have to pay a one-time, non-refundable, seat fee to guarantee their placement into the entering class. In addition students will be required to complete any immunizations necessary for experiential rotations. As part of a College of Health Sciences requirement students are also expected to complete and pass a background check prior to final admission to the professional program.
Students must meet, with or without accommodation, specified requirements. The School of Pharmacy’s Technical Standards can be found at http://www.uwyo.edu/pharmacy/_files/documents/admin/uwsop-technical-stds-3-2013.pdf.
The School of Pharmacy provides opportunities to ensure that our students have co-curricular experiences in both our didactic and experiential program. Providing options for students that are co-curricular allows students to choose activities that interest them and will allow them to grow as future health professionals. A portion of co-curricular activities throughout the degree program will be required and assessed.
Students at the University of Wyoming SOP are immersed in interprofessional education opportunities during all years of the professional program. Interprofessional education provides experiences for Pharm.D. students to collaborate and share knowledge with learners in other health sciences disciplines, which fosters readiness for working in team-based care environments in their future careers.
Program of Study
Requirements for Graduation
The degree of Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) is granted upon satisfactory completion of 146 hours in the professional curriculum in accordance to the school’s academic standards and the fulfillment of the general university requirements. Transfer students who have previous professional pharmacy credits accepted as partial completion of residence work may not earn a degree from this university for less than 30 semester hours of resident credit in the professional program of this School of Pharmacy over a minimum of two resident semesters.
Graduation with Honors
The University of Wyoming School of Pharmacy is authorized to grant honors for academic excellence. A Doctor of Pharmacy with honors designation is awarded by the University of Wyoming to students who graduate with exceptional scholarship in Pharmacy.
Exceptional scholarship in pharmacy is defined as a student who is on track to graduate with their class from the University of Wyoming School of Pharmacy and is in the top 5% of their class based on their pharmacy GPA (as assessed at the end of the fall semester of the P4 year). The Pharmacy GPA is calculated on the basis of required professional pharmacy curriculum coursework and excludes required or selected elective hours. The honors distinction must be approved by a School of Pharmacy faculty vote.
Academic Honesty and Professional Conduct
Students admitted to the professional program are required to participate and sign the University of Wyoming School of Pharmacy Honor Code. Failure to sign the honor code will result in a withdrawal of admission offer or termination from the professional program.
Academic Standards for Progression and Graduation
The course of study in the School of Pharmacy (SOP) is four academic years leading to a Doctor of Pharmacy degree (PharmD). The required professional coursework is organized in a prescribed, non-negotiable, sequential manner. All students have a P-designation identifying their year in the program (P1, P2, P3, P4). Required professional courses (PHCY courses) from any national or international pharmacy programs will not be applied to the UW PharmD degree. The student may petition that coursework to be applied to the program but must replace those credit hours with additional elective courses. Courses taken as S/U, including electives, are usually considered unacceptable in fulfilling program requirements. Auditing PHCY courses by students enrolled in the Doctor of Pharmacy program is also not allowed.
The academic standards herein described are expected to be followed by all students admitted to the professional program. Any violation will constitute grounds for probation or termination from the professional program and will delay progression towards advanced coursework. Probation is a period of time in which the student is allowed to continue in the program under supervision. Students that do not meet academic standards and are placed on probation will have to submit a petition that includes an individualized plan of study for the next semester. This plan must be developed by the student in agreement with and signed by the academic advisor. The petition will be reviewed by the Student Affairs Committee (SAC), which will send a recommendation to the Dean for approval or denial. A leave of absence may be necessary in cases where poor academic performance is due to a medical or personal hardship. A leave of absence may be necessary in cases of medical or personal hardship but may adversely affect academic performance. The student may appeal sanctions related to violations of the academic standards and decisions that result in probation and termination in the program. Appeals start at the School level, followed by College and University levels, according to policy.
Academic Standards
- A grade of D or lower, or course withdrawal, in any required course of the professional program constitutes failure to progress toward the PharmD degree and result in probation.
- A grade of D or lower, in any elective course of the professional program constitutes failure to progress toward the PharmD degree and result in probation.
- Students must earn a GPA of 2.000 or better in both University coursework and professional program courses each semester and cumulatively.
- Students must be considered full time with coursework applicable to the pharmacy degree during each semester while in good standing.
- Incomplete coursework must be completed prior to progression into the next academic semester and will halt progression in experiential coursework.
- Students who earn a D or lower in any experiential coursework will have their rotation sequence halted.
- A course taken in the professional pharmacy program course can be repeated only once.
- A maximum of three required courses are allowed to be repeated during the degree program.
- Failure to meet any academic standards for two semesters (not necessarily consecutive) in didactic and/or experiential coursework results in automatic termination from the professional program.
- Failure of two experiential courses, not necessarily consecutive, results in termination from the professional program.
Elective Credits Policy
The purpose of electives at the School of Pharmacy (SOP) is to complement the pharmacy curriculum, expand knowledge within a specific pharmacy discipline and to ensure completion of the general liberal arts education of the University of Wyoming. Therefore, the following policies have been approved by the faculty for the Doctor of Pharmacy professional program (thereafter, Program).
- As published in the University Catalog and SOP students are required to complete a minimum number of electives, specific for the student’s year of matriculation into the Program. This number may vary and may be modified as adjustments are made to the professional curriculum to comply with accreditation standards. Students will be made aware of this number during initial orientation into the Program and kept informed of any changes during their stay in the academic program.
- Students must take elective courses to satisfy first the requirements of the University Studies Program (thereafter, USP) and then complete the remaining required electives credits as general elective coursework (Program-approved required number of elective hours).
- Students are required to complete all USP requirements even if they exceed the minimum number of elective hours initially defined in their Program in order to graduate from UW.
- Transfer or online courses from other accredited institutions may be honored as elective credits toward the Program. Students are solely responsible to have all transcripts from other schools sent to the University and make sure that the Manager of Student Services and advisors are aware of any transfer work in the professional program.
- All required hours (including electives) must be completed by students before progressing into the P4 rotation year. Students will not be allowed to progress toward the 4th year rotations if university studies requirements were not fulfilled.
- Students shall not take electives as Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory (S/U) credit.
- All courses taken in the preprofessional program or to fulfill requirements in a previous degree cannot be retaken to count as elective hours in the Program. In addition, students cannot use previously taken credit (prior to the professional program) as elective credit in the professional program.
- Credit by exam through the Foreign Languages Dept. will not be accepted as fulfillment of elective requirements in the Program. However, it is a student’s right to earn credit by exam for Wyoming History and Government, and Physical Education lecture while receiving elective credits toward the Program and fulfilling USP requirements.
- For procedures and handling of all exceptions to these policies, the students should consult the SOP brochure, the student handbook, the SOP website, or check with the Manager of Pharmacy Student Services or the Associate Dean of Students.
Graduate Study
The School of Pharmacy offers the Master of Science in Health Services Administration and the Master of Business Administration/Doctor of Pharmacy (M.B.A./Pharm.D.) dual degree.
Medical Laboratory Science
Aley Hall, UW-Casper, (307) 268-2753
FAX: (307) 268-2416
Web site: www.uwyo.edu/pharmacy/mls-program/index.html
Director: Jed M. Doxtater, MS MLS (ASCP)CM
Assistant Clinical Faculty:
JED M. DOXTATER, B.S. University of Montana 2007; M.S. University of North Dakota 2013; Assistant Clinical Faculty of Medical Laboratory Science 2015.
Assistant Lecturer
CHARLIE P. CRUZ, B.S. Lorma Colleges 1998; M.A. Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University 2003; M.S. Lyceum of the Philippines University Batangas 2016; Ph.D. Saint Louis College 2014; Assistant Lecturer of Medical Laboratory Science 2016.
Mission and Goals
The mission of the Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science program at the University of Wyoming-Casper is to educate, train, and produce highly competent, ethical professionals who are committed to lifelong learning. Curriculum is designed to prepare students to meet current and future workplace challenges and technological advancements in the profession.
Program Goals
- Provide education in accordance with the National Accrediting Agency for clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS) standards for Medical Laboratory Science programs.
- Provide students with adequate knowledge and background experience to successfully complete the national certification examination appropriate to their level of training.
- Provide opportunity for students to develop skills in effective communication sufficient to serve the needs of patients, public, and other healthcare professionals.
- Graduate well qualified Medical Laboratory Scientists who can function at a career entry level, and are prepared to meet the workforce needs of the state of Wyoming and the nation.
- Provide students with professional role models so that they may develop and practice professional behaviors, attitudes and ethics necessary to work in, and promote the field of Medical Laboratory Science.
- Periodically undergo program review to meet the diverse educational needs of students, accreditation standards and industry demands for qualified, skilled entry level practitioners.
- Establish an advisory board of professionals, community partners and stakeholders for program development, evaluation and improvement.
- Promote membership and active participation in professional societies.
Description of Entry Level Competencies of the Medical Laboratory Scientist
At entry level, the medical laboratory scientist will possess the entry level competencies necessary to perform the full range of clinical laboratory tests in areas such as Clinical Chemistry, Hematology/Hemostasis, Immunology, Immunohematology/Transfusion medicine, Microbiology, Urine and Body Fluid Analysis and Laboratory Operations, and other emerging diagnostics, and will play a role in the development and evaluation of test systems and interpretive algorithms.
The medical laboratory scientist will have diverse responsibilities in areas of analysis and clinical decision making, regulatory compliance with applicable regulations, education, and quality assurance/performance improvement wherever laboratory testing is researched, developed or performed.
At entry level, the medical laboratory scientist will have the following basic knowledge and skills in:
- Application of safety and governmental regulations and standards as applied to clinical laboratory science;
- Principles and practices of professional conduct and the significance of continuing professional development;
- Communications sufficient to serve the needs of patients, the public and members of the health care team;
- Principles and practices of administration and supervision as applied to clinical laboratory science;
- Educational methodologies and terminology sufficient to train/educate users and providers of laboratory services;
- Principles and practices of clinical study design, implementation and dissemination of results;
- Theoretical knowledge and technical skills of concepts relating to all content areas required by NAACLS, including Clinical Chemistry, Hematology/Hemostasis, Immunology, Immunohematology, Microbiology, Urine and Body Fluid Analysis, Laboratory Operations and biohazard and safety.
The Medical Laboratory Science Program at the University of Wyoming is accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS). Accreditation is a process of external peer review in which an agency grants public recognition to a program of study or an institution that meets established qualification and educational standards. Participation in the accreditation process is voluntary since there is not a legal requirement for specialized programs and institutions to participate. However, when students complete a NAACLS accredited program them become eligible to sit for national certification examinations for the profession.
The National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS) is a nonprofit organization that independently accredits medical technologist (MLS), clinical laboratory technician/medical laboratory technician (CLT/MLT), histotechnologist (HTL), histologic technician (HT), pathologists’ assistant (Path Asst), diagnostic molecular scientist (DMS) and cytogenetic technology (CT), Phlebotomist (PBT), and clinical assistant (CA) educational programs.
Contract information:
National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences, 5600 North River Road, Suite 720, Rosemont, IL 60018-5119
Prerequisites for Admission to the MLS Professional Program
Students must meet the following minimum criteria to be considered for Admitted Major status:
- Completion of the Casper College A.S. degree in MLT within 5 years or B.S. degree in a related science.
- Minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.000 on all course work transferred into the University of Wyoming at Casper from other academic institutions.
- Successful completion of the Medical Laboratory Technician BOC exam is preferred. Students that have not completed the BOC may be admitted with MLS program directors approval.
- Students admitted to the program that do not hold an A.S. in MLT or a B.S. in a related science may be required to complete the University of Wyoming University Studies program in addition to the basic requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science degree. See the current requirements at http://www.uwyo.edu/unst/
Applying for Admission to MLS Professional Program
Students may enter the MLS professional program in the fall or spring semester of their junior year. Application for the program must be submitted to the MLS program director before finals week of the first semester the student has declared the MLS major and is enrolled in a MLS course.
Prior to participating in the enrichment experiences, students will be subject to that agency’s requirements for a background check, drug testing and/or drug abuse prevention policies. Students are then subject to the random drug testing policy of that agency. These background checks are routinely required by schools, hospitals, and other agencies that participate in on-site training. Background check should be obtained from Viewpoint screening (https://www.viewpointscreening.com/uwyo). The Casper College MLT background check is a valid substitute if final semester of MLS program falls within 1 year of check.
After completion and submission of the program application, the student must schedule an interview with the program director for an evaluation for acceptance to the MLS program. Interviews must be completed before the student enrolls in the succeeding semester of coursework. It is the students’ responsibility to complete and submit applications, and to schedule an interview with the MLS program director by the due dates.
Students are required to complete an observational enrichment experience during the final MLS semester. This observational experience is designed to demonstrate advanced concepts and topics presented in the MLS curriculum, in a practical setting.
The MLS program will provide documentation requirements, as each site may have different requirements for participation (e.g. vaccination records, HIPPA training, safety training, background check/drug screen etc.). If a student finds an appropriate observational enrichment experience outside of the opportunities available through the MLS program, the student must communicate the site to the MLS program director for approval. It will be the responsibility of the student to arrange the experience with the appropriate site personnel/HR, and program director to ensure all required documentation is provided.
Liability insurance will be required for students entering their senior year coursework. Liability insurance is provided through the University of Wyoming at a cost of $13.00/year to the student.
Health Requirements: The student must provide proof of health insurance and Hepatitis B vaccination (or declination) to participate in on-campus student laboratory sessions. Hepatitis B vaccinations are available on the UW-C campus at student health, or at the county health department for a small fee. Other health records may be required to participate in enrichment activities including MMR, Tetanus, drug screen, and background check/drug screen.
Essential Functions
Applicants must meet certain essential functions as defined by NAACLS. If you feel that you do not meet these essential functions, careful consideration should be made and advisement received before entering the MLS Program. Essential functions are the abilities and essential functions that a student must be able to perform to be successful in the learning experiences and completion of the program.
Observational Requirements
The MLS student must be able to:
- Observe laboratory demonstrations in which biologicals are tested for their biochemical, hematological, immunological, microbiological, and histochemical components.
- Characterize the color, odor, clarity, and viscosity of biologicals, reagents or chemical reaction products.
- Employ a clinical grade binocular microscope to discriminate among the structural and color (hue, shading, and intensity) differences of microscopic specimens.
- Read and comprehend text, numbers, and graphs displayed in print and on a video monitor.
Movement Requirements
The MLS student must be able to:
- Move freely and safely about a laboratory.
- Reach laboratory bench-tops and shelves, patients lying in hospital beds or patients seated in specimen collection furniture.
- Travel to numerous clinical laboratory sites for practical experience.
- Perform moderately taxing continuous physical work, often requiring prolonged sitting, over several hours.
- Maneuver phlebotomy and culture acquisition equipment to safely collect valid laboratory specimens from patients.
- Control laboratory equipment (i.e., pipettes, inoculating loops, test tubes) and adjust instruments to perform laboratory procedures.
- Use an electronic keyboard to operate laboratory instruments and to calculate, record, evaluate, and transmit laboratory information.
- Perform fine hand manipulations with dexterity.
Communication Requirements
The MLS student must be able to:
- Read and comprehend technical and professional materials.
- Follow verbal and written instructions in order to correctly and independently perform laboratory test procedures.
- Clearly instruct patients prior to specimen collection.
- Effectively, confidentially and sensitively converse with patients regarding laboratory tests.
- Communicate with faculty members, fellow students, staff, and other health care professionals verbally and in a recorded format.
- Independently prepare papers, prepare laboratory reports, and take paper, computer, and laboratory practical examinations.
Behavioral Requirements
The MLS student must:
- Be able to manage the use of time and be able to systematize actions in order to complete professional and technical tasks within realistic constraints.
- Possess the emotional health necessary to effectively employ intellect and exercise appropriate judgment.
- Be able to provide professional and technical services while experiencing the stresses of task-related uncertainty and a distracting environment.
- Be flexible and creative and adapt to professional and technical change.
- Recognize potentially hazardous materials, equipment, and situation and proceed safely in order to minimize risk of injury to patients, self, and nearby individuals.
- Adapt to working with unpleasant biologicals.
- Support and promote the activities of fellow students and of health care professionals.
- Realize that the promotion of peers helps furnish a team approach to learning, task completion, problem solving and patient care.
- Be honest, compassionate, ethical and responsible.
Request for Accommodation
All students are held to the same academic and technical standards. Applicants/students with disabilities seeking accommodation must discuss their disability and accommodation needs with the University Disability Support Services (udss@uwyo.edu or (307) 766-6189; TTY: (307) 766-3073). If appropriate and upon request and registration of the applicant, a reasonable accommodation will be made consistent with University of Wyoming guidelines.
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